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Bad Horse

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Sticking to your principles in the face of terror · 8:53pm Nov 16th, 2015

Report Bad Horse · 899 views · #politics #humor
Comments ( 26 )

Actually the best way to draw attention to something is to have one obvious error.

The other way is to have something incomplete that someone can go that one step further.

Best reply ever.

Do people like this really exist over there? Eek. :applejackconfused:

3546004 Yes. It's gotten so bad that I'm afraid to speak up in public, lest someone correct my grammar.

3546009 I guess you can't bat 100. :applejackunsure:

The hero we deserve.

Now I'm picturing an alternate-universe WWII story where the under-educated 'Muricans waged war against actual Grammar Nazis.

Now I'm not sure who I should root for.

That'll show 'em.

Do Grammar Nazis believe in Strunk-and-White power?

I like how the patriot nutter is basically advocating a (possibly temporary) military coup. Neat. But yes, wonderful reply.

And "patriotic MILITARY? wants to crush them!" Why the question mark? Is this person not sure if the military is patriotic?

My god, that's beautiful.

I've been hanging out on Too Soon too much lately. I've been debating collecting a number of the best things there and making a post with a big warning on it that the contents will offend people because some of it is really hilarious, but really, really terrible.

Most of it is just terrible, though. Sigh. The only thing worse than trying to make comedy out of tragedy is doing so poorly.

I'd read it.


Please go https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=N4vf8N6GpdM for a start.

Perhaps it could be called "More Than Glorious Bastards."


The best way to draw attention to something is to have one obvious error. The other way is to have something incomplete.

That first rule, btw, is called Cunningham's Law, and it— ...Oh, you're a clever one.


Uhoh -- when you are declared a clever pony in fics, the ducks come down. :)

Oh wow. I did nazi that coming.

Edit: Google estimates that this joke was made 38,400 times.

The internet is a great place.


It used to be that if you ever had a funny idea, it could be guaranteed that SNL did it.

CollegeHumor is like SNL, but on the internet and relevant to people under 50.


I love CollegeHumor! I also enjoy Aurialnauts, Cracked, and um... others!

Thank God for topical comedy. It makes my internet life so much happier! I don't post much here anymore, finding that I'm quietly unhappy with some of the caustic comments that come from a fan base that's supposed to preach "love and tolerance", but... laughter is always welcome! YAY!

Why would a pro-American jingoist have an avatar that strongly resembles the flag of France?

3553965 It's a thing. People overlay a blue-white-red filter on their Facebook image to show support for Paris.

I can certainly get behind that sentiment. It just seems a little... I dunno. Like there's some cognitive dissonance at play here.

It's like the aliens VS predators tagline: whoever wins, we lose.

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