• Member Since 31st Jul, 2014
  • offline last seen Oct 8th, 2018

Professor Tacitus

Your friendly occasional writer of mediocre material and general observer of life who can't keep his mouth shut. Enjoy!

More Blog Posts209

  • 375 weeks
    Dumb Little Stories: The Pathetic Lore Nerd

    Checking my email, sees a message from Gamestop

    "By the Nine! Pre-Order Elder Scrolls Online: Morrowind to Receive a Bonus"

    I am immediately flushed with rage.

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  • 376 weeks
    The Unthinkable has happened!

    For the very first time since I started writing on this site...I have made a major edit to a story that's already been published.

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    0 comments · 368 views
  • 378 weeks
    Boruto: Naruto Next Generations [Spoiler Free]

    So I finally got around to watching the premiere of the Boruto series (big thanks to Hulu), and I wanted to share my thoughts.

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    1 comments · 408 views
  • 378 weeks
    As a Star Wars Fan, I Feel Like I Have to

    1. Favorite Star Wars movie and why? Empire Strikes Back. Everything about it is perfect and its still being copied today
    2. Least favorite and why? Attack of the Clones. Christ, the dialogue...
    3. Favorite character specific theme? Imperial March
    4. Favorite overall song from all the movies? Duel of the Fates
    5. Favorite Jedi? Yoda
    6. Least favorite Jedi? Hmmm...probably Anakin

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    10 comments · 379 views
  • 378 weeks
    New Story...Holy Crap it's been a while

    So yeah, new story is out. It's just a quick one-chapter story that I wrote in a couple of hours. Something to tide you guys over and to test myself while I continuously put off finishing current stories, expanding others, and beginning my multi-volume epic. My Magnum Opus, if you will.

    Read my new story, and maybe I'll tell you about it:trollestia:

    1 comments · 350 views

Perhaps my favorite Christmas story · 8:52pm Dec 7th, 2015

This time of year is known for miracles. It is known for extraordinary acts of kindness and promoting the concept of peace on Earth and good will toward men. And to me, nothing shows the magic of the Christmas season like the story of the Christmas Truce of 1914.

It was during the First World War, one of the most destructive conflicts in human history, during the first year of the war on Western Front. In the week leading up to the holiday, British and German soldiers stepped out of their trenches and into no man's land to exchange season's greetings and to celebrate, thinking of each other not as enemies but as brothers and fellow human beings. Prisoners were exchanged, friends were buried, carols were sung, football was played, and even gifts were exchanged.

It is unfortunate that those in command strictly forbade such "fraternization" in the future, threatening severe penalty for those who disobeyed. But in a war that had seen so much death and would see even greater horrors in the years to come, this single moment of brotherly love, this show of the true spirit of Christmas, continues to endure and touch the hearts and minds of those that hear of it.

Peace on Earth, and good will toward men.

Video provided by my good friend The Hat Mann

Comments ( 5 )

Oh, Sainsbury's.

You guys would do anything to advertise your food. I recall seeing that add last Christmas. :rainbowlaugh:

3600581 I know its an advert:rainbowlaugh:, but I think it tells the story really well regardless.


Oh, sorry. I was just giving them a moment of silence in remembrance. These are the men and women I respect, not some bigwig general who thinks he won the day while sitting behind front lines watching his men walk into machine gun fire.

And it's sad too. It's hard to think that their sacrifice wasn't in vain. They died so that the people could become corrupt and greedy in the world today. They died so that Katie Hopkins and Donald Trump could be born and live. :ajsleepy:

Anyway, least I could give something to show the time well enough. You didn't have to, but thanks for including me.

3600641 No worries, I'm glad you showed this to me.

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