• Member Since 30th Mar, 2015
  • offline last seen May 4th


Just a guy that like to write and enjoys MLP. And prefers to be the serious stooge where ever he goes.

More Blog Posts29

  • 166 weeks
    Looking back and nostalgia.

    Hello everyone to anyone that sees this I would like to say this isn't an announcement of me coming back I just would like to say hi and talk about my old times here. When I first became a Brony during my college years I enjoyed a lot of fan fiction mostly adventure type affairs. It gave me joy in a time when I was looking. I wasn't depressesd but I was miserable that type of miserable where you

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    0 comments · 309 views
  • 332 weeks
    Coming Back... Maybe

    Ok, first things first Hello everyone and ya I'm coming back to the site. Whether or not it's going to be as a Writer I don't know. My plan is to reboot my POME story and focus on making other one-shot stories. Likely going to be also rewatching MLP and Equestria girls series. Anyways this is Meisagamer Logging on.

    0 comments · 460 views
  • 410 weeks
    School Announcement.

    Hello everyone Mesiagamer here and well I've put this off long enough I officially start school this Thursday and well we all know what that means. I'm going to shift my focus to that and well my stories are going on the back burner. This won't be the end of it but still I need to focus on other things. I'll do what I can on here but again. college is well college.

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  • 410 weeks
    New chapter posted and start of next ark.

    Alright everyone the next one is posted for tears of gems. Check it out here.
    And please if you have something you want to say on the chapter please leave a comment. Feed back is important and is something that I want on my stories.

    1 comments · 410 views
  • 413 weeks
    Something I kind of want to do.

    If anyone want's I'm kind of curious if you were a pony what would be your Cutie mark. And if you want would you like me to draw it. It would just be a simple drawing but I kind of want to do this as an exercise and get back in to drawing for real.
    Enjoy the art in life my friends this is Mesiagamer logging off.

    5 comments · 480 views

Myself;Yourself Review · 10:16pm Nov 18th, 2015

Alchemy calm down please I need you for. huh Oh looks like i left the scrip writer running well I'm guessing you guys would like to know why he's crying. We just finished watching the short Anime Myself;Yourself.
Alchemy: Bawhh hahahahhahHHHH
Might as well get this out there this is a great Anime short but great the story follows 5 kids reunited for a short time in high school each one of them dealing with heavy emotions.
Anyways they don't try to bludgeon you over the head with I'm sad boo who, they go through it naturally and show different outcomes to different sets of emotions and show. And If I talk any further I would fall in to spoiler territory. I suggest if you want an anime that will give you the feels without a very long cometmet check this one out but be warned...
Alchemy: WAAAHHHHHAAHAHAHAH. *blows nose in a tissue.*
Unless your a heartless monster you will cry at least once at the end of this. *Sniffle.* Look at that I'm on the edge of tears just thinking about this show. Anyways have a good day everyone if you want me to review more anime post it in the comments now if you'll excuse me I have to get my OC to stop crying before I start balling again.
Enjoy the art in life my friends.

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