• Member Since 5th Nov, 2011
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I don't judge. Out loud.

More Blog Posts272

  • 49 weeks
    [Humility] Unlocking the Unfinished Experiment

    Well, I wasn't able to keep my promise. I began work on Humility's updated version, made some nice headway on it, and then...just...so much happened. But I'm not going to echo the same excuses. Stuff happened, and Humility sat incomplete, and...I keep thinking about it and feeling like I left part of my best work unfinished. I suppose that's true.

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  • 188 weeks
    [Ikusa] Original Novel

    Not sure if this'll reach many people but I figure it's worth a shot. Hi! I know that a long, loooooong time ago, I was sharing some details on my game project. It started here, but continued in different ways and for

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  • 213 weeks
    Fullmetal Pony Resources

    Seems I can't do anything right the first time. Well, here's the in-progress collection to every single resource, note, draft, scrap, and plan I had for FMP. This is everything except the private messages between me and Twilight Is The BEST. And even now I'm still not done cleaning and formatting all of the documents in it.

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  • 272 weeks
    Voice Acting: Highlight Reel for Karasutengu

    I was recently cast in a fandub for Inverted Crown Productions, in the role of Karasutengu, the villain. I got permission from the project director to make a reel of my performance, and it took me all afternoon to get it hosted properly. So:

    Karasutengu Highlight Reel

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  • 275 weeks
    A Couple'a Silly Prompts

    I asked my buddies in a Discord server to give me some writing prompts because I wanted to create without rules. They came up with two, and they seemed to like 'em. So, I'm gonna share them here too.

    A prompt about that humpback whale found in the rainforest.


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Fallout 4, Days 3-6: My Name May Be Atlas, But I Still Need a Map! · 9:27am Nov 20th, 2015


Everywhere I look, it's trash, trash, trash! And only about one out of every ten pieces of trash is useful to me! See this pencil? I turned it into a fence post! This toy car? It lives in my pistol's scope! I SHOT A BUG, IT TURNED TO GOO, AND NOW ITS GOO-BLOOD LIVES IN MY TWELVE-STORY MANSION.

And yet, despite having literally the entire world under EACH and EVERY STEP, I find myself lost so often that I might as well keep jabbing pencils into the ground just to stay productive. WHAT IS THIS PLACE?

*Takes a moment*

*Takes five more*

Do you KNOW what kind of MESS I have BEEN THROUGH this last week?

First, Piper stole sweets for me. No, wait, FIRST was talking Notsworth and Dogtofu (Dogmeat totally stole my duo-band idea, which means he betrayed me, and meat that betrays me is no meat at all) into not starting any band without me there. SECOND was Piper stealing sweets for me. She can be awful cute, but I swear she keeps lockpicks in her hair JUST for when we come across a locked desk! Then we had to track down a detective - tell me that isn't ironic! - only to find out he's got a wicked bad rash. The Copperbros came back in a GIANT FLYING HOUSE and proceeded to shoot anything had fewer than one-thousand strands of hair. God help those lost souls who shaved their heads.

Meanwhile, I had to dive into an old army base, where a bunch of malfunctioning PDA units were hanging out, just to discover that my son is nowhere to be found. There was a very helpful man there, though, and he gave me a chance to pick his brain for a few leads. Just my luck that I needed the rash-man trash can to track down those leads. By the time we found a few answers, I swear I was being haunted.

Also I built a chair for an old friend of mine. She was grateful, but soon forgot I was there because she needed to take her medicine. What a precious gem.

Okay, so it wasn't ALL bad. I made a bunch of new friends, found a whole year's worth of magazines to read (funny, they all only have their covers...), broke up a fighting ring, ran through a church like a schoolkid, and got to ride in a fighter plane. But even then, there's a whole lot of TRASH to sift through, isn't there? Like the Mirelurks.

Dirty, soggy Mirelurks. Tryin' to lurk right out of the mires. Blew those bastardiles up, is what I did...

No, Piper, I don't want your cola. Yes, because it gives me a headache. Stop asking. Look, I gave you a bandana, just play with it and leave me alone for five minutes, please?

Hmmph. I did find one very interesting place, though. The source of those radiation storms, which was good because my third ear fell off some time ago and I've wanted a new one. But even THAT place is a tofu, because it claims to be a sea but there's no water. Plenty of fish, though. At least I hope those were fish. Anyway, now I'm off to school to track down a bully from seventh grade. He made fun of me because he had glue and I didn't. Meanie. Here's hoping for a productive meeting.

Assuming another invisible King 'Lurk doesn't come running in and sharing the ears off me again.

~Leo Atlas, Garbage-man On Strike

P.S.: Did you know that if you see a giant green man running at you, and he has a balloon under his arm, shooting the balloon will cause confetti to come out? Not just out of the balloon, either.

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