• Member Since 23rd May, 2015
  • offline last seen Jun 25th, 2016

Elie evergreen

I am a Christian anime artist who likes to watch/ doodle cute talking candy colored horses

More Blog Posts48

  • 441 weeks
    Hooray it is finished !

    My new avater pic is now complete ! I then used a new program for it too. BTW thank you for thunderbolt sentinel ( aka thundering centurion ) for giving me the idea . Also I think I might make a similar one for Crimsion while in the mood of stars and moonlight or something like that . (And I hope I got the lighting right ) .

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    3 comments · 493 views
  • 442 weeks
    Art block

    I'm having some serious art block and can't figure out what I want to do for my avater . If any one has suggestions please do tell me , thank you .:pinkiehappy:

    BTW I'm back in school , so don't expect me to be on as much .

    11 comments · 535 views
  • 443 weeks
    Finished art requests

    I finally finished it ! So here are the finally products !

    Requested by Hoops

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    4 comments · 364 views
  • 443 weeks
    Art requests ( CLOSED)

    Let the art requests begin ! But first a few rules :
    1. You may have only one per request
    2. I will not draw any thing inappropriate content ( for example : anything that has sex , gore , or anything nsfw is not allowed ).

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    0 comments · 313 views
  • 444 weeks
    So how was your Christmas ?

    So did you all have a good Christmas ? I certainly did ! :pinkiehappy:
    Enjoy some late Christmas gif thing :

    6 comments · 448 views

68 follower !?!?!? · 1:00pm Dec 13th, 2015

Wow ! I can’t believe I made it this far as to get 68 followers !!!:pinkiegasp: I mean it happen so fast ! Did I go through a different dimension or some thing !? Or am I going crazy ( I mean I kinda already knew that I was crazy :pinkiecrazy:) ?! But anyways joking aside thank you all for the follows , I do appreciate it very , very ,very much ! So now down to business since I have reach 68 followers I figure we would do something about it , I figure I kinda do two things for you guys and let you decide what you want me to do . For example I could :

.Write a story
.Do some drawing requests ( and it wouldn't be usual traditional stuff I do … unless you want it traditional , but I can also do digital as well ).
.I can do the normal ask blog
.or what ever :applejackunsure:

The one I can’t do is do a face or voice reveal ,because I don’t have the proper equipment to do it and also for the face reveal is mostly about internet safety …..also my parents do not allow it …so yeah .:twilightsheepish:

Of course I going to do this stuff next because of up coming exams that are coming up this week so there will be no time for me to do this stuff.
So that gives you guys a week to vote for what you want ! So remember to put both of the two things that you want me to do .

My reaction of getting 68 followers :

Comments ( 13 )

*hugs* Congrats pal :yay:

Of course you did it, and grats!

Congratulations! my vote is going towards write a story and Do some drawing requests.

You need to learn about the joys of the Interrobang. ⸘What the buck is an Interrobang‽ It is the punctuation I used in the previous sentence.

*hugs back * Thanks ! :pinkiehappy:

3628945 My pleasure :scootangel: I'm glad I was one of your first followers

Thank you and thank you for voting .

And I am glad to have you as a follower .

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