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Is your new year's resolution to write? Well I've got just the place to start, and win some prizes while you're at it! · 6:53pm Jan 1st, 2016

If you've promised yourself you're going to start writing in 2016, I've got the perfect place to start. How's that? Why, there's a special prize in this contest of $25 that can only be won by a first-time author who's never published anything on Fimfic before!
And I should mention, every contest entry will get a blog post about it, tagged with the story it's based on. That means your first story gets sent to all my followers and all the people who favorited that story... Having your first story be sent out to thousands of readers is a huge advantage that most new authors never get a chance for.

But maybe you've already written a little, just not as much as you'd like to have? Don't worry, there's also a $5 prize that can only be won by an author with less than 100 followers. Plenty of motivation to get a few more words on the page.

Of course, those prizes aren't the only prizes -- there are 30 different ones to try for, totaling $250!
And don't forget the Early Bird prize! (The prize for the first person to submit a story to the contest.) It's $5, and it's still up for grabs! That's a good reason to get started on that new year's resolution right away, don't you think?
(Of course, you have until March 31st... but why not snag that Early Bird prize? It'd be easy to throw together a short fic in a day or two, and that's a guaranteed win if you're quick about it. You can always put lots of time into a second entry later.)

Disclaimer which is apparently required by US law:
All may enter except where prohibited by law. Contest held under the laws of Bonner County, Idaho, USA. Contestants must be of legal age in their country and state of residence; by entering in the contest, you confirm that you old enough to legally compete. Contest runs from December 31st 2015 to March 31st 2016. Prizes will be awarded through Paypal. No purchase necessary. Contestants release ocalhoun of all liability resulting from the contest. By entering, you agree to the rules of the contest and that all judging is final. See main contest page for detailed rules and requirements.

Report ocalhoun · 276 views · #contest
Comments ( 26 )

Hm... (considers)

Now I know you could throw together 1k words in time to snag that early bird prize! :raritywink:

I definitely would, but, first off the legal thing pretty much says I have to be 18.
AAAaaand, I have 104 stalkers:rainbowlaugh: four above the max. So, yep. I can't.
But I figure a few will anyways:raritywink:

I've already picked the story I want to use. I think you can guess which one. :derpytongue2:

This story is a sequel to Flash Sentry has adventure's in Equestria: A Cupkake's and My LIttle Dashie Sequel:

And then they had sex again.


You're in Bonner County ID!?! I was just across the border from you in BC for the past two weeks, then sandpoint.

I've been wanting to give this writing thing a shot, the is a great excuse to do it.

Thank you for doing this. I've been putting off my story for a long time now... maybe it's finally time to get around to it.

Yeah, true...
But the new year's resolution angle was too good to pass up. I couldn't let Jan 1st slip by without a post about it.

Well, if you told me you were over 18, how would I know? :raritywink:
And being over 100 followers only makes you ineligible for that one $5 prize. The rest of the $245 is still up for grabs!

Oh, I think so.


You're in Bonner County ID!?! I was just across the border from you in BC for the past two weeks, then sandpoint.

Heh, it's a small world, after all, isn't it?
Yeah, you weren't far from where I (currently) live at all.

Great! Now there's some competition for that 'best newbie' prize. I think before this, there was only one person in the group with 0 stories. Good to see some new writers getting started thanks to this!

How many points do you receive?

Eleventy bajillion.
Unfortunately, though, you can't claim them, because it's under the 1k word minimum.

Fear not, I have another trick up my sleeve.

Actually, you should be afraid.

Princess Celestia is (still) in Your Bed, Eating Peaches.

How could I not?

Peach juice. Peach juice everywhere.

3658273 I'll just have to go over the rules on "Metafiction" to make sure that I don't get banned. I wonder if anyone else is going to attempt a meta-fiction involving all 60ish stories. I believe the upper-limit allowed for "Longest" would be 15K words, yes?

3658298 I don't even care if I win anything now, knowing that this story was written is reward enough from this contest!

3658273 I'd like to try it, but still. I'm already writing a 100 follower story:twilightsheepish: Perhaps another time.:raritywink:


involving all 60ish stories


Could I still enter if I'm currently under 18, but I turn 18 before the contest ends?

Honestly, I don't even know.
I didn't even think of the legal aspect of it before the fimfic mods got in on the action.

But I'll go with yes, because it'll be more fun with more people! ^.^

Wait, is this based on followers, or on stories written? I haven't written a story on fimfiction yet, so, could I write my first story, and submit it to this contest? Or would I be unable to?

1- You can participate in the contest even if you're not a new writer; there's just one specific $25 prize for new writers. The rest of the $225 can still be won by anyone.
2- You don't have any stories on Fimfic, so you'd count as a new writer. Interestingly, you have more than 100 followers, so you'll probably be the only one who's qualified for the new writer's prize, but not for the writers with under 100 followers prize.

3663219 Darn! Well, I do have a lot of art, and it's gotten pretty popular, I'm drawing a request for someone right now actually.

Eh, the 'best writer with under 100 followers' prize is only $5.
You're still eligible for the 'new writer' prize of $25, as well as all the other prizes, so it's no big deal.

3663225 Are the other prizes mystery prizes? or will you release their names and amounts?

3663268 Thank you for letting me know :twilightsmile: I'll get right to writing.

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