• Member Since 31st Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 8th, 2018

Professor Tacitus

Your friendly occasional writer of mediocre material and general observer of life who can't keep his mouth shut. Enjoy!

More Blog Posts209

  • 375 weeks
    Dumb Little Stories: The Pathetic Lore Nerd

    Checking my email, sees a message from Gamestop

    "By the Nine! Pre-Order Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind to Receive a Bonus"

    I am immediately flushed with rage.

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    0 comments · 345 views
  • 376 weeks
    The Unthinkable has happened!

    For the very first time since I started writing on this site...I have made a major edit to a story that's already been published.

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    0 comments · 368 views
  • 378 weeks
    Boruto: Naruto Next Generations [Spoiler Free]

    So I finally got around to watching the premiere of the Boruto series (big thanks to Hulu), and I wanted to share my thoughts.

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    1 comments · 408 views
  • 378 weeks
    As a Star Wars Fan, I Feel Like I Have to

    1. Favorite Star Wars movie and why? Empire Strikes Back. Everything about it is perfect and its still being copied today
    2. Least favorite and why? Attack of the Clones. Christ, the dialogue...
    3. Favorite character specific theme? Imperial March
    4. Favorite overall song from all the movies? Duel of the Fates
    5. Favorite Jedi? Yoda
    6. Least favorite Jedi? Hmmm...probably Anakin

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    10 comments · 379 views
  • 378 weeks
    New Story...Holy Crap it's been a while

    So yeah, new story is out. It's just a quick one-chapter story that I wrote in a couple of hours. Something to tide you guys over and to test myself while I continuously put off finishing current stories, expanding others, and beginning my multi-volume epic. My Magnum Opus, if you will.

    Read my new story, and maybe I'll tell you about it:trollestia:

    1 comments · 350 views

It's Finally December! · 2:13pm Dec 1st, 2015

At long last, the month of Christmas joy is finally here! Those who know me know that I love this time of year immensely, and it's for that reason that I would like to begin with a month-long set of blogs dedicated to celebrating the holiday season in any way I can, usually through songs and stories of joy.

I'd like to start things off right, which is why I'd like you all to watch the opening scene to one of my favorite Christmas movies, Love Actually, starring pretty much any famous British actor you can think of. The opening scene is always my favorite and never fails to touch my heart, because it breaks down the meaning of Christmas into one simple word: Love.

Comments ( 32 )

I've never seen Love Actually. I will have to check it out.

3584291 it's very good. Like I said, one of my favorite movies.

3584328 I've heard good things about it. I've just never watched it myself.

I flippin :heart: this movie!

3584339 IKR? I feel it in my fingers! I feel it in my toes! Christmas is all around me! And now the feeling grows!

It's Finally December!

Yes it is! :pinkiehappy: Now where's your Santa hat? :trixieshiftleft:

I saw Love Actually last year, I believe. While I enjoy many a Christmas-themed movie myself, the one that never fails to touch my heart when I see it is called "The Christmas Shoes," but it has been a while since I last watched it...

With an honest heart and honest joy, smiles across every girl and boy!
Aaand at this point, all I remember are general Harvey Finevoice noises. :l

Joy to the world and all that jazz! But why is it your favourite time of year?
Does it get as close to cold as possible in Florida this time of year? :rainbowlaugh:

3584369 I think I may need to watch it again.....RIGHT THIS MINUTE....

3584510 I believe I've heard the short story it is probably based on, but I've never seen the movie. And I hope to add a Santa hat soon, but I'd likely just mess everything up:rainbowlaugh:

3584553 I don't know what you're referencing, but I like the rhyme:pinkiehappy:

3584568 it's not getting any colder here, and likely won't until January, IF AT ALL!:twilightangry2: But I love this time of year because of the general feeling of joy and peace on earth, the time to celebrate the birth of our Savior, and to just love our fellow Man.


but I'd likely just mess everything up:rainbowlaugh:

You can ask on The Descendant's blog, and he, or someone, will be likely to help you in adding a Santa hat to your avatar. :twilightsmile:


because of the general feeling of joy and peace

No offence, but what planet do you live on?

3584859 This one unfortunately:rainbowlaugh: But for real, at least in my immediate surroundings with friends and family, there is a feeling of pure joy and serenity that I love. And besides, strange and wonderful things have happened on Christmas, things that bring truth to the phrase "peace on earth and good will toward men." It's true I'm a bit of a cynic when it comes to the state of the world, but at Christmas everything seems a bit brighter.

3585294 I guess everything does seem a little brighter friend.

Especially when you look into the centre of a grenade as it goes off.

But hey, that's just my opinion. Don't let my British misery drag you down. Let the food grow and the drink flow.

3585301 Indeed, Happy Christmas my friend. Also, why do you Brits say "Happy" instead of "Merry"? And why Father Christmas instead of Santa?

See?! This is why the Revolution happened!:rainbowlaugh:

Firstly, Brits say 'Merry' and/or 'Happy' to describe Christmas. Just because we're an ocean away doesn't makes us different.

Secondly, Father Christmas is more the original name of the mythical figure. The name 'Santa Claus' is simply an Americanised version of its original Dutch name Sinterklaas.

And thirdly, Santa isn't real.


And thirdly, Santa isn't real.



Everything I know is a lie!:raritycry:

3585328 Get used to it kid. I practically revel in your misery. :pinkiecrazy:

3585336 Um. You kinda broke PT. He's sitting in the corner sucking his thumb while staring at a Coke can with Santa on it. I suppose I'm in charge until further notice.

3585344 Hello there tiny horse man who goes by the name Tassy. How are things in the recesses of a mad Irishman's mind?

3585347 Dark and dirty:twilightoops: In fact, this is the first real exposer to light I've had since he left on that ridiculous cliff-hanger in my story. Feels good to be free again.

3585366 Indeed. It must be tough to survive in such lonesome yet close quarters. Is he the master of the mind? Or is the mind the master? Are you?

To be honest, me and him can relate. We all have the dark members of our mind. Especially when I have the twat in a hat himself.

I heard that!

You'd like him.

3585376 I do believe we've met. Seems a good fellow. But to answer your question, much to my chagrin, PT is in charge for the most part although I am very vocal when I need to be. In situations like this however *looks to the drooling and mumbling PT* I have a bit more freedom.

3585387 Poor fellow. All because I said Santa isn't real.
I think if I say a lie then he may come back...

I like Donald Trump and fully support his presidential campaign.


And uh, Santa is real. I mean what do I know? :twilightsheepish:

3585395 Wait, no! He's coming to! Oh no...the darkness...NOT THE DARKNESS!

Oh quit being so dramatic. It's not like I'm throwing you in prison.

It might as well be.

Keep complaining and I swear I will put you with the repressed memories.


3585413 Do not be mean to the voices in your head friend. In the end, they are the only ones who are left.

Also, good to see you are back in the land of the living.

3585424 I'm always nice to him.

That's a lie. I'm horribly abused, call the cops!

Why do I give you so much freedom to speak?

Because I'm one of the few creations that has brought you some semblance of acclaim. That and half your ideas require me, so if you want me to stick around you better sweeten the deal.

Would you like a love interest?

...Yes, yes I would.

3585466 Tacitus x Twilight OTP

3585473 Nope.

Wait, what? What do you mean? You've dropped these hints this whole time and you're saying Twilight and I aren't going to get together?

Well...maybe. We'll see. Honestly I thought I had something planned but now I don't know.

3585490 Tacitus x Morph OTP

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