• Member Since 7th Jun, 2012
  • offline last seen June 16th


just another brony with random story ideas.

More Blog Posts272

  • 162 weeks
    My Stories

    It's common belief that I have abandoned a select set of stories but I want to point out that this is not true. I had some ideas that required me to put a few things on hold and I am slowly working my way towards them and will be more than happy to release more when things are well and ready. Sadly this may take quite a bit more time and I don't want to spoil things as I have been working on this

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    0 comments · 395 views
  • 177 weeks
    So about that story(MATURE)

    So the clop story is coming along well but I have one issue I have to decide.

    First Person?


    Third Person?

    Story is Human X Pony and Pony X Pony, etc etc. There will be multiple chapters and an ongoing plot. Will mostly follow the point of view of the main characters

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    2 comments · 273 views
  • 178 weeks
    Shameless story on the way

    Shameless clop story for the sake of clop but with story elements because ideas refuse to leave my brain alone and the more things I write the more ideas I get and the further my other stories go.


    3 comments · 195 views
  • 178 weeks

    Dunno what came over me but I decided to go ahead and post the next update for Discovering Friendship. I had intended to do more with the chapter but ended up just focusing on one thing instead. I'm still happy with how it turned out and it leads into a few things I want to expand on in the story anyway. Especially when it comes to a few specific characters.

    0 comments · 245 views
  • 179 weeks
    Discovering Friendship

    Yes, the new chapter is in the works.

    But I've been busy bouncing around ideas for the future of the story. Things that I am very very very excited for everyone to get to read later on. A LOT is planned.

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    2 comments · 321 views

THERES SO MUCH CRAP TO WRITE · 12:15pm Dec 16th, 2015

I have a literal thousand ideas for my stories but all of them are events that are going to take place damn near a month from now in the story but I want to write them now because I love these parts of the story I plan to write and its so damn frustrating and I just needed to vent so have a pointless blog, except its not pointless because I need opinions on these ideas. THREE LUCKY PEOPLE will get sneak peeks at these ideas and their input will directly affect the way the story moves.

Comments ( 2 )

:pinkiehappy:Yay, you posted this before I had/have to go the next two weeks without the net. Meaning I can reply and have it be relevant. Here's my suggestion, write them anyway:twilightsmile:, then just hold onto them. That way you can vent them but not spoil or tempt others to with the nearness of your works. After you have vented enough of your work you can come back finish the appropriate section of time in your story. The one down side to that is that if you change one big thing or rewrite a Chekhov than you would need to go back through everything. ON THEE OTHER HAND, should you write everything out you will get a good feel of where you want to be and where to go from there. That course's downside is that you will be on rails for the most part without the before mentioned necessary revise:applejackunsure:. Whelp now it's past time for me to be off with luck this has helped, if not good luck.:ajsmug:

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