• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 26th, 2019


I'm not perfect and i never claimed to be.. Lets just have fun here.

More Blog Posts73

  • 360 weeks
    If i suddenly returned?

    What if I suddenly returned? Who would be here? who would be willing to still watch me create? watch me start over?

    7 comments · 333 views
  • 385 weeks
    Empress of flame the untold facts

    Today is the day the blog comes. Today you get your facts. In the worst possible way. I didn't want to do it this way but all in all I felt you all had given me no choice. Not just my followers but the community. Thanks for the instant hate on the finale story every time it was uploaded. Ok to the facts.

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    2 comments · 409 views
  • 386 weeks
    Why i just dont care anymore

    I used to really care about Fim fiction I really did. This time what will be said I mean. I will be making a blog to wrap up my biggest series Empress of flame. Simply because it is clear the lack of interest people have for it. This causes me to not care about it either. Fim used to be a place I thought I had something. It simply isn't what it used to be for me. I'm done and I will not return on

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    8 comments · 543 views
  • 391 weeks
    Decision is here.

    I made a blog deciding the fate of my most popular series not long ago. The decicion is finaly here.There will be one last story.

    2 comments · 267 views
  • 393 weeks
    Whats going to happen

    Ok so i have been inactive due to lack of interest from my viewers. So here are my two options. Finish the empress of flame series in an actual story or just post a blog telling you all the missing facts. To tell you thee truth i am leaning towards the blog option. I had fun on this site before all my viewers disappeared and stopped commenting. What fun in writing can i have with no comments on

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    7 comments · 396 views

Emppress of flame Alternate ending. Your reactions surprised me · 9:15pm Nov 29th, 2015

You all really surprised me with your reactions to the alternate ending. I'm coming to realize the alternate Universe of the Empress of flame that I created is coming to be my most popular I have ever made. Empress of Flames alternate ending has brought about a couple questions. Such as are you going to make a sequel to this alternate ending. Well my original plan was to end after Midnight flame but I may be taking a new course of action. all depends on how ell this story midnight flame goes.

Report Pathious · 142 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Ye got my support.

Empress of Flame has an interesting concept and it traps the reader's attention in a jar of 'what's going to happen next?'

So if you want to great a sequel to your alternate ending, then I say go-

Hello Castok

Shit, not you!

*Jumps out of the nearest window*

3579331 Well i'm glad you think this way makes me want to write the alternate sequel a little more. I already know the concept and will post the short description and the name on this blog later

That does sound like an interesting idea. I'm not really sure. That's up to you really.

Well it is all up to you wether you make a sequal to this alternate ending, but I would really be interested in the possibilities, from that ending that you could come up with.

3579458 After the death of both Twilight sparkle and Sunset Shimmer. A pony is born with liknesses of both. Schemering Zonsondergang the Mare whom was born. She lives in a world changed by tragedy. After Twilights Death Equestria changed for the worst. Harmony no longer exists. There is word of a chosen one who can bring Equestria back to it's peaceful state. If Schemering is actually the combination of both Twilight and Sunset. Does Empress still live? (this is the short description of the story coming)

3579491 cool, but I have to let you know....:rainbowkiss::rainbowlaugh: I can't take that name seriously at all.

3579535 I haven't quite decided her name yet but I am wiling to hear suggestions for her I will be posting her pic her soon

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