• Member Since 12th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen Jan 29th, 2018


I'm an aspiring YouTuber with a passion for MLP and animated movies

More Blog Posts6

  • 355 weeks
    I"M BACK!!!!!

    HOLY MALORY, where have I been!?

    Well, evidently, not here! Well, as you probably guessed by the title of this post, yes, I have returned! And I'm ready to write once more!

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  • 375 weeks
    Another New Story Idea!

    Prepare yourselves, I HAVE ANOTHER STORY IDEA!

    A three part story following each of the CMC ten years into the future where they each meet (and subsequently fall in love with) a colt from their childhood. Featuring Apple Bloom x Tender Taps, Sweetie Belle x Button Mash, and Scootaloo x Rumble!

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  • 376 weeks
    New Profile Pic!

    I decided to change my profile pic to my OC's cutie mark. Not a very exciting post, but it's something!

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  • 384 weeks
    Working on new stories!

    Wow! I haven't posted anything here since last year! Well, I apologize for that! But don't you worry! I'm working on TWO stories for you guys! One about Flash Sentry (yes I'm a Flash Sentry fan. Let's all move on) and a story focusing on how Mr and Mrs Cake met! Lots of fun stuff on its way!

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  • 428 weeks
    First story!

    I just submitted my first story today! Hope it gets approved!

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If Fluttershy had a sister... · 6:28pm Dec 16th, 2015

I wrote a fanfiction about Fluttershy's sister Rosie Shy coming to visit from Vanhoover. Sadly, I can't post it due to it not being long enough. But I'll post it here just in case you want to read it. I'm working on my first major story now that will be MUCH longer! Enjoy!
(Sorry if it's kinda short; I'm still new to this)

Sisterly Bonds

“Let’s see...” Fluttershy mused as she sifted through her mail, “Postcard from Seabreeze, environmental event invitation from Tree Hugger, letter from...”
Suddenly, she stopped reading once she saw who it was from.
“Oh dear...” she murmured.
Then, somepony knocked on her door. It was the rest of her friends.
“Hey Fluttershy,” said Twilight Sparkle as everypony walked inside, “Ready for the picnic?”
“Ummm...” Fluttershy stalled, unsure what to say, “We might have to cancel, girls.”
“What?!” shouted Rainbow Dash, “But we’ve been planing this for weeks!”
“And I didn’t make all these sandwiches and cupcakes for nothing!” added Pinkie Pie, who had brought along an insane amount of sandwiches and cupcakes in baskets. Spike, who was sat on top of the pile, smiled and waved.
“I-I know girls,” said Fluttershy nervously,” But you see, something’s come up...”
“What are you talking about?” asked Twilight.
“Well,” Fluttershy said nervously, “You see, somepony’s coming to visit.”
“And who’s that?” asked Rarity.
But before Fluttershy could answer, a loud, high voice trilled through the air.
“Flutters?!” it squealed.
Everypony turned to see a pegasus with a light pink coat and a wavy red mane standing in the doorway with a huge grin on her face. Her cutie mark was a red heart with a smiling face. Suddenly, she barrelled past the group of friends and glomped Fluttershy with a huge bear hug.
“Oh, Flutter-Whutters,” she cooed, “It’s so nice to see you again!”
Fluttershy nervously smiled at her friends.
“Everypony,” she said, “Meet my big sister, Rosie Shy.”
“Big sister?!” everypony exclaimed.
“Yes!” the pegasus confirmed cheerily, finally letting go of Fluttershy, “I’m Rosie Shy, but you can just call me Rosie! It’s so nice to meet all of you!”
She darted from friend to friend in the blink of an eye. Twilight was surprised. This pony had even more energy than Pinkie on a sugar high!
“Twilight Sparkle, Rainbow Dash, Applejack, Rarity, and Pinkie Pie! And, oh my goodness you must be Spike! ” Rosie chattered, squishing Spike’s face between her hooves and never ceasing to smile, “Flutters has told me so much about you!”
“Funny, ‘cause she’s never told us ‘bout you.” said Applejack, who was trying to take in all that was going on.
“Oh, that’s because I live all the way in Vanhoover!” Rosie explained, “Busy city, really. So much to do, so many ponies to see. But it’s really nice to came visit my baby sis again!”
Twilight looked over at Fluttershy, who seemed extremely embarrassed by her sister’s rambling.
“Um, say, Rosie,” Twilight said, trying to break the awkward air, “Why don’t you join us for our picnic?”
“Ooh, sounds deeeeeeeeeelightful!” Rosie squealed, hugging Fluttershy again, “Oh, you have such lovely, thoughtful friends, Fluttery-Poo!”
Fluttershy blushed and awkwardly grinned at her sister.
“Just give me a sec to get my bags inside!” said Rosie, dashing outside and rushing back in with a large suitcase.
As she whizzed into the next room, Twilight and the girls, along with Spike, went to wait outside.
“Wow, Fluttershy,” said Rarity, “Your sister certainly is.....um...” She struggled to find the right word.
“Eccentric?” asked Fluttershy, “Fast-paced? Cheery?”
“Yes! That’s it!” Rarity replied.
“She was talking a million miles a minute!” remarked Pinkie, “And I thought I was the chatterbox!”
“I can’t believe she’s even related to you!” added Spike.
“I don’t think this is a good idea,” Rainbow Dash muttered.
“Why not?” asked Fluttershy.
“Well, umm...” Rainbow began to say, but he couldn’t come up with anything; she didn’t want to offend Fluttershy.
“I know she’s a bit zany, but she’s really kind and sweet,” said Fluttershy.
As she said this, a crash came from inside.
“Oopsies! Flutters!” Rosie called out, “I accidentally knocked over one of your vases! Sorry!”
Everypony turned to Fluttershy, who was awkwardly smiling again.
“Just give her a chance, girls. Please?”
“Fine,” Rainbow huffed, flying towards the picnic spot.
Soon enough, the group, along with Rosie, reached the picnic spot.
“So you know Princess Celestia?” Rosie was saying to Twilight, “Tell me, what’s she like?”
“Well, for starters, she-” Twilight was about to say, but then Rosie cut her off.
“I bet she’s the most wonderful, fabulous, kindest, amazing, friendliest princess in the whole wide world! Right?” Rosie babbled, “I’m right! Of course I’m right! I’m always right! Ooh, cupcakes!”
Twilight sighed. Rosie wasn’t just “eccentric” and “chatty”, she was flighty, noisy, and scatterbrained.
“Wow, Pinkie, these cupcakes are incre-delicious!” Rosie gushed, munching away on one of Pinkie’s cupcakes, “Recipe?”
“Ya see, Rosie,” Pinkie started to say, “First you-”
“I’m getting hints of vanilla and strawberries,” Rosie interrupted, “Also three eggs, two cups of flour, one teaspoon of baking powder, sugar, one cup of milk, and a whole lot of love!”
Pinkie just stood there, dumbfounded. “Again,” she whispered to Applejack, “And I thought I was the chatterbox!”
As everypony sat down and began to eat, Rosie wouldn’t stop talking. It wasn’t easy being in her company.
When they tried playing games, she chattered about Vanhoover’s hoofball tournaments. When the tried to have their own conversations, she interrupted every five seconds with nonsense about her life. On top of all that, she kept calling Fluttershy several different pet names!
Twilight was getting annoyed. Her ears were ringing from Rosie’s constant chatter and laughter.
She wasn’t the only one; Rarity was cringing while Rosie gabbed away about fashion lines in Vanhoover; Applejack was leaning against a tree chewing a stalk of wheat with her hat pulled over her face, pretending to be asleep; Pinkie was trying to save her last cupcake from being gobbled by Rosie; Fluttershy was nervously smiling again; and Rainbow Dash...looked like she was about to explode.
“And the funny thing is, that wasn’t even the last one!” Rosie was saying, “He actually had a third crystal ball! A third one! Can you believe it!? It reminds me of the time I-”
But before she could continue, Rainbow finally snapped.
“Rosie!” she screamed, “Enough! You have not stopped talking since the moment you arrived! It’s seriously irritating! So will you just shut up already?!”
Suddenly, everypony went silent. Even Rosie, who stood here with a look of complete shock on her face.
Twilight looked over at Rosie, who looked like she was about to start crying.
Then she closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
“O-okay,” she said in a surprisingly softer tone, “I know, I guess I sometimes get a little ‘overexcited’. Especially meeting such great new friends, like you girls! But I-I know I can be a bit...much...”
Rosie then flapped her wings and began to slowly fly away.
Fluttershy instantly shot Rainbow an angry glare, and Rainbow immediatly realized that she’d messed up.
“Rosie!” Fluttershy called out to her sister, then proceeded to fly after her, “Rosie, please wait!”
About half way through Ponyville, she ran into Discord.
“Oh, Fluttershy, there you are!” he said, “I thought we were meeting up for our afternoon tea today”
“Sorry Discord, we’ll have to do it tomorrow!” Fluttershy rushed, “Have you seen a pegasus that kind of looks like me fly through here, only with red hair?”
Discord thought for a moment.
“As a matter of fact, yes!” he replied, “She was heading towards your place, and was looking rather sad, too.”
“Oh dear...” Fluttershy murmured to herself before rushing off again, with the Mane 6 following her.
Once they arrived at Fluttershy’s cottage, they went inside to find Rosie putting things back in her suitcase.
“Rosie!” Fluttershy exclaimed.
“It’s okay, Flutters, I’m just getting my stuff together,” sighed Rosie, placing a sunhat into her bag, “I’ll catch the next train to Vanhoover and be out of your hair before you know it.”
“No, Rosie, wait,” Fluttershy said, “It’s not your fault; we shouldn’t have acted like that out there.”
“What do you mean ‘we’?” asked Rainbow, “It was me who overreacted.”
Twilight was shocked; did Rainbow Dash just admit that she was wrong?
Rainbow landed on the floor and walked up to Rosie.
“I’m sorry Rosie,” she apologized, “I shouldn’t have yelled at you like that. It’s just that-”
“I’m annoyingly energetic, chatty, and loud?” Rosie finished for her.
“Yeah,” replied Rainbow sheepishly, “I never meant to be so mean.”
“It’s alright, Rainbow,” said Rosie, placing a hoof on Rainbow’s shoulder, “I know I can sometimes be a little crazy, but it’s just the way I am, I guess.”
She glanced down at her cutie mark.
“Ever since I was a filly, my special talent has always been making other ponies happy and telling fun stories,” she said, “But even then, I can sometimes go overboard and scare off potential new friends because I talk so much. That’s why I was so excited to meet all of you. I’m really sorry if I talked your ears off.”
“Oh, it’s perfectly fine, darling,” said Rarity.
“Just promise to keep the chatter levels down a bit?” Fluttershy asked.
“Okay, I promise,” Rosie giggled.
She then hugged Fluttershy again, but in a much more calmer and less squeezy manner.
“Thanks for giving me a second chance, Little Sis,” she said happily.
And instead of awkwardly smiling like she had before, Fluttershy hugged her sister back.
“So” said Rainbow, “Anypony up for finishing our picnic?”
“Let’s go!” cheered Pinkie.
“Yay!” squealed Rosie, jumping around and giggling again.
But then she realized what she was doing and corrected herself.
“Sorry, I mean, ‘yay’!” she said in a much more quiet and Fluttershy-like tone.
Everypony burst out laughing.
And for the rest of the week, the group and Rosie bonded over various activities. Rainbow Dash raced her around Ponyville a few times; Pinkie showed Rosie her cupcake recipe; Twilight shared stories of the group’s adventures all over Equestria; Rarity designed a few new outfits for Rosie to take home; and Applejack taught her how to use a lasso (sort of; she couldn’t quite get the hang of it).
At the end of the week it was time for Rosie to go back to Vanhoover.
They all walked her to the train station to see her off.
“Thanks again for visiting,” Fluttershy told Rosie as they approached the platform.
“Thank you for actually putting up with me,” Rosie joked, “Oh and thanks for these lovely outfits Rarity; they’re absolutely perfect!”
Rarity smiled at these words of praise.
“Think nothing of it, darling,” she said, fluffing her mane.
Suddenly, the train whistle sounded.
“I better go!” Rosie said.
She quickly gave Fluttershy one last hug and grabbed her bag, racing onto the train.
Soon, the train began to pull out of the station.
“Goodbye everypony!” Rosie called out the window, waving.
“Bye Rosie!” they all called back.
Soon the train disappeared over the hill and all that was left was the wisps of smoke from the train.
Fluttershy smiled warmly. Her sister might be a little bit of a pain in the flank, but she loved her all the same.
And the rest of the Mane 6 did, too.

The End

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