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  • 228 weeks
    Another Weird Dream

    Dreams are weird. Enough said. Guess I'm too excited about the next Zelda game cause I had a dream relating to that. Not that I mind, of course. Though what I dreamt probably won't make it into any new Zelda game.

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  • 233 weeks
    Update Two: Electric Boogaloo

    Salutations once again.

    It's been a while since I last updated my story Letters From Across The Disgruntled Multiverse or even write anything here at all. I think some explanations is needed.

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  • 276 weeks
    Bird Box Crossover Dream?

    Ever heard of the horror movie Bird Box?

    Never watched it myself, cause I'm not a fan of horror, but I did know the premise at least.

    What's even stranger was that I dreamt a crossover of it with My Little Pony. Though only in bits and fragments. Allow me to share it with you guys and tell me what you think.

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  • 282 weeks
    Is Flash Sentry a descendent of Flash Magnus?

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    Here's the discussion links here:

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  • 293 weeks
    Short Disgruntled Chapter

    The Cheek's in the Mail by Rambling Writer

    Don't know why but after reading this story. I figure there could be a disgruntled chapter for this. But it's too short for my standards. So, I'll post here.

    Dear Pinkie Pie,

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M2B reviews The Cupcake Chronicles by milesprower06 · 3:58pm Dec 31st, 2015

Spoilers... (Well Duh)

Read Story Here

Cupcakes. The most infamous story on pony fanfiction that brought about pony creepypasta. It’s the story that most likely gave birth to Rainbow Factory or even Little Miss Rarity. Out of all of this, the best thing Cupcakes gave to me was The Cupcake Chronicles written by milesprower06.

I'm not sure there's much credit to the claim that the Chronicles is the most popular alternate ending, I always thought Rocket to Insanity had that honor.

I have to disagree with that miles. I find that Rockets To Insanity is on equal level of greatness as Cupcake Chronicles.

However there are differences. Rockets to Insanity is where the events of Cupcakes is a dream for Rainbow and as you read she ultimately kills Pinkie due to this nightmare. Meanwhile Cupcake Chronicles Truly is just portraying an actual alternate ending that in my opinion is the best you can do with such a gory ending.

To newcomers: This alternate ending was written using Season 1 canon. Anything after the Grand Galloping Gala may not apply.
What do you do when you survive an experience so horrific, it changes your life forever?
A last minute rescue saves Rainbow Dash from certain death in the basement of Sugarcube Corner. Now, the broken and scarred Pegasus must come to terms with what Pinkie has done to her, try and find out why their friend committed these unspeakable atrocities, and find a way to move on.

As the description of the story says its after season 1 only. What is interesting about this new take on Cupcakes is that it focuses on the emotional recovery of Rainbow Dash from a great tragedy during the First Story Arc of the story. Which is said to be the best part of the story.

The story starts off with a near similar ending of Cupcakes but with great differences. Rainbow Dash was saved by Applejack at the last second as Pinkie is about to harvest Rainbows’ organs. Applejack apple-bucks Pinkie to a wall snapping Pinkies’ neck killing her instantly. Apparently she heard Rainbow Dash cries and screams...

Are Mr and Mrs Cake deaf in this universe? Maybe they thought it was Pound and Pumpkin Cake crying....

Anyways, Rainbow survives and is taken into the hospital by Applejack but is now without her wings. Ouch! That’s half the reason for her emotional recovery, the second half being wondering why her friend Pinkie would do such a thing to her and other ponies.

Rainbow Dash passion of flying and joining the Wonderbolts are now shattered with her new mutilated wings. She has to go through this turmoil and see the light in the darkness that has now surround her.

This part of the story is the best because it’s relatable to anyone who has suffered a major injury. The questions they would think. Will I be alright? Will things ever be the same again? Will I have the strength to continue on?

This arc of the story has great character development for Rainbow Dash as she is rebuilding her life from the ground up. The start in this road to recovery begins with her getting a gift from her friends. A wonderbolts sweater to cover her cut-off wings. Awww... How sweet. This a great show of friendship of the Mane 6 Mane 5 with each other.

On a side note, say hello to the cover art of the story!

Rainbow Dash ends up staying at Applejacks’ place. Unfortunately, the CMC were having a sleepover there as well. Rainbow has her first in many nightmares of the incident and the CMC see the state that Rainbow Dash is in and will most probably has nightmares as well afterwards. What a great start to Rainbows’ recovery.

Applejack consoles Rainbow Dash and they have a heart to heart talk about the incident. This scene is the start of many characters developments for Rainbow and Applejack respectively.

The next morning Rainbow and the Apple Family have breakfast. Rainbow educates Applebloom on listening to her elders for the CMC snooping around the day before that shows a greater maturity in Rainbow Dash since the incident.

Rainbow Dash also decides to talk to Scootaloo since she’s her number one fan. During the visit, Rainbow and Scootaloo have a chat.

Scootaloo is best CMC in this story arc. The number one Rainbow Dash Fanfilly gives advice to her own her idol on how she can move on from her passion of flying; swimming.

“Hey Rainbow!”
“Well, have you tried diving?”
“When me and Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle tried to get our cutie marks several months ago, we tried diving and swimming. It felt like flying to me, moving through the water. Well, I think it feels like flying. Guess I'll find out when my wings grow enough. Maybe if you want that flying feeling back, you could try swimming.”
Rainbow smiled.
“Maybe I will try that. Thanks, Scoot.”
And with that, she departed.

Talk about a clever way for therapy for Rainbow. This is a nice call-back to continuity from the show and a nice show of writing for a suitable method for Rainbow to get better.

Also, on a side note, SCOOTALOO HAS A FAMILY!!!!! YESSSSS.

Rainbow, with her Wonderbolt hoodie, walked up to a brick home in one of the outskirt neighborhoods of Ponyville, and knocked on the door. Seconds later, a light-purple Pegasus opened the door.

Rainbow later meets Fluttershy to discuss what’s it like to stay grounded most of the time so that Rainbow can adapt better to her new life and also this leads to a question that Rainbow has to now figure out for herself. “What is the true meaning of her cutiemark?”

A week later Rainbow has made swimming into her new obsession to the point where she swims in the middle of the rain. In this part of the story you can see that in just a week she is making progress in her recovery though to the extent of her friend Applejacks’ concern. Cause being under the rain when you just got better is not the best idea.

Rainbow and Applejack have a conversation with one another at the lake that hints what Rainbows’ cutiemark might truly mean. Miles even has even has a nice way of using symbolism to portray this.

“Rainbow! What are you doing out here???”
She turned and saw Applejack at the shore some 30 feet away, and gave her a smile.
“What does it look like? Swimming.” she greeted.
“It's rainin' cats and dogs!”
Rainbow just giggled.
“Yeah, so? I'm already entirely wet.”
Applejack halted her chastisement of Rainbow when she noticed her entirely carefree demeanor. For the first time since arriving, she didn't seem depressed and down.
“Besides, I've been doing some thinking out here.” Rainbow said, coming out of the lake onto the shore, dripping wet, with still more rain coming down. Lifting her goggles up onto her forehead, Rainbow started taking a long route back to the farmhouse, through one of the Acres' apple orchards, with AJ right beside her.
“Thinking about what?”
“About my Cutie Marks. Fluttershy told me that they're more special than I think, and that they still have meaning in my life. They're healing pretty fast, so I'm wondering if they reflected my love of flying at all.”
Applejack pondered this as well, looking at her friend's flank.
“A cloud and rainbow lightning bolt. What else could that mean?”
“I don't know just yet. But maybe what I needed was some time out in the rain.”
“Why, so you can catch a cold?” Applejack half-jokingly asked.
“No, to grow.” Rainbow replied.
“Well, your trees need an equal amounts of sunshine and water to produce these apples. So maybe in order to grow and move past this, maybe all I need is some rain. Who says plants are the only things that need a little rain now and then?”
The farmhouse came into view, and the rain began to let up. It didn't quit completely, but came down to a light drizzle. The clouds began to part, and rays of sunshine began to descend on the acres, and coming to the front door, the pair of ponies saw a rainbow materialize in the parting rainclouds.
“Well whad'ya know...” Applejack said, staring up at the rainbow.
“What is it, AJ?”
The workhorse motioned up to the rainbow.
“Maybe that's what you're cutie mark represents. That no matter what storms you go through, you'll always come through. I'd say this is sure a fine example.”

By the third chapter we jump forward to what seems to be a race.

Two sets of hooves raced down the dirt path towards the finish line. One set light brown; the other set cyan blue. Neither was giving an inch. The uproar of cheers from all around grew louder as the finish drew ever closer.
“I'm not gonna just give this to ya, Rainbow. I respect ya too much to do that. You're gonna have to take it.”

Only to go back a week earlier to how this race got started. This is clever writing on miles part as he gives us something for us to look forward to letter to what seems to be the climax of the first story arc.

Anyways, a week earlier, the Cakes have finally got business back running again and we get an insight of how Pinkie was able to commit her murders under the Cakes noses.

“I just wish there were signs of what Pinkie was up to. She was flawless at inventory, so we just left her in charge of keeping inventory in the basement. So many lives could have been saved.”

Meanwhile during one of Rainbows’ swims, she gets a visit by Princess Luna whom is investigating the reasons for the Element of Laughter’s murder spree. It’s nice to see Luna getting a more active role in modern Equestria. They have a chat that will eventually leads to a moral dilemma which will be touched upon in the Second Story Arc.

By the next day Rainbow wakes up in her bed to a surprise birthday party planned by her friends. They even got The Ponyville Swim Team to teach Rainbow better swimming lessons. How thoughtful.

After the swimming, Rainbow and Applejack have another heart to heart conversation.

Applejack walked into the clearing, and saw Rainbow sitting on her haunches, staring up at the night sky. Coming to her side, she saw her friend with a lighthearted smile.
“Today was quite the day.”
“That's for sure. Thanks, it means so much to me.”
“Well, don't just thank me. We all had a hand in getting those guys here.”
“Well, not just for today. For your hospitality. For being here. Because...well, the real reason I came here...”
Applejack waited for Dash to continue.
“You cared enough about me to come looking when I didn't show up for something as simple as a slice of pie. If you hadn't, I wouldn't be here right now. You're one of the most caring, loving friends I've ever had.”
Rainbow leaned into AJ and rested her head on her shoulders, closing her eyes.
“That's why I'm here. I feel safe around you. I know when I go to bed every night, you won't let anything happen to me.”
Applejack gently put an arm around her friend.
“If my Cutie Mark really symbolizes making my way through the storms in life, well, I don't think I'm out of this storm yet. It's still sinking in that I'm never going to fly again for the rest of my life. And yet, I still feel like I have to prove myself. I'm just really, really glad that I have you to help me through this.”
Applejack gave the cyan Pegasus a soft squeeze.
“Sugarcube, you have got to be the most stubborn, determined, thick-skulled pony I've ever met. And that's what 'ah love about you. And you don't have to prove yourself to no one. Not no more. Because whenever life knocks you down, you get up and keep on running, even after all that's happened.”

This conversation leads to another of Rainbows’ crazy ideas. Participating in the Running of the Leaves. A nice callback and a great set up for Rainbows’ final challenge. The race is a test to Rainbow. To show not only to others but to herself that she’s has moved on from the incident and will keep moving forward.

There’s just one problem. Applejack is very concern that this may lead to another fatal injury for Rainbow. How thoughtful I guess?

“I'm not gonna just give this to ya, Rainbow. I respect ya too much to do that. You're gonna have to take it.”
The two ponies ran neck-and-neck, closer and closer to the finish line. Applejack took one last glance over at her friend, and the look on her face was one of pain.
“Rainbow, are you okay, sug-”
One of Rainbow's back hooves made contact with the ground the wrong way, and she let out a scream and went down, the rest of the racing herd was too close behind, and Applejack lost sight of the grounded Rainbow in a cloud of hooves, dust, and dirt.
Applejack woke up in a sweat, found herself short of breath, and her heart pounding. She must have been tossing in her sleep, because Winona was whining at the foot of her bed.
“I'm alright, girl. I'm alright. Just a bad dream, that's all.”

This leads to an agreement between Rainbow Dash and Applejack of Applejack telling Rainbow that she should drop out of the race. Both sides of the argument are right in their own way. Rainbow wants to prove to herself she can get past the loss of her wings while Applejack doesn’t want to see her friend get injured again.

Rainbow storms off leaving Applejack with her own thoughts. This scene is great in showing when made Applejack finally decide to let Rainbow join the race showing some character development.

Thinking back to the Element of Harmony she represented, she suddenly realized where she had gone wrong today.
“Applejack, who reassured me when I was in doubt, represents the Spirit of Honesty!”
She had made Rainbow a promise to run with her in that race tomorrow, and this morning she had just gone back on that promise. Applejack realized that she could use someone to reassure her when she was in doubt herself.
“Maybe it's time I showed Rainbow some loyalty of my own...” Applejack said to herself, picking up the Harmony Necklace, admiring it in her hooves.

And let the race begin.

Two sets of hooves raced down the dirt path towards the finish line. One set light brown; the other set cyan blue. Neither was giving an inch. The uproar of cheers from all around grew louder as the finish drew ever closer.
“I'm not gonna just give this to ya, Rainbow. I respect ya too much to do that. You're gonna have to take it.” Applejack managed to say through her heavy breathing.
“I...don't expect anything less!” Rainbow replied, equally tired, ready for this to be over.
The cheering came from all around. From the spectators to the left and right, from the front behind the finish line...
Even the racers behind them were cheering the two leaders on. It was almost deafening.
The race had been just like last year's, except without all the trickery that had caused them to tie for last. To be sure, this was going to be a race to remember. The finish was just seconds away. Rainbow's heart pounded against her chest.
A photo finish pony stood at the side of the finish line, ready with a instant-develop camera, ready to snap away the moment the first hoof crossed the finish line.
The pair of ponies came closer...closer...
Just two strides away, Rainbow let out an exhausted grunt as she lurched forward to touch the checkered dirt first.
There was the flash from the camera, and there was cheering all around as Applejack and Rainbow clumsily skidded to a halt; Rainbow somersaulting a few times in her exhausted state.
As Applejack helped her friend to her feet, making sure she was okay, the spectators quieted down for a moment, as the photographer blew on the freshly developed photo, waiting for the image to appear, to reveal the winner. He squinted at the photo, and then his eyes widened as he raised the picture to the sky.
“It's Rainbow Dash by a nose!!!”

What a victory and what a great First Story Arc.
Princess Celestia can summarise Rainbows’ journey pretty well.

“And Rainbow Dash, it is absolutely astounding what you have accomplished. You've not only fought a rigorous physical battle of recovery, but an emotional one as well.”
She gently hung the shimmering Gold medal around Rainbow's neck, and placed her rainbow-covered hoof on her shoulder.
The top three gave short bows, and Celestia nodded in return, and went to greet other race-goers.

And that’s the First Story Arc. What I love most about this story arc is the character development in most of the characters helping in Rainbow’s Recovery whether small or big which made seeing Rainbow Dash growing past the incident all the more satisfying.

Now on to the Second Story Arc. A nice follow up I will admit.

Rainbow after her recovery has developed survivor’s guilt. This is definitely sensible sub-plot and the second step in Rainbows’ journey.

“No, Applejack.” Rainbow began, tears pricking her eyes.
“Maybe you don't get it. What she did to me, I will remember for the rest of my life. And she did it to at least a dozen other poor ponies...and...and...”
She got choked up as tears ran down her cheeks.
“...and if what we did had anything to do with it...”
“Rainbow, if you keep thinking like that, you'll never sleep at night.”
“You can? You don't think for one second that our surprise party might've been the cause of this?”
“What you went through, hun, I don't want to put into words. And the last thing you need right now is a guilty conscience.”
“So...what do I do?” Rainbow asked her with teary eyes.
“Whatever you have to do to clear your mind.” Applejack said, giving her a reassuring squeeze around the shoulders.
“Because Pinkie is gone, her victims are gone, and nothing will change that or bring them back.”

As it turns out Rainbow Dash wasn’t the only one still in pain and recovering. The ponies of Ponyville are is low spirits after finding out best party pony is the killer of some of the towns’ ponies loved ones. It was mentioned earlier how badly the Cakes were affected but the rest of Ponyville? Wow. Reality bites you hard here.

“Hey there. Lyra, was it? How're you doing?”
Lyra looked up at Rainbow, with golden, watery eyes.
“Oh, h-hi Rainbow Dash. Glad to see you're recovering well. That was...was quite the race you ran last week.”
Her voice was shaking, and it seemed like she had done a bit of crying recently. Rainbow took a seat next to her on the bench.
“What's wrong, Lyra?”
Lyra turned her hooves towards Rainbow, showing she was holding a small gold pendant necklace.
“It's...it's Bon-bon...” she said, sounding as if she was on the verge of tears again.
Suddenly, a flashback hit Rainbow.
In the basement – strapped to the planks – Pinkie – her dress – sewn from all the cutie marks of her past victims...
One of them was three wrapped candies...
'Oh no...' Rainbow swallowed.

Wait... Agent Sweetie Drops Bon Bon is dead? Well that’s one way to kill a ship. No pun intended.

Rainbow also feels responsible for Pinkies’ insanity since she was the one who suggested Pinkies’ surprise party in Party of One. This is both a nice personal conflict and a nice way to tie-in Cupcakes to the show-cannon. Rainbow visits Twilight about her guilt and Twilight gives advice with a very light-heartening speech.

“Rainbow, what you did wasn't wrong. You were being a friend to Pinkie. You didn't want to hurt her feelings or your friendship by insisting that she get help. If you keep on going over past events like this, believing it could have been different, you're going to drive yourself insane.”
“It's not just that...I don't...”
She swallowed and sniffled, and tried to get back her composure.
“How am I supposed to remember her? How are all of us supposed to remember her? As one of the most energetic full-of-life friends ever? Or as this...'Cupcake Killer'? Is that the best way to honor her memory?”
Twilight didn't answer Rainbow's question right away. Rainbow and Pinkie had been closer friends than the rest of them, which was understandable. In any group of friends, some were closer than others.
“I just...just need to find some peace. Some closure to all this...”
“Well Rainbow,” Twilight began, motioning to the library's front door.
“It's a beautiful day out there. I'd say take a walk around town, get some fresh air. Talk to some of our other friends, get more perspectives, or maybe go for a swim. Just let your mind wander, maybe it'll solve this problem all on it's own.”
Rainbow wiped the tears from her eyes and nodded.
“Thanks, Twi.”

Twilight definitely has learnt a lot since her first day coming to Ponyville. Just to be a friend and be there for Rainbow. Taking a walk helped calmed her nerves and gave Rainbow another brilliant idea.

Twilight, her ever-knowledgeable, well-read friend was right, because right then, watching that fountain, something clicked, and the lightbulb blinked on above her head.
“That's it! That's what I can do!”
She quickly galloped towards Carousel Boutique, and barged through the door, startling the design shop's proprietor, who was currently sewing a garment.
“Hey Rarity, I just got a fantastic idea, and I wanted to bring it to you first and get your opinion on it. I think you could appreciate it most.”
“Oh? Do go on, Rainbow.” Rarity replied, retrieving from the floor the thread and needle she just dropped.
“What if we made a memorial? For the victims.”

A fountain as a memorial to the deceased victims is the best idea Rainbow thought of to help Ponyville in general heal. It’s the town’s way of getting past the incident like how Rainbow got past hers.

Also Rainbow ends up taking care of Gummy. Awww. This was a nice way for Rainbow to remember her deceased friend. As the energetic always smiling pink pony instead of a bloody murderer.

On a side note, I think miles should have included the scene where Gummy was released into the wild since I do not recall seeing Gummy ever again later in the story or in the sequels...

We jumped right into the fountain memorial with Mayor Mare giving a speech to the citizens of Ponyville. Families and friends mourning for those ponies lost to The Cupcake Killer. A moment of silence for them.

Okay back to the review. So Rainbow also goes on to visit Pinkies’ grave at the rock farm a few days later to bid her final farewells.

“Look...I don't think everypony will ever be able to agree on how to view what you did. Whether it's right to remember you and the way you were before all this happened. I don't honestly know what I'd say to you, had you survived. I'm trying my hardest to cope with what you did to me, Pinkie. You were one of my best friends, and I think I'm the only one out of our friends who's ready to move on. You're gone now, and I can't feel about you the way the other victims do. You didn't take anyone from me, except...yourself. We'll never know if you had any idea what you were doing, if there was something seriously wrong with your mind. I'm sorry if anything we did caused this.”
Rainbow fumbled with the dirt for a moment, trying to figure out what she wanted to say next.
“I guess what I'm trying to say is...I don't know if I'll ever be able to forgive you for what you did. I'm going to find a way to live with what you did to me, and I'll be stronger for it. But...you were a great friend, regardless of what happened to you in the end.”
Rainbow just sat there, looking at the simple grave. By looking at her, a pony wouldn't be able to tell if she was waiting for a response from beyond the grave. She sat there for several more minutes, in silence, before whispering goodbye, and began to trot home back to the farm, with Gummy on her back.
Her mind was finally clear.

This part of the story arc while not as good as the First Arc is definitely is a nice follow up in the progression of the story. I like how Rainbow gets past her survivors guilt by helping others and remembering her friend for what she was and not what she became. The best scene being Rainbow bidding her final farewells to Pinkie. It could have been better but for what it is, it’s a good read.

So what is the next step after recovery? Romance. The Appledash shipping was the perfect set up in my opinion. I don’t care what other readers say. If they let shipping ruin the story for them then it’s their loss. But perhaps why they hate on the shipping is not because of the shipping itself but maybe how rushed the reveal of the romance was in the Third Arc.

So what’s the romance about? Let’s get to that.

A week after the memorial and visit to the rock farm, Rainbow is finally well enough to help out around the farm. By the time its dinner we have the stunning discovery that Rainbow is falling for Applejack.

“Ya look like you got somethin' on yer mind, Sugah” Granny commented.
“Really?” Rainbow asked, slowly nibbling at her cobbler.
“It's rather obvious, what with the way you're lookin' at her.”
Rainbow's cheeks turned several shades redder.
“Uh-um, I don't know what you're getting at.”
“Honey, I may be old, but ah'm certainly not dim. Now maybe you don't know you're doin' it, but your eyes were locked on her the whole time.”
Rainbow Dash gulped, looked like she was about to panic.
“Now now, I don't want you frettin' none. I didn't mean anythin' by it. If you have any feelings for AJ, that's your business. I won't judge you or her for whatever you two feel for each other. You've gotta follow your heart. I've always figured love is a complicated thing.”

There could have been a better way to start hinting Appledash than this but the later part does gets better and dramatic.

Applejack could see the flustered feelings Rainbow was having as she stared at her dripping wet friend.
“Rainbow, I-”
Applejack didn't get to finish her sentence, as Rainbow leaned over, and her lips connected with Applejack's. The moment they touched, she felt as if a surge of warmth surged through her body, moving down her spine to the tips of her hooves and back again. She closed her eyes, while AJ's eyes widened. Time seemed to slow to an inexorable crawl.
The kiss seemed like forever, yet in reality, only lasted two seconds, when Rainbow broke it, and opened her eyes, staring into Applejack's; those beautiful, apple green eyes. When Applejack's shocked expression didn't change in several seconds, Rainbow's expression changed from ecstatic to shocked and ashamed.
“I-I'm so sorry, AJ...I'm-oh!”
Rainbow held back the tears as she got up and galloped back to the farmhouse, leaving a stunned Applejack alone on the dock.

And that’s perhaps not the best way to start a romance Rainbow.
Applejack and Rainbow confess their love for one another and Applejack gives an interesting line telling readers that there is more to this part of the story than just a ship.

“Let's see where this goes, alright, Sugarcube?”

And the next chapter definitely goes somewhere. The flashbacks to the Cupcake Incident from Applejacks’ POV gave character and back story to her especially in what led her to liking Rainbow and the reasons for keeping her love hidden.

Jump back to present day and we some to a clop scene...
Okay let’s skip that shall we.

Luna burst in after that and brings Rainbow something that wound reopens some wounds for Rainbow. The Journal of The Cupcake Killer. On to the Forth Story Arc.

We cut to a flashback with Princess Celestia and Luna investigating the murders. As I said before, I like how Luna is getting a more active in helping Equestria which is a good show of character development for best princess.

It was a pink pony, her hair all poofy and wild. Not to mention blood-stained. Her eyes, blue irises were contracted almost completely. What Luna found most disturbing, however, was the attire of the pony. A garment sewn of cutie marks. Different Pegasus wings were sewn up the back, and around her neck, was a crude necklace of unicorn horns.
“Dear child, what have you done?” Celestia asked somberly.
The only reply was silence, Pinkie's lifeless eyes staring into infinity.
“I'm going to find out.” Luna declared.
“Yes. I'll take command of the investigation.”
“Are you sure, Luna?”
The night Alicorn nodded firmly.

Skipping all the CSI junk Luna finds The Journal which cuts back to present day with Rainbow and Luna reading the journal together.

Some readers said that the Appledash shipping was a big problem of the story. That’s not the case for me. That problem for me goes to the Journal of The Cupcake Killer story arc. I was never a fan of Cupcakes because of all the blood and gore. I’m a visual person and that’s why you’ll never see me watch any slasher films. This part of the story was hard for me to stomach especially when I was rereading it to get information on the total number of victims in the Cupcake Massacre for my 20 facts on Cupcake Chronicles. Pretty sure I missed a few considering I said there were 10 when there was actually 13.

“Pony fur and skin. Thirteen...thirteen cutie marks and three different pairs of Pegasi wings.” she said, studying the dress.

To sum it up. This part of the story is scary and very very bloody. Here there is not just one pony killed but 13 whom are mutilated and killed in unique and frightening ways. Thanks for the nightmares miles and I thought Cupcakes was scary.

Though that doesn’t make it a bad Forth Story Arc. I may not like it but this part of the story is not just blood and gore. Miles does a phenomenal job in giving us a look into Pinkies’ psyche and her slow decent into insanity. This is a great show of explanation as to why Pinkie became Pinkamena unlike how Cupcakes portrayed it what with no explanation as to why Pinkie did what she did. While not my favourite part of the story, you can look forward to reading the portrayal of Pinkies’ character development into Pinkamena is the good part for this gory story arc.

After reading The Journal, Rainbow Dash falls sick similar to what happen to me after reading that part of the story. Pinkamena lives on to mock Rainbow in the afterlife. Applejack and Luna have an agruement that hints that Applejack resents Pinkie unlike Rainbow who forgave her. Princess Luna leaves leaving Applejack alone with a sick Rainbow.

Applejack briefly went into the kitchen, and stared at the closed book on the table. Although tempted for a moment, she quickly made up her mind that she wanted nothing to do with what was inside. But she would respect Luna's wishes. She picked up the bloodstained book and took it back to the guest room, and gently set it on Rainbow's dresser.
"Consarn it, Rainbow. Why can't we all just move past this? Why does it always need to be brought back up...? You deserve better than this."
Rainbow Dash continued to sleep peacefully. Rather than retire to her room, Applejack quietly climbed into bed next to Rainbow, and slid under the covers, snuggling into her lover and friend, and slowly drifted back to sleep.

This is where the story leads to the Final Story Arc which is so long that it’s divided into a couple of sub-plots. Rainbow After The Storm. Catchy title for the finale of the story. It's interesting but may need better formating.

We start off this story arc with a flashback to Cloudsdale 3 years ago. Showing how Rainbow ended up in Ponyville. To avoid her family.

This scene is the start of my favourite sub-plot; Rainbows’ Family Reunion.

We fast forward to present day with Applejack waking up in the morning checking on Rainbow and having personal doubts whether this relationship is truly love.

She spent the time reflecting on what they had shared earlier that night. They had confessed their deep feelings for each other. Applejack had kept them in secret longer than Rainbow, but in her life-changing experience, and time of healing on the farm, Rainbow finally opened up to the workhorse, in the form of an abrupt kiss out by the lake.
'Ah wonder' Applejack thought to herself, 'If she hadn't done that, would I have ever told her how I really feel?'
Applejack had harbored these feelings for Rainbow for awhile, but she was good at concealing them, partially because she wasn't confident in how strong those feelings really were. She wasn't quite sure when it had started. But rescuing Rainbow from the brink of death made her realize just how precious the Pegasus was to her. Not only that, but they did have quite a lot in common. Rainbow was a hard worker when it came to the Weather Patrol, just as AJ gave her all on the farm every day. Applejack never did have any crushes growing up, or a love life to speak of at all for that matter. So the difference between colt and mare didn't mean much of anything to her.
But was it love?
She had to assume it was. She felt stronger for Rainbow than she did for any other pony. Was she worried about what her family would think? Of course, but for Rainbow, she was willing to face and endure it.

This was the better way to portray the romance in this story than the Third Story Arc did making this my second favourite sub-plot of this Final Story Arc. Although I’m not that fond of sex scenes. I know it’s nitpicking but it is actually possible to read the whole story without the sex scenes and it wouldn’t change much of the story. But the romance and drama of the relationship of Rainbow and Applejack is certainly something worth reading in this story arc. Especially with them having to come out of the closet of their relationship.

We cut to a flashback of when Rainbow was going to the hospital which I think would have been better if he wrote it along with Rainbows’ Parents POV than by itself since by the next chapter we get thrown into another flashback of how Applejack and Rainbow first met 3 years ago. All the flashbacks for this Final Story Arc are great in giving character and back story but they probably needed a better structure cause it felt all over the place.

Back to present day we see the Apple Family and Rainbow having breakfast until it was interrupted by Applebloom.

By this time, Applebloom had come and joined the table, having been the last one to get up.
“Hey, did anypony else hear those noises last night? Sounded like they were coming from Rainbow's room.” Applebloom asked.
Rainbow nearly choked on her mouthful of eggs, and Applejack nearly spit out her orange juice, but they both managed to remain composed. Swallowing their drink and food, they exchanged glances.
“Why, no. Ah didn't hear anythin', Applebloom. What about you, Rainbow?” Applejack asked, nearly sweatdropping.
“Uh, nope. Slept right through the night. You must be hearing things, Applebloom.” Rainbow seconded. Aplebloom shrugged.

Oh. The innocence of children. You’re very sly miles.

After breakfast, Applejack and Rainbow together are hurling apple carts to the Ponyville Feed N' Seed grocery store while talking about who to tell about their relationship first. Only problem is Marty; the owner of the store, overheard their conversation.

“Got the last part of yer order right here, Marty.” she said, pulling up to the rear of the store.
“I'm sorry, Applejack, I can't accept these. Not anymore.”
Applejack was taken aback, and wasn't sure if the proprietor was joking.
“Why, what're you talkin' about, Marty? You've never had trouble selling your entire order before.”
“It's simple. I will not be seen doing business with a fillyfooler. Especially on the day when Princess Celestia is coming to visit.”
This sent AJ into a stunned silence for several moments.
“Wh-what are you-”
“Don't bother denying it either. I overheard you and Rainbow Dash unloading the apples. I can't believe a hard working farmpony would participate in such disgusting behavior. I think it's now in our best interests to save face, so I'll take the portion of the order you gave me and you'll get payment for that. But beyond that, my business is done with you.”
“B-but-” Applejack stammered. Even if she didn't get cut off, she was unable to find the words to defend herself. This was entire unexpected.
“Now I have a store to run. Good day, Applejack.”

As I mentioned in my Review of I Am Not Gay by DisneyFanatic23. I wished there could have been more drama where somepony is not accepting of their sexuality in that story. Here miles does a great job doing this idea. And with hilarious reactions and results.

Rainbow took this information very badly as it reminded her too much of her buried past leading to her breaking Feed N' Seed grocery store window. What a coincidence that Princess Celestia was just visiting right at this moment. This leads to a very large argument bringing the resident ponies attention in the surrounding area and ultimately lead to rainbow being dismissed by the Royal Guard.

Princess Celestia and Rainbow have a conversation later that leads to an interesting back story for Rainbow.

“I don't take you for the kind of pony that would be susceptible to outbursts of violence like that.” Celestia told her, her tone gentle and non-accusing. Rainbow said nothing, her gaze fixated on the ground in front of her.
“I'd just like to know what's going on here. I want to help you in any way I can.” Celestia said, trying to get anything out of Rainbow.
“You wouldn't understand” Rainbow said sullenly.
“Try me” the Royal Sister replied.
After several more moments of silence, Rainbow took a deep breath.
“You don't know what it was like growing up. All the bullies...how cruel they were. They didn't care how much their words and actions hurt me, they just wanted a laugh. The teasing, the ganging up on me, the kissing sounds, the pictures they drew and put up around the school. Back then, all it took was the color of my hair for them to call me a fillyfooler. I even considered dyeing it so they'd stop, but my mom wouldn't let me. She said my hair was what made me unique, and that I shouldn't change it based on anypony else's opinion, and that I shouldn't let teasing bother me if it wasn't true.”
“Your mother's right” Celestia reassured. Rainbow sniffled, tears pricking her eyes again.
“So I tried ignoring it. When I did that, they got in my face, made sure I saw them. When I couldn't ignore them anymore, I tried going to my teachers. But they were always too busy, and the bullies always waited until they were out of sight to harass me. So when the teachers wouldn't stop it, I started fighting back. That got me expelled. My dad told me to apologize to the school, and to the ponies I gave some bloody noses to.”
“So what happened?”
“I refused. My dad was essentially telling me I couldn't stand up for myself when nopony else would help me. The bullies didn't care, the teachers didn't notice, and my parents wouldn't listen. So I ran away. That's...that's how I ended up here in Ponyville.”

Rainbow ends up being placed on house arrest and now both lovers have to worry about facing ponies tomorrow for Rainbows’ stunt. This is definitely a tear jerker.

Also another sub-plot!!

Lyra was pulled from sleep by a musical noise somewhere downstairs. Annoyed, she put her slippers on and made her way downstairs to investigate, the rich notes becoming clearer.
When she got to the living room, she was shocked at what she saw.
Her lyre sat on the coffee table in front of the couch, it's strings vibrating by the plucks of what seemed to be air in the darkness.
It was playing itself. And the notes were all too familiar to her. It was Bon Bon's favorite song. She moved closer to investigate whatever invisible force was playing her instrument, and as she leaned in for a closer look, she realized just a moment too late, one of the strings being pulled violently out in her direction. There was a sharp snapping sound, and Lyra was unable to react in time.
Her scream pierced the silence of Ponyville's night.

We also get another flashback to 3 years ago when Rainbow is talking with Applejack for the first time, meeting her old friend Fluttershy, and a scene with Rainbows’ dad regretting what he said to her daughter and worried where she gone to.

I’ll spare the details of the flashbacks as they are more worth reading for yourselves than me summarising.

The next day was not to Rainbows’ and Applejacks’ expectations. I found it flipping hilarious that there was an angry mob around the store.

There were dozens of ponies crowded around the shattered storefront window of the Feed 'n' Seed, some held picket signs with various phrases such as 'Get Out!' and 'No Hatred In Ponyville!' Upon seeing the approaching royalty, the crowd gave her enough room to enter the store, but did not decrease their volume in the slightest. It was obvious why Mayor Mare was concerned.
“This is absolutely unacceptable,” were Marty's first words upon the Princess' arrival to the back of the store. “This is my store, and I can rightfully refuse business to anypony I want.”
“Sir, in that regard you would be correct,” Celestia began, starting the debate off calmly. “You are perfectly within your right to refuse service to anypony. But using that logic, I will also point out that the Ponyvillians are also completely within their rights to protest outside your store. The streets of town are public property, and thus, free for public assembly.”
“Further, you need to realize the impact of what you did yesterday. The Apple family founded Ponyville, and you sorely disrespected them yesterday. And what's more, you publicly demanded the arrest of the distressed sole survivor of the worst serial killing spree in our town's history. And the worst part is you don't seem to care.” Mayor Mare told him.

Dude. Ponies. Baltimare is That way.

Also, on a side note, I guess this is miles retort to those readers who say that Appledash ruined the story. All aboard the funny train!!

Meanwhile at the schoolhouse, another incident is occurring. Diamond Tiara is such a bitch here.

“Alright class, lets settle down. Now before we go to lunch, what topic should we have for today's Discussion Time?” Cheerilee asked, standing at her podium, getting the chatty class quieted down and under control.
"Ah know, Ms. Cheerilee! We can talk about all those ponies in front of Mr. Marty's store!" Applebloom suggested. She heard the commotion on the way to school that morning.
"Oh... Ermm... I don't know about that, Applebloom. I don't think that topic is really appropriate for foals as young as you to discuss," Cheerilee explained.
"Why not?"
"Because they're protesting that your sister's a fillyfooler." Diamond Tiara rudely broke in.
"Well, that's not exactly true D-" Cheerilee tried to say, but was cut off.
"What's a fillyfooler?"
"It means that your sister would rather marry a mare than a stallion!"
"That's enough Diamond Tiara." the schoolteacher said, now attempting to get the situation under control.
"Oh. Ah still don't understand why all those ponies would be angry.
"They're angry because your sister is unnatural!"
"Not another word Diamond Tiara!"
"And just what the hay is that supposed to mean?!"
"Don't you get it? Your sister is a filthy, disgusting excuse for a pony! She's almost as bad as the Cupcake Killer!"
“Diamond Tiara!!”

I know she’s reformed in Crusaders of The Lost Mark but I want to strangle her more than Marty right now.

Back at the store, both lovers arrive with Marty slightly remorseful. Applejack is forgiving of him while Rainbow is not.

“I don't believe this. You called us back into town to accept this coerced apology? When a town finally doesn't look the other way when it comes to bullying, the first thing you want to do is sweep it under the rug???” Rainbow asked her accusingly, before turning to Marty, with tears in her eyes.
“And you. You disgust me. I know you're only worried about your business. You turned away Ponyville's oldest and best apple supplier, and demanded that I be arrested for giving you exactly what you deserved. Applejack is the only reason my name isn't on that fountain out there, and you wanted to condemn us because we've grown to love each other. I ran away from home to get away from hateful ponies just like you. Ponyville isn't going to tolerate your bigotry. And Princess, with all due respect, I won't be a pawn in calming this mob.”
With that, Rainbow turned tail and stormed out of the store.

She’s got a point there Marty. You fucked up for sure.

Applejack and Rainbow later meet up with their friends who are accepting of their love. The lovers go their separate ways afterwards; Rainbow going to the hospital to visit an injured Lyra and Applejack talking to Twilight at the Library. Both are advised on their relationship.

“Well, actually, I came to talk. Ya see, I need to know...I need to know how you did it.”
“Did what?”
“You and Bon Bon. How did you two handle being together?”
Lyra stared at Rainbow for a few moments, and saw that she was sincerely interested.
“Why do you ask?”
“Applejack and I are...seeing each other. One of AJ's customers didn't take too kindly to it.”
“Ah, so that's what all that fuss outside is about. The hateful bigot is going to deserve whatever is coming to him.”
“So how did you and Bon Bon do it? How did you avoid all the ridicule and hate?”
Lyra cleared her throat, as she prepared to give Rainbow her explanation.
“Because we kept it private. We kept our affection for each other in public to a minimum. Nopony else needed to know.”
“Why not? Why didn't you celebrate your love for each other? Why is it okay for colt and mare couples to show affection for each other in public, but ponies like us have to keep it behind closed doors?”
“I'll be honest, Rainbow. I don't know. It's just the way things are. But Bon Bon and I didn't care. We had each other, and that's all that mattered to us. We kept it to ourselves because we didn't want the stress of anypony disapproving of our relationship.”
Rainbow scoffed. “You shouldn't have to hide it away like it's something to be ashamed of. I mean, at first that's what I wanted to do. But then because of what did yesterday, that's no longer an option, and now, suddenly, I feel proud of it. I want it to be out in the open” she argued.
“We didn't view it as hiding it away. Our relationship was personal. It was no other pony's business. Rainbow, I can't help but notice that in the very short time you've been here, your tone has been rather aggressive whenever you've mentioned your relationship with Applejack. You don't have to defend your relationship from anypony.”
“So I just let them say whatever they want?” Rainbow shot back.
“Let me ask you a question. Do you love her?”
“Absolutely. What kind of question is that?”
“An honest one. One you should be constantly reminding yourself of in these first days. You don't want to have to keep defending Applejack in the manner you did yesterday, or you might find yourself in a situation where you won't be able to be with her.” Lyra cautioned, essentially advising Rainbow to keep her temper in check.
“You don't understand. Growing up, I was teased and bullied mercilessly simply because of my hair; that was the excuse they used to brand me a fillyfooler. It got so bad that I had to run away from home to get away from it all. So you'll excuse me if I find defending myself a little more commonplace than you, Lyra. What about you? Did you have to deal with anything like that?” Rainbow shot back, albeit politely.
“No, I wasn't bullied, and even if that factors in to what you're going through right now, the love between you and Applejack is still very, very young. You still have some things to figure out.”
“Like what?”
“Like how far you'll go for each other. How far out of the way you'll go for one another. How much you'd sacrifice you each other. I promise, when you've figured all that out, when you are 100% sure of your love for her, you won't care what anypony else thinks.”

“So, Applejack. What can I do for you?” Twilight asked, once they were both comfortable at a table in the library.
“Twilight, 'ah was wondering. In all your books and studies, have ya ever done any research on...love?” AJ asked.
“Love's a pretty broad subject, AJ.”
“Well, 'ah mean...relationships. Making 'em work and all.”
Twilight gave the workhorse a quizzical look.
“Applejack, where's this coming from? Is everything okay with you and Rainbow?”
“That's just it. Ah...'ah don't think so. That's why I need advice. It hasn't even been two days, and I feel like we're struggling already.”
“Well, um, for starters, how did everything start?”
“Ya mean, when did I start having feelings for her?”
“Sure, start there.”
“Well, um, I guess a small part of it was way back when she came to Ponyville three years ago after running away from home. I found her sleeping in the barn. There was just...somethin' about her. As time went on, and she and I became better friends and more competitive with each other, it kinda grew without being noticed.” AJ explained.
Twilight listened intently.
“Then...then when Pinkie got to her, and I barely saved her, it hit me as I was sitting outside the ER. She's the most important pony in the world to me.”
“And then she came to stay with you.”
“Yeah. I made it a point to set my feelings aside, and focus on helping her recover. And then...two days ago...”
Twilight sat silently, noticing Applejack's cheeks tint red.
“She kissed me. Out on the swimming dock we built for her.”
“So she shared these feelings.”
“Yeah! At first I was stunned. Rainbow misinterpreted it and ran back to the house in tears. I fought through my stupor, and realized how happy I was. I chased after her to reassure her, and then...she...she made love to me.”
“Alright,” Twilight began, “obviously you two love each other, so what's the problem?”
“The problem is everything that's going on! That journal of Pinkie's, this crap with Marty, and Rainbow never told me why she ran away from home, and I think something involving that has come back to haunt her. I think that's why she broke Marty's window. The point is I'm...I...”
Applejack swallowed, tears pricking her eyes.
“I feel like I did outside the emergency room. I feel like I'm losing her all over again.”
“Ah, I see.”
“Another thing I guess is she's made all the moves. She kissed me, she made love to me, she broke a window in my defense.”
Applejack thought some more.
“Maybe I'm not as confident about this relationship as I'd like to be. It just feels like I'm surrounded. By my family, by work on the farm. Heck, even that first night together we had to keep it down to avoid bothering anypony else.”
“Then there's your solution.”
“What is?”
“Young love is delicate, AJ. To lay the foundation for a long, healthy relationship, you have to give it plenty of attention. It sounds like everything else has come first. And sometimes that can't be avoided, as long as you set aside time for just the two of you.”
“So, what, more time in bed?”
“No, not quite. Your bed is surrounded by a house full of sleeping family members. Here's what you do. You take Rainbow someplace secluded, someplace private – just the two of you.”
“And then?”
Twilight gave a smile at Applejack's naivety.
“And then you show her how much you love her.”
This made AJ blush again, and she smiled.

Twilight and Lyra FTW.

After that, Applejack has to go to the schoolhouse regarding the incident as I mentioned earlier leading to Applejack kind of giving the birds and the bees talk to her sister of sexuality.

Appleblooms’ reply is the perfect buck you to people hating the Appledash.

“Why does anypony care who you love? I know I don't. That's yer business.”

Later on that night, Rainbow and Applejack have another heart to heart conversation. This time about Rainbows’ Childhood.
And then there’s clop again… and Pinkamena?

Applejack wasn't sure how long she had been asleep, but all of a sudden her eyes shot open, and she was still there, in the orchard with Rainbow, the stars and moon still bright in the sky.
But she felt very cold, very fast. She knew something was wrong.
Upon sitting up to investigate her surroundings, Applejack was forced back down, suddenly and without warning, and found her hooves pinned to the grass by another. She couldn't do anything but draw in a short, frightened breath, as she gazed up at her attacker; at the long, straight mane, shrouding the face like a curtain...
...and she looked into the eyes of Pinkamena Diane Pie.

What a twist!

But instead of following up with the story we get another flashback. This time how Rainbow took on her job as weather pony, setting up her home, and finally cutting back to Rainbows’ father whose got wrapped up in his work with both her daughter and wife leaving him only to finally find where her daughter was all this time.

Great flashback but is there somewhere else you could have written it at?

Back to the present, Pinkamena is back as an avenging ghost. I can understand why some readers may find this part of the story arc distracting. What’s with the paranormal stuff in a story about recovery?

I’m not that very picky about this though and when I rolled with the insanity of it I actually kind of enjoyed myself. It’s Pinkie Pie. What else did you expect?
Also it’s nice to see Zecora. She definitely gives readers the mystical vibe for detailing what is happening.

We cut to another flashback of Rainbow finding the lost posters of her sent around by her parents in the mail. Then we cut to another flashback continuing from the previous flashback in the previous chapter with Rainbows’ Father elated of finding her daughter but unsure of how to approach her. Then we cut back to the present. It’s really confusing to string up the timeline right now… Maybe that’s why miles created one in his authors notes?

Rainbow and Applejack meet up with the ghost of Pinkie Past and she tells them how to get rid of Pinkamena. By burning the Journal of Tom Ridd- err, I mean The Cupcake Killer.

Cut to another flashback into the past where Rainbows’ Dad finally meets his wife after so long to tell her he found Rainbow. Sadly, he’s still unsure of how to approach her.

Cut back to the present where Pinkamena crashed Rainbows’ and Applejacks’ converstation with Pinkie only to have Pinkie fight Pinkamena to buy time for them to burn the Journal.

Cut back to another flashback where Rainbows’ parents set up Rainbow Dash into the Best Youngs Flier Competition from Sonic Rainboom in an attempt to approach which ultimately they did not out of fear.

They finally have the courage to meet her when they find out she was fatally injured in the events of Cupcakes later.
Problem is Rainbow doesn’t want to meet them.

“Miss Rainbow, last night's events were the front page story of every newspaper in Equestria. Chances are they're going to find out where you are.”
“And if that happens, you keep them out of here, you understand me? I do not want to see them.”
“If they show up, they're probably very worried about you.”
“I don't care. If it takes something like this to make them come see me, then I don't want to see them in the first place. I won't let them see me like this.”
This nurse said nothing more. She subtly shook her head, and shut off the light.
“Have a good night, Miss Rainbow.”

Rainbow still has some resentment for her parents to such an extreme leading to a very tear-jerking scene.

They almost came crashing through the front doors and into the lobby, startling the desk attendant, a nurse on her current shift.
“Can I help you?” she asked them. Stormcloud approached the desk.
“Yes. May we see Rainbow Dash please?”
“I'm sorry. Visiting hours are over, sir.”
“Please make an exception. We're her parents.” Firefly added, coming up next to her husband.
The nurse's expression suddenly changed to an awkward sorrowful look.
“I'm...I'm sorry sir. But even during visiting hours, she's given specific instructions to not let any immediate family in to see her.”
This was the knife to Stormcloud's heart, and the nurse could tell, too. He stood there, shocked and hurt, for several silent seconds.
“Please. That's my daughter in there. Tell me what's happened to her, and let me see her, please!” he asked. He had a mind to keep his voice down so as to not disturb the sleeping farm pony in the chairs a few feet away.
The nurse sorted through a few clipboards. “I can't let you in there, but I can tell you her condition, if you feel you're truly prepared to hear it.”
Stormcloud said nothing, afraid of what they were going to hear. The nurse skimmed the clipboard, and then looked up at the duo.
“She's lost both of her wings.”
Firefly gasped, and fell into her husband, sobbing.
“She was at death's door when she was brought here. They got her here just in time.”
Both Pegasi in the waiting room were weak at the knees.
“No, oh Celestia, please, not my Rainbow...” Firefly wept into Stormcloud's coat. He put a hoof around her to try and comfort her.
“Please. We haven't spoken to her in three years. I'm begging you...please let us see her.”
The nurse's expression was honestly sympathetic, but she didn't relent.
“I sympathize with you, I really do. But I'm afraid we have to follow patient orders.”
Stormcloud said nothing else. Fighting his hardest to not collapse there in the lobby, his wing around his wife, he slowly turned, and they walked out of the lobby into the Ponyville night, the doors sliding closed behind them. For the longest time, they just stood there, out in the open. He tried his best to comfort his wife.
“Wh...what...what do we do now...?” Firefly sobbed.
Stormcloud embraced his wife, unsure how to feel or think at the moment.
His worst fears had been realized. Even Rainbow's brush with death hadn't removed her grudge.
“I don't know. I...I just don't know.”

Cut back to the present where the Mane 5 are trying to search for the journal and burn it. However, Rainbow gets fatally injured again and this time she might die.

Then, Ghost Ex Machina. She’s okay.

We cut back to the events of The Running of The Leaves in the First Story Arc but from another ponies POVs. Rainbows’ Parents.

I’m glad that her parents just didn’t just stop helping their daughter right then and there in the hospital. They’ve been helping behind the scenes in the First Story Arc.

Checking all around the starting area on various preparations, the Mayor saw a chariot approaching in the rising sun, from the direction of Cloudsdale. Being pulled by three Pegasi, it came to a slow, gentle landing by the start line. In the chariot, was a black cauldron.
“Where would you like it, Ms. Mayor?” the lead pony on the chariot said, unhooking himself from the yolk.
“Right next to the starting line would be perfect.” she replied, and the gray Pegasus directed the other two to place it so.
“I'd like to personally thank you for donating that liquid rainbow, Mr. Stormcloud. It means so much to the town to see Rainbow Dash getting this kind of support in her recovery.”
The Weather Factory manager smiled.
“I hope it means just as much to her, as well.” he said.
Once the cauldron had been set down next to the start line, one of the other chariot haulers came over to Stormcloud, while the last remaining one went to pull the chariot out of the way.
“Do you think it'll help?” Firefly asked privately, after coming over from the chariot.
“I don't know. I doubt she even knows I got promoted. But if it helps lift her spirits, it doesn't matter if she knows who it's from.”

This is a great show of character development for Rainbows' Parents since their spat years ago. After the race, Rainbows’ Parents talk to Princess Celestia on advice on how to approach Rainbow.

Celestia herself was about to retire back to Canterlot when she heard somepony behind her call her.
“Ex-excuse me, Your Highness? May we have an audience with you?” the male voice said.
Celestia turned, and saw two Pegasi, a gray male and a pink female.
“It's awfully late, my loyal subjects. Don't you want to get home and rest?”
“Please, Your Majesty. It's...it's important, to us. I...we...need your advice.”
Celestia considered their words, as well as their expressions, carefully, and noticed something...desperate...about the pair's eyes.
“Certainly, my little ponies. What can I do for you?”
The gray Pegasus took a step forward.
“Your Highness, my name is Stormcloud. I'm the new manager of the Cloudsdale Weather Factory. This is my wife, Firefly. Rainbow Dash...” he stopped to take a breath.
“Rainbow is our daughter. We...we haven't spoken to her in three years. Not since she ran away.”
“Oh? Why did she run away?” Celestia asked, taking a seat on the grass.
“We had an argument after she had gotten expelled from flight school for getting into fights. We told her to either apologize to the school, or leave the house. She took off into the night, and we haven't approached her since. And...”
Stormcloud again had to pause to keep himself composed.
“And when we heard about what happened at Sugarcube Corner, we got to the hospital as soon as we could. When we got there, we were refused. The receptionist told us she had been given specific instructions to not let any immediate family in. We...we didn't take that too well.”
Celestia continued to listen, and Firefly stepped up to join her husband.
“We just want to know where we went wrong, why she's still so angry at us. We're sorry to come to you with this, but...we have nowhere else to turn.” she said.
Celestia smiled gently at them.
“Well, the first thing you have to do is know and understand why she's angry. Other than the fights in school, was she well-behaved?” Celestia asked them.
Stormcloud immediately nodded.
“Absolutely. She's always been a bit competitive, but the fights at school was the first trouble we had with her.”
“Alright. So when the fights started, did you wonder what was going on? Did you talk to the teachers?”
The parents shook their heads.
“We didn't talk to the teachers until after numerous fights. They just told us to get her under control.”
“Honestly, my ponies, the Cloudsdale flight school has always had an unbalanced instructor-to-student ratio. Perhaps they weren't addressing the source of the problem.”
Firefly turned to Stormcloud. “She did say one time she tried asking the teachers for help, but they were always busy with other students.”
“Chances are, physically defending herself was her last resort. It was a cry for help.”
They understood what Celestia was politely and subtly saying: You were ordering your filly around when you should have been listening to her.
“Also, kicking a child out of their home almost never has the desired result, as I'm sure you've noticed now. She had tried everything she knew how, she was back up against the edge of a cliff, and what you essentially did was throw her off the edge.”
Stormcloud looked like he had been stabbed in the heart.
“Make no mistake, that's why she's still angry at you. She was crying for help, and instead of listening, you showed her the door. She was alone. She had no one. I'm sorry to have to be the one to tell you this.”
Stormcloud's eyes widened, and with a gasp, he fell to his knees and began to cry.
“Oh, what have I done...?” he asked. Firefly stepped over and leaned down to comfort her husband.
“You were only doing what you thought was best.”
“What kind of father thinks it's best to kick their bullied daughter to the curb? What kind of father does that?” he asked in return.
Celestia stepped forward.
“Based on what I see before me, a loving, caring, imperfect father, who's ready to correct his mistakes.”
“Your Majesty, what do I do? I'd give anything to speak to her again, but...but I don't think I could handle being rejected by her again.” Stormcloud said through his tears.
“I'll be honest. What you two did that night probably severely wounded your relationship with your daughter. But all wounds, properly cared for, heal with time. And that's what this is going to take. Time. Likely, more of it than you want. Give yourselves more time. Wait until you're not afraid. Wait until it feels right to approach her and apologize.”
Stormcloud looked up at her, tears glazing his eyes.
“How will I know when the right time is?”
Celestia placed her liquid rainbow-covered hoof on the distraught father's shoulder.
“Your heart will know.”

Cut back to Rainbow in the hospital again and this time she’s fully recovered. Her wings are back but with a special edition.

There they were. Her wings. Fully intact. Her mouth fell agape. She turned her torso, and slowly unfurled them.
The tip of each feather now had bright pink barbs, like the very ends of each one had been dipped in cotton candy. It seemed to contrast perfectly with the rest of the cyan color of the wings.

This part is either make or break for some readers in this story. It is great Rainbow gets back her wings. I’m actually okay with that. However this scene may feel a little bit cheap to other readers considering Rainbow already came to the point of accepting that her wings are gone just to have them put on her back again. I like that ending but I can understand any complains of this part.

The last subplot definitely makes up for it though and is why it’s my third favourite part for the Final Story Arc. With her wings back Rainbow gets invited to the Wonderbolts.

“Rainbow? What's wrong, hun?”
Rainbow, shoulders heaving, merely pointed a hoof at the nightstand, where a folded piece of paper sat on top of a torn envelope. Applejack walked to the nightstand, picked it up, and read to herself.
Dear Rainbow Dash,
I would first like to congratulate you on your astounding recovery. It must feel great to fly again.
Secondly, the purpose of this letter is to bring you an offer. For this upcoming season, we would like to elevate you from your position as an honorary Wonderbolt to a full performing member. No audition necessary, Dash. We know you've got what it takes.
We look forward to hearing from you.
Wonderbolts Captain

Only Problem is…

Rainbow sniffled, looking at the floor.
“It's not that, AJ.”
“Then what's wrong?”
Rainbow looked her in the eyes.
“I...I don't want to leave you.”

Oh the drama of romance. This last line really hits you hard wondering what will Rainbow Dash choose. Her Passion or Her Love? This is the type of romance I can definitely get into.
Until Applejack immediately shoots off this dilemma by telling Rainbow she should go. Well that’s one way to cut a romantic cliché. And actually kind of refreshing then Rainbow making the sacrifice of staying with her marefriend.

Meeting with Spitfire to accept the offer, Rainbow finds out that the show will be about her and her experience. “The Rainbow After The Storm”. Subtle...

This gives Rainbow the opportunity to bring along her marefriend along. And Applejack accepts. Wow, two for one Rainbow.

The next scene we see the play and it’s just like a ballet of sorts. Go check it out. Anyways the play hits off and Rainbow gets another visit from Princess Celstia but with a special surprise. Her parents. The meeting with the parents is very emotional and satisfying for Rainbows’ story to end off in but there’s more.

A letter from to end it off this wondrous journey.

No not that Letters. This Letter!

Dear Princess Celestia
Over the past several months, I realized one of the most important aspects not just of friendship, but of family too. Everypony has their flaws, and everypony makes mistakes, even big, life-changing ones. It takes a real friend to forgive those mistakes, and through that, miraculous healing can take place, emotionally and even physically, and that's the most powerful magic of friendship. There are times where it truly doesn't matter what somepony has done. All that matters is that they are your friend, they are your family, and if you can look past any fault, amazing things can happen.
Your faithful subject,
Rainbow Dash
Dear Mom and Dad
I know that there's probably nothing I can write or say that will change the past three years. I know we all regret that night, and nothing we do will get us that lost time back. What's important is that we're back together. We're a family again, and we can start patching things up together.
Dad, I think you and I should just stop dwelling on who was right and who was wrong that night. You were busy with your job still trying to be the best father you could, and I was a stressed, angry, kid who was sick and tired of getting bullied. Maybe we should just leave it at that.
You don't know what it means to me that you accept Applejack and I for who we are. We mean the world to each other, and it makes me so happy that you're okay with that. The circumstances under which we found our love for each other could have been better, but what matters is that we found each other.
See you guys next time I'm home!
Love always, your daughter,
Rainbow Dash

The Final Story Arc is definitely a great read and end off. Despite the flashbacks being kind-of out of order and thus distracting but they were still spectacular overall. I like the emotion and drama of Rainbow to her Marefriend and family but I also like the adventure-supernatural like feel of Pinkamena's return. To me, it symbolized Rainbow overcoming her fears of The Cupcake Killer.

Now to sum it up.

The story itself is an amazing journey from start to end. What's good is good. What some people found bad i actually found okay. The other interesting parts of the story is the callbacks and references to other media. That is worth a lot of reread value for catching all the references.

I love that miles gives us a timeframe in each and every chapter so as to not leave us confused but ultimately I still felt confused at the Final Story Arc time frame which kept switching from Adventure to Backstory unexpectedly everytime.

To those only like the story for only the Recovery of Rainbow Dash and not the shipping and other stuff that’s okay. It’s your opinion. As for me, this story is magnificent. It’s spectacular. It’s what you would read for people who are in recovery or are estranged from family. The Tragedy, the Lessons, the Characters, the Romance, the Action, the Drama... Wow... This was a great read.

This story overall is the sugar coated icing of Cupcakes. No pun intended. I cannot thank Milesprower06 enough for giving to the users of fimfiction a goldmine of a story. It’s a story worth remembering although the sequels could never quite get to that level of greatness.

Happy 2016 Milesprower06!! Keep on writing!!

This is MixMassBasher signing out.

“Mr. Stormcloud, are we really gonna see the entire factory?” Scootaloo asked the factory director.
“You bet, champ. Every bit of it.”
With a quick check of the clipboard, he prepared to start the tour.
“And you won't believe how the rainbows are made.”


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