• Member Since 1st Jan, 2013
  • offline last seen May 18th, 2023


Unicorn-riding Space Pirate

More Blog Posts205

  • 304 weeks
    Under the category of 'Too Perfect Not To Share'...

    For all you Dazzlings fans:

    Stare at this...

    While listening to this...

    ... Right? Right?!

    EDIT: artist is raika0306.

    9 comments · 509 views
  • 395 weeks
    Whoops; almost forgot mah hat...

    Nope; still don't fit right...

    Just got back from a week-long cruise in the western Caribbean. Sounds great right? :ajsmug:

    Too bad I'm built for cold weather and spent most of it drenched in sweat, :raritydespair:

    2 comments · 555 views
  • 401 weeks
    Star Trek Nerd Porn

    Hell of a blog title, right?

    Dat aft.

    1 comments · 593 views
  • 402 weeks
    New... uh, what is this thing? Story? Collection? Thing. New Thing!

    So long story short I got tired of having lots of ideas that weren't really enough to be stories on their own. I've seen lots of folks post up 'scrap book' style collections of whatever dribbles out of their minds and onto the page, so I figured 'why not?'


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    1 comments · 604 views
  • 403 weeks
    That Followup Blog That I Said I Would Do But Never Did... Until Now

    Okay, so back when More than Meets the Ear wrapped up I said I would shortly be posting a followup blog, right?

    ... Yeah, we all know that didn't happen. Real life got in the way, yadda yadda; I'll spare you all the details. Nobody cares about my personal life (sometimes not even me, :twilightoops:).


    That was a hell of a thing, wasn't it?

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    7 comments · 737 views

New Chapter! · 3:24am Dec 29th, 2015

Well, it took longer than I would've liked, but such is life around the Holidays.

... Actually that might just be life once you have a steady job and need to maintain the appearance of being a responsible adult. What a jip, huh? :trixieshiftleft:

Go enjoy the next chapter of More than Meets the Ear! Octavia's excited for it, aren't you Octavia?

... Oh, I get it. You're still trying to rub in how long this took by checking your watch, huh? Stay classy, Tavi, :ajbemused:

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