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So I was watching the finale · 11:19pm Nov 28th, 2015

Loved it other than a few minor missteps, but when seeing the bad futures I got an idea soooooooooo
Base image from here

Comments ( 40 )

Either Bagan or Grogar.

Makes perfect sense that Bagan would turn Equestria into a wasteland.

I think, only Ultron would doom all life like that, or not intentionally, Groudon and Kyogre...

Considering your interpretation of Bagan, I think he would do that, but where's the fun in destroying all Pony-kind and their spirits, if there are no ponies to torment.

I think Bagan would keep a small number of Ponies to try and repopulate the desolate planet, and once the number reaches a certain point, he goes and repeats the cycle till the end of time...

I'm so curious as to what idea you'll get from the alternate timelines. Keep up the good job, Tarb.

Yep. Just what can be expected from a god of extinction. Though i gotta say, i absolutely loved these alternate timelines, and i can't wait to see what people come up with based on these. Though now i have to wonder: even though Twilight was too busy to pay it any mind, i'm still going to wonder if the one where all of Equestria is literally dead is a way of hinting at who the next villain will be? If so, then i almost dread if this is what they have in mind. Because it means whoever is responsible for this is pure evil.



Well actually it's that the end goal is what matters to the Aspect of Extinction, not the methods. Bagan doesn't care about suffering or torture, only if someone's brain stops workings. So the numbers that matter are less "minutes suffered" and getting that number as high as possible, and more "total still alive" and getting it as low as possible. It just doesn't care if beings had their spirits crushed, it just cares that they die already and stay dead. Extinction has no preference as to its methods, just the result.

If he wiped out Equestria, he'd just move on to the next work, and the next, and the next... and the next...



3575653 Thanks, bud. I'm glad you agree with me. Also like the idea you mentioned to https://www.fimfiction.net/user/StrangeBehavior: that he won't just settle for killing two worlds. Once he finishes off the both of them, he'll basically kill off the multiverse itself. Also kinda what i imagine teridax ..... actually, nevermind. Makuta was interested in conquest, though he was willing to kill thousands to get what he wanted. So then again, maybe it's similar, with Makuta wanting to destroy the multiverse, only so he could rebuild it in his image. Either way, it's something cool to think about.:)

Man, that's fucking Destroyah at work there.

It could either be Bagan or fallout Equestria is now canon.

We must always consider what COULD have been

Damn right, those Equestrian villains aint got shit on Bagan!

That pretty much sum up what Bagan would do.

...... Rookies.


BTW Tarb, what kind of meme maker do you use? or is it just in paint tool?

............On the barren, desolate fields that were once Terra, Bagan transforms into his aspects and surrounds King Ghidorah with his sinister facets. The dragon of the eternal flame looks around with its three heads, amused by the show of force:
“Oh, so you think death is your ally? But you merely adopted the
aspect of extinction. I was born of it, molded by it. I've seen
the light of galaxies go dark by the time you were born, by then
it was nothing to me but blinding!"
An aspect leaps out but is caught by the throat in a set of jaws and thrown to the ground, where a clawed foot crushes down on it; Ghidorah glaring down with the menace that burned a thousand worlds to dust,
"Death and destruction betray you because they belong to ME!"

Yeah, thats what seems what Bagan will do if he take on Equestria. Everypony dies.


Because I now feel my Big Bad's honor hath been challenged. And I won't resort to Bane quotes to do it :D

Pride is often mistaken for authority. However, authority in itself has its limits, for it is nothing more than a given title to graces one with pride over others. Power in authority only comes from enforcement, and that has its end.

Spiraling, crackling torrents of gravitons and plasma scoured the surroundings. Earth smote, water exploded; and the very air was torn asunder. Destruction and death rained down from above, but refracted across one portion. The king landed and his judgment was cast. The onslaught intensified a dozen, no, a hundred fold. A solid beam birthed forth from maw and wing, obliterating all before it in a decry for death.

But Bagan just walked forward. No aspects, none of his gifts, that would be too gracious. King Ghidorah's onslaught intensified, but the slow march continued. The ancient one advanced through the breeze. Despite the uproar of the assault, a disturbingly calm, callous tone dismissed all noise as it tore into the dragon's mind.

"You dub yourself a king, and grant yourself the dominion of death as your kingdom. You assume too much..."

A hand shot out of the plasmatic destruction and bored into Ghidorah's chest, sword-like claws clamping down on his core. The beams spattered slightly, but continued their judgment as Bagan's horn crowned head slowly rose out of the assault to expose its enormity.

"A king only has dominion over mortals.... I require no title to boast of my authority, for I am no mortal. A death is static, be it one or billions. Death inevitably reciprocates life. Extinction however, is infinity."

Taloned claws crushed down and instantly King Ghidorah's assault was cut out, his 100,000 ton body effortlessly being lifted off the ground. Fallen starlight lifted from multiple sets of eyes and into the impaling limb, the golden scales caking it starting to evaporate.

"Just as so, when a king gives judgment, it's finite. But deities dwell in the all, beyond your comprehension. I could tell you of the thousands who've passed in your actions. I do not care for you any more than I do the insects you've broiled in the air they flew, or the fish obliterated in the waters you tainted.... What is a king to a god?... Nothing but another mortal."

The creeping evaporation began to slither up the half dead kaiju's form, three necks throwing themselves into the air in a silent roar as they too began to smoke away. Extinction gave its final judgment.




And now I am glad you don't write grimdark.

3576831 ooooh.. I see I've touched a nerve. :trixieshiftleft:


Nah, I just was just giving a retort in a classy way and I hope you enjoyed it :pinkiehappy:
After all, extinction never asked to be the king of anything. I doesn't need it.

Honestly, the last future they showed us was the one that scared me the most...:rainbowderp: I'm curious as to what new content authors out there are going to make out of this season finale...

I know bud. You know I'm a Ghidorah mark, and the scene just kinda grew on me. I was kinda unsure about posting it, but then I thought: 'nah, he'll get it."

Your bit was remarkably well written, I must applaud.


As a person who grew up with Bionicles, I can definitely confirm Makuta had an influence over Amalgam'verse Bagan. He almost never appeared personally, working through proxies was more than enough to cause havoc. And when he finally did step up to the plate... well... damn

3576997 Maybe that was a future where Midnight Sparkle invaded...


I'll definitely agree to that. Guess we'll find out in the movie or season 6.


No worries, I did. I just felt the idea to give a 'response' to fairly plant where I stand.

3577002 Well, that's another universe entirely... Maybe it's just the combination of all the alternative futures we saw earlier at once? That makes sense in my mind though...

3577000 Awesome! Not to mention the fact that Makuta was a master of playing everyone to his own grand design. Be it the toa, the Piraka, the Barakii, and even his own brothers, and sisters: he played them all for fools, and used them as such. Even willing to sacrifice his own siblings, AND his allies to further his own goals. But it all paid off in the end. Even his own defeats were accounted for, and anticipated. And he simply outlasted everyone until he took control of the great spirit machine, banished Mata Nui from his own domain, and basically became god. Now THAT is the mark of a true villain. And honestly, aside from a couple, i can't think of anyone else as evil, or monstrous as Makuta Teridax. The fact that you use him as inspiration as well makes me respect, and admire you even more for that.

p.s that's another baddie inspiration for the listXD

Bagan is from what?


Kaiju series. Long story ^^;

WHY isn't anyone hiring you to be a professional VILLAIN writer? That whole scene right there was so deliciously evil, I don't know who to route for. And if these are the kinds of speeches Bagan gives out to his prey when he faces them, I can not WAIT til he fully appears!

I actually had two different scenarios for a retort, but since this is basically two headcanon's going back-and-forth, nothing's objective, so i'll save it for the rap battle. Plus, I know in my heart how things would go, and that's all I need. :pinkiesmile:

I know they probably get buried under the leagues, (leagues I tell you!) of notes you get, but I hit you back on DA, + wondering if you got the new-ish note about a new cameo idea. I know it sounds needy, but it's gonna drive me nuckin' futs if I have no idea if you got it.

That final bad future being Bagan's work is just deliciously awesome. Though I also heard a (darkly) funnier theory for how the barren wasteland bad future comes to be: The parasprites won

Seriously though, I wonder if our look at that future is foreshadowing for something to come...

Someone forgot abaut Flim and Flam. :applejackconfused:

Ah yes a world erased by the monster who was not ment to be, how delicious. How is junior gonna beat bagon if memories serve me bagon was beat by super godzilla however in the Canon universe the closest thing to super godzilla is burning godzilla but it doesn't have the same control or power as the super form. And as shown bagon banished Red from zenith. In short I can't wait to see how this goes down.

That last one... yeah...

I never really gave too much thought into that barren future when watching the finale. Now that I've read some of the comments here, though, I am starting to ponder about it. Looking forward to seeing what your idea is. Bagan bringing about a barren future certainly does fit in with what you've established about his character, since he's made it clear that he has no interest in reducing a planet to dust floating in space.

Wow...just like what happoned before the final fight in Super Godzilla.
Or as Zachary put it in the Godzilla nes horror story. No animation, no music, dead.

Honestly, my first thought in regards to the last one was fallout:equestria

3606691 Ah. I think some of that's a paraphrased Smaug quote. And the rest is Sombra from "Fall the Crystal Empire".

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