• Member Since 11th Aug, 2013
  • offline last seen May 23rd


A writer should be like fine wine: get better with age.

More Blog Posts187

  • 73 weeks
    Life update n all that

    It’s been a while since I’ve posted here, not that anyone reads these anyway. My current story hasn’t been updated for a long time so I’ll try to return to writing it and ideally finish it this year.

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  • 112 weeks
    Cocaine kinda sucks

    So I hooked up with this girl at her place and we did coke. And it had absolutely no effect on me, much to my chagrin. I was really looking forward to it.

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    2 comments · 180 views
  • 122 weeks
    On the Ukraine situation

    I'm writing this short blog post in an attempt to solidify my understanding of the Ukraine-vs-Russia conflict, because writing things down usually helps with your thought process. I'm also writing this in case anyone is confused about the situation and wants to know what's going on. I might get something wrong, and if that's the case, feel free to correct me.

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    1 comments · 292 views
  • 127 weeks
    The Batman (2022) is officially listed for 3 hours


    WE WON

    0 comments · 144 views
  • 128 weeks
    Apropos of the Sinners – Update 16

    I finally got a new chapter out, after over a year of hiatus.

    Truth to tell, I have no idea when I'll finish this story. Could be a year. Could be five years. Or ten years. Who's to say? I can no longer make any promises. There's still a lot of ground to cover and I'm nowhere near finished, plus I'm busy with real life.

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    0 comments · 146 views

"The Mane Attraction" is the best episode of season 5! · 10:13pm Dec 7th, 2015

Initially I was going to write out an entire review, but it'd make my last two posts pretty obsolete, so instead I'll share my feelings with you on this fucking epic episode! I am so glad I watched this. The thing is, I've been fairly lazy with the show, usually brushing off new episodes to view them later with my enthusiasm for ponies dying down. But lo and behold, that has changed. As a matter of fact, The Mane Attraction alone makes me consider season 5 the best in the series, despite the somewhat lackluster finale.

The last time I teared up this much was with Tanks for the Memories, but I do prefer this episode because of how it actually managed to make me legitimately smile. I'm going to sound cold and cynical here, but I hardly ever smile and mean it. When I do, it's usually to a joke, or because I don't want to come off as bitter, or because I'm superficially happy about a particular thing, but nothing from the heart.

But this episode, however, really touched me. Applejack was spot-on, Rara was a spectacular character, and her piano-induced song was the best in the series. I freaking love Daniel Ingram! What was so perfect is that, is you pay really close attention, you can notice that her singing was completely unedited, as there were small errors in her tone, something that no human can avoid. But the song was so well sang, and the fact that it was all completely natural, it just fits her characters.

Anyway, by far the best episode of the season; and it easily slides into my top 10 (perhaps 5) favorite episodes like hot butter. It's just a real shame that Amy Keating Rogers has left for good, but hopefully she's happy with her ambitions (she writes for Disney now).

Report SpitFlame · 351 views ·
Comments ( 2 )

The Mane Attraction was pretty fantastic, yeah. I've always loved that stripped down style of Rara's piano song, there. Really wonderful.

I absolutely agree. Rara's now one of my favorite characters of the entire show (somewhere in a top five), and I couldn't stop listening to the song. :pinkiesad2:

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