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Fanfiction Reading Update #169 · 11:18am Nov 26th, 2015

It's been a while, hasn't it? So long, I originally had a little rant about that vote hiding thing and how it's a terrible idea that limits readers written, but then my jimmies soothed and I deleted it (although it's still a terrible idea). I've been so busy writing Fight Club, I haven't read many fanfics lately. At 90k, it's well passed Ascend for my longest fanfic. Hopefully, I'll be finishing the last chapter this weekend, edit it, and then see just how weirded out people are by my feitsh.

Then I can start work on that Rainbow Factory story...

The Itch updates with a little romance curveball getting thrown before immediately going on hiatus. I know that feel regarding a lack of interest in a story quite well. Probability of [Grimdark] ending: 65%.

The Lunar Rebellion updates with Shadow getting back into the story and caught up on both the ongoing siege, and the effects necromancy has on her.

Winter Storm updates with Luna taking out the changeling queen and trying to veer the story away from its possible grimdark ending. But the threat of it all being just a hope spot remains. Probability of [Grimdark] ending: 95%

Sparkle Day updates with a bit of a rough chapter at first as I had no idea what was going on due to all the dream mindscrewiness. Thankfully, it settled down into fleshing out some of Twilight's backstory.

After a fairly long break, I get back into The Lunar Cypher and burn through a couple more chapters filled with dirigible fights, changeling politics, and some old fashioned Twiluna T-rated sex scenes.

Possible Tracking is batting next.

Feedback is cut six chapters in. The synopsis greatly excited me with the mystery plot of Twilight being killed and her death being full of contradictions and confusion. All sorts of cool plots could arise from that synopsis. Trying to pull off a time travel paradox and stop her from dying was not one of them. After that revelation, my interest rapidly spiraled down. Out went the mystery. Out went the intrigue and in came the time travel plot headaches.

I opt out of The Healing Process due to a creeping suspicion it's a Lightning Dust “fix fic” where she did nothing wrong and it's all the Mane Six and Spitfire's fault. Especially due to the non-Lightning Dust narrative elements. The odd formatting didn't help.

Oneshots will have a hard time with a runner on second and no outs.

Fall of the Caribou is downvoted for being another awful hate fic “deconstruction” that doesn't deconstruct so much as try to kick the original in the shins as much as possible. It's very much like the anti-TCB fics—right down to the war crimes hypocrisy. I'm indifferent toward Fall of Equestria, but I hate horribly biased fix fics with a passion.

Everypony Lives pokes at the much overused “Who Wants to Live Forever?” by throwing in a touch of dystopia dressed up as a utopia. It fumbles slightly in the protagonist, who's almost a copypasting of Eeyore, which makes it hard to empathize with him or the dystopia Twilight's inadvertently created.

Goodbye, Crusaders employs the new “Tirek kills her friends” spin on evil!Twilight that's taken the genre by storm. It's a decent fic, but the ending is somewhat botched by a fumbled attempt by the author to avoid a “dark” ending. Ponyville's already destroyed and Twilight's issuing summary executions. You might as well just go all the way and make a strong ending rather than weakening the whole thing with a “happy” one.

White Out is read purely out of morbid curiosity for how a story with more downvotes than upvotes could be featured on EQD and I can only assume that EQD's pre-readers finally asphyxiated on their English degrees. Either that or they were so perplexed as to just what the hell was going on (Tyrantlestia? Autism? A post-modern allegorical deconstruction of the education system of rural Idaho?) that they approved it. It's also downvoted, or should I say, the fields shrivel with the red beams of sunlight that cascade into the river of confusion.

And that's all I read for the dayquarter.

# of story updates remaining: 513.
# of “Read Later” stories remaining: 1,054.

Comments ( 3 )
Author Interviewer

Ahh, I've missed these. :D Took something off my RIL, thanks!

What do you think of Luna Cypher? I found it somewhat lacking in comparison to its predecessor, but it's definitely worth reading so you can get to the next story. <.<

Also, it seems you killed The Healing Process. :B

Yay for different opinions! Feedback came out as one of my favorite fics ever due to how it's time traveling kept being logical and was a different take than usual. I plan on reading it again later to get those extra details.

Lunar Cypher was enjoyable, but not as good as Celestial Code. The ending seemed pretty weak as the big eldrich abomination threat was quickly dealt with, only for the NMM subplot, which until then was a pretty minor thing, to suddenly surge forward and hijack the rest of the story. Had NMM played a bigger role in the main plot, it would have made sense, but the two were so separated that it felt like I was hopping from one story's ending to another's.

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