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Fanfiction masochist. :B She/they https://ko-fi.com/presentperfect

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  • 1 week
    Fic recs, June 2nd!

    Fic writer Mica is looking for someone who can speak English and Burmese!

    I get to go visit my friend in the hospital again today, yaaaay! :D

    Oh wait, I meant the other one. D: At least it's not a relapse into alcoholism, yaaaay! :'D

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  • 1 week
    State of the Writer: May 2024!

    Didn't write nothing! clapping emoji!

    My surgery was on the 22nd, and it went well, I'm still in recovery for technically the next week and a half or so, but as of this week I'm already feeling back to normal. Which I have to keep reminding myself I am not, lest I overdo something and hurt myself. <_< I am at least following the discharge instructions, so no worries about that.

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  • 2 weeks
    PP vs. What I've Become

    Knight Breeze's What I've Become might not be a name you've heard before, but given its stats, especially the over 60,000 views, I feel safe calling it a fandom classic. :) Major spoilers ahead for a ten-year-old story!

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  • 3 weeks
    Fic recs, May 20th: Project Get! #17!

    Hey! :D Welcome back to Project Get!, where I sort my RIL by views and grab the last 10 on the list that aren't sequels, unfinished, or by the same author twice! I've been trying to do this a lot more frequently, but 'frequent' has not exactly described these blogs out of me, has it? D: I dunno if that could change in the near future. I've got outpatient surgery on Wednesday this week, so I'm

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  • 6 weeks
    State of the Writer, April 2024!

    It's another boring one! I ain't wrote nothin'! :B

    It actually feels lately like I've been crawling out of a pit? So maybe there's a light ahead? But it's also blocked by Balatro lol somepony save me D:

    The only other thing relevant to this blog is that I've had notes for a vs. post sitting in my notes document for probably the entire month now, what is wrong with me? D:

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Fic recs, December 11th · 1:27pm Dec 11th, 2015

Hey. Let's do something normal for a change.

If you’re at all into world-building, do yourself a favor and check out the series of journals starting here. It’s from 2014, but I was only just introduced to it, and Daetrin does a fascinating job of deconstructing ponies from just about every angle.

It's another big one, because I have nothing better to do than read fanfiction right now! So go below the link for reviews of Twilight Masturbates by The Abyss, Meridian Prime's Hyperion, Here I Am by Admiral Biscuit, and a whole bunch of other highly-rated stuff!

H: 4 R: 2 C: 1 V: 2 N: 1

Fighting by Sir Hat
Reading by Scribbler, Neighrator Pony and Jennabun
Reading by Snogwritts
Genre: Slice of Life
Magnum tells his daughter a story about his own experiences with bullying.
If I got anything out of this, it’s that sense of hollowness from finding out someone who used to be awful to you is dead. I just sort of gave the story away, but well, there you go. This is a very slice of life piece about bullying, and I’m not sure it reaches any kind of workable conclusion about it. Certainly, there’s a lesson about not wishing people dead, which I appreciate. Magnum’s story is decently interesting, though I think I would have rather seen it than been told it. There are a few things that distract, though, like Magnum’s relationship with Cheerilee, and some of the flatter parts of the narrative. This is overall just okay, doesn’t really strike me one way or another, and would be best for slice of life fans.
Vaguely Recommended

Twilight Masturbates by The Abyss
Reading by Captain Sand
Reading by Midnight Dancer
Mature: Sex
Genre: PWP
There’s literally nothing to this that isn’t encapsulated by the title. I honestly don’t know what I expected. This is more an exercise in writing than a story, or even a sex scene. I’m frankly shocked it made it through moderation, given there's zero character work and she's anthro anyway. And the weirdest thing is the way it’s written, with Twilight’s gaze directed so outward that it more seems like someone else watching her do this. I was intrigued by the simplistic description, and the fact that it quickly became a Thing, but after reading this? There’s only one other I’m going after. So much for Fic Recs: Masturbation edition. :B
Vaguely Recommended

Twilight Masticates by Twinkletail
Genre: Not What It Seems
Being a parody of Twilight Masturbates actually does this piece a disservice, because it’s painfully obvious what’s going on. Thankfully, that only lasts for a couple paragraphs, and then we get into the close-up of Twilight eating a muffin. Something about the level of detail given to this fairly commonplace act makes this hilarious. And it’s got considerably more plot than the original, too!
Recommended for Laughs

Hyperion by Meridian Prime
Reading by Cherax Destructor
Genre: Character Study
Before the sun rises, Celestia reflects.
“Celestia’s innermost thoughts” and “Celestia’s backstory” have been the subject of fic after fic, and yet this one finds a new way to approach both. We get both Celestia’s assertion that Luna was the stronger one as well as a very visceral and emotional look into the raising of the sun. And honestly, that’s all there is to this piece, but it’s absolutely worth experiencing. And this was Meridian Prime’s first piece of writing ever. Ugh, some people, I tell ya. :V

Here I Am by Admiral Biscuit
Reading by ShadowOfCygnus
Genre: Character Study
Vinyl Scratch reflects on her life and success.
This is an extremely well written story about a pony who lives the life of a famous musician and wants something else. It’s maybe a story that’s been done; this certainly feels like a lot of other Vinyl Scratch shortfics. But it’s the writing that’s the draw. There’s a very cutting use of words here, which crafts the narrative in turns as dreamlike, gritty or wistful. It certainly helps that her relationship with Octavia — because of course there has to be an Octavia — is completely different from anything I’ve seen before, not just a simple romance. That by itself isn’t amazing but nevertheless helps this stand apart from the pack. Again, though, the draw here is the language use, making for a tight, emotional piece about the grass being greener.
Highly Recommended

Letters from a Secret Admirer by Subsolar Drift
Reading (part 1) by Captain Sand
Reading by Ender
Genre: Shipping
Dash’s love-letter prank to get back at Twilight for the Mare-Do-Well incident quickly spirals out of control.
This story doesn’t just fall into the trap of Alien Shipping Syndrome, it makes a study of it. ASS is this fic’s raison d’etre. I was amused by Rainbow’s inability to conjure common writing terms, and was okay with her writing love letters as a prank, but after that first author’s note, revealing this was written for a TwiDash group, I knew exactly how it was going to go. Boy, did it. Aside from a scene in chapter 4 where Twilight thinks Pinkie has been sending her the letters and confronts her, this knocked down all the shipping tropes one by one. Rainbow slowly realizes that her fake love letters have made her actually fall for Twilight. Twilight starts to have feelings for her secret admirer, after deeply considering what would happen if they were a mare. There’s a misunderstanding that devolves into tear-filled drama. They get together in the end. On top of that, the narrative fell flat in places, and POV shifts were a regularity. This might please shippers who just want to see two ponies kiss by the end of the story, but I am no longer one of those people.
Not Recommended

Arthurian—The Black King by Wellspring
Genre: Arthurian Legend Crossover
A tale of the founding of the Crystal Empire, and the rise of the pony called Sombra.
I can’t recall the last time I read a story that was so ambitious, both in terms of adapting an epic heroic tale, and also in terms of the language used. That ambition certainly works against it. Now, I have to profess ignorance vis-a-vis La Morte d’Arthur; I don’t know anything about the style being used. But the peculiarities of the writing are sometimes thoroughly confounding, and this is perhaps amplified by the fact that English isn’t the author’s first language. Tense seems to be a suggestion more than a rule, gender is often confused, the word ‘so’ does not appear as much as it should, and there are numerous spots where extra or wrong words left me scratching my head. But where the writing can't accede to the ambition, the story more than surpasses it, and what a story this is! How brilliant! It’s far more than just the Sad Tale of Sombra. His birth is fantastic, the early days of the Crystal Empire are thrilling, the role he takes on is chilling, and there’s no end of tragic romance and glorious battles. And the footnotes. They’re the “need a copy open in another tab” sort, but I’ve never seen an author use footnotes to this extent. They worldbuild and entertain in equal measures. Never is one simply a note when it can be a story in itself. A snippet of an epic poem is one of the best parts of the whole piece, and altogether they sell the idea that this is a historical text, an in-universe work of fiction. (And the afterwords are amazing, each written in a progressively more modern voice.) Even when the world-building doesn’t quite feel like it fits the setting — mention is made, for instance, of a saint who bore stigmata-like wounds — it’s still fascinating. Reading this will take a great deal of mental fortitude, but I urge you to at least make the attempt, for the result is well worth it.
Highly Recommended

Applejack’s Tax Relief Plan by Seether00
Reading by ShadowOfCygnus
Genre: Comedy
Tasked to raise a thousand bits in two months, Applejack enlists her brother to help save Sweet Apple Acres.
Here we go, the rare story which straddles the border of bureaucratic comedy and sexual comedy. For a first fic, this is spectacular, well-paced and using fandom memes to good effect. The sole downside is the One Piece reference. I mean, I’ve never even seen the show and I still caught it. :V But what this is is hilarious, and if you enjoy stories where all the ponies in this town are horny (it’s not very explicit, don’t get me wrong), you will probably laugh as much as I did. Plus, it passes the Luna Test with flying colors!

No Regrets by horizon
Genre: Historical AU
To avert catastrophe, Celestia gave up the sun.
Wow, what a convoluted and emotional piece this is. Certainly what I expect from horizon. Fact is, I can’t say too much about the contents of the story without giving large spoilers away. Just know that it gives us an Equestria where Luna is the ruler of the day, and a very interesting explanation for how their respective celestial bodies make the princesses act. There are little things around the edges that let you know what’s going on, and a behind-the-scenes look in the second part, which, as is explained at the top, is synchronous with part the first. Those wanting solid closure may find the ending unsatisfying, but there’s a comment a little ways down the second part from the author that might help. :V Overall, absolutely worth the read.
Highly Recommended

Random by Bugle
Genre: Drama
Change comes to visit her grandchildren, to the dismay of her daughter.
Here’s a story I remember from an old writeoff, newly rewritten for season five canon! “Pinkie Pie is part draconequus” seems to be an idea neither terribly new nor the sort of thing you’d think could carry a whole story. And on the latter note, you’d be right; that’s why this is actually the story of an estranged mother and daughter feuding over how to raise a child, among other things. There’s some really fantastic draconequus-based headcanon, not to mention a fun character in Change as Granny Pie. As for how original this is, well, that’s not in question. This is a perfect example of how to use a single idea as backdrop for an actual story.
Highly Recommended

Report PresentPerfect · 1,000 views · #fic reviews
Comments ( 20 )

Lots of good ones today to drown out the few bad ones.

Never underestimate the power of promised sex. No matter if it's good or bad, we'll drop trow before the words "So you wanna do it?" finishes it's fourth syllable. The authors on this site know this and so we will continue to see vacuous porn for years to c--go.

Why'd you review that one.


~Skeeter The Lurker

Author Interviewer

Like I said, minimalist descriptions catch my eye.

Have you ever NOT recommended a horizon fic? Might as well just skip the rating and just say, "it's horizon." Damn ineffable writers being too damn good. Him, Ghost of Heraticles(sp), et all...

I coulda sworn you reviewed Hyperion a long time ago.

Lots of good stuff to read here! It's unfortunate that ships like TwiDash and TwiLuna get upvoted to the heavens just for the ship alone. It makes finding good ones harder and prejudices me against it when I try to read an overated one.

Author Interviewer

I gave him a V for Splinter Cell! He's not infallible! :V

(That's literally the only one that's not a C or higher though c.c)

I dunno, I certainly don't recall reading it. Meridian Prime's only got the three stories, so I'm actually sort of surprised that it hadn't come up sooner.


Nope, my mistake. I thought I had you read it as one of my rewards, but it was actually Shadow Over Ponyville. Pls don't hate me bby.

Author Interviewer

dun worry, its k :B

This might please shippers who just want to see two ponies kiss by the end of the story, but I am no longer one of those people.

It is a sad day, indeed.




My shame is complete.

Thanks for the glowing review :pinkiesmile:

Thanks for the review Present :)

It's been two years now since I wrote Arthurian and, looking back at it, can't help but take notice of those said grammatical errors. Still glad you and the others enjoy it, though.

Author Interviewer

If you're willing, I'd be happy to help clean them up, though again, I don't know what was style and what was error, so you'd have to be the final arbiter. :B

Yeah that blog series was a lot of fun and looking at it now it still holds up pretty well.

Thank you so much for the review! It's really cool (if slightly eye-popping) to see my stories pop up in this blog, especially since I've been a loyal reader of it since not long after I joined the site.

I'm honestly surprised this little thing is still getting attention, but I can't complain. :twilightblush: From the looks of it, it appears you got exactly what I intended out of the piece - so all I can say, once again, is that I'm glad you enjoyed it. :twilightsmile:

Also how the hell did I miss that Cherax did a reading of it ahhhhh

Also just because I haven't said this enough, thank you for that. You're awesome. :pinkiehappy:

Author Interviewer

go write some garbage, you're making me look bad D:

And the weirdest thing is the way it’s written, with Twilight’s gaze directed so outward that it more seems like someone else watching her do this.

I had written her watching herself in a mirror. I had only mentioned it like, two or three times in the entire thing, so maybe I should have put a little more emphasis on that part.

Author Interviewer

Hmm. That could explain it. Maybe she's just really into herself.

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