• Member Since 16th Feb, 2012
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More Blog Posts26

  • 242 weeks
    History of Fraud Within the MLP Fandom

    (Foul Language)

    While I am aware that a huge chunk of people despise facts, the truth and/or irrefutable evidence in case it hurts their feelings: Here we go again.

    For no particular reason, I just feel like covering the MLP fandom's absolutely abysmal statistics in this regard.

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    0 comments · 476 views
  • 376 weeks
    Project Horizons Revised Edition Status

    Right, so have gotten the occasional prod about this, and just to be clear: I really have no idea if I'll ever finish it. Yes, I am aware Somber just threw PH in a ditch, went "Close enough!" and ran away. (Not that I can really blame them) Not bothering to fix any of the blatant mistakes and/or errors on it. And yes, you have told me my version was vastly superior to the original. (once I cut

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    0 comments · 468 views
  • 395 weeks
    MLP 18+ Folio Survey Results

    Well, after a month of polling, I decided that should be decent enough replies. Less than 100, so not hitting a nice sweet spot. But ah well. I’ve rounded up the percentage points to whole 5′s as to not flop all over the place with ,28 or what have you. (This survey only focuses on the "major" folio releases, not the small, indie ones)

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    0 comments · 498 views
  • 422 weeks
    Proof is Irrelevant

    (Ranty ramble incoming x3 Foul language warning.)

    Just a late ass post before bed xP

    Anyhow, over all my years in this fandom. I've come to realized that proof, most the time, is utterly worthless.

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    2 comments · 554 views
  • 438 weeks
    Regarding Project Horizon Revision

    Right, so I got some replies on the prior one. And what most people seem to ask for so far, is that I just focus on what I apparently "un-fucked" in the original story. Mainly the 18+ content. (though tbh, I think some people are a bit harsh on it. Yes, most of it was bad, but it wasn't THAT awful. I mean yes, many of them are almost as bad as how K-Kat fucked up Fallout Equestria with the two

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    12 comments · 627 views

Project Horizon Question (+projects) · 7:11pm Jan 12th, 2016

So, after a few months of hiatus and side projects. I decided to look at this project again.
I didn't get any useful feedback from the PH crew, as they're either all busy, disinterested in PH or jerks xP and Somber was "eh, pick whatever", I thought I could ask people over here.

Basically, should I aim to revise the entire PH series? Rewriting each chapter with small tweaks, like making the ghouls fallout ghouls instead of movie zombies and etc. OR, should I aim to just write "½" chapter, like the infamous Fallout Equestria 0,5 chapter :P Just chopping out the major parts, and fixing those. As it seems to be the only ones all can agree that I improve on. As it seems very 50-50 on all the other choices I do xD Which I can agree on. As, I'm not somber :P I don't write banter as well as them. I'm very hit and miss on those.

Non-PH related: I have been trying to work on a collab, along with the request Twi-Fi Network gave me. I got their base idea of "Futa Twilight, king of the dragons" fic down. But I find it hard to go as over the top as they suggested. Still, I will hopefully finish that fic sometime this year.

Report Satch · 474 views ·
Comments ( 9 )

Again with this shit? How did you even get approved to do this.

3733320 Because Somber believes in... forgot what that term is, but something like "creative freedom" or whatever.
Like how Kkat allowed people to fix their two massive fuck ups in FoE if they wanted... granted, no-one ever cba to do just that. But they had the chance if they wanted to.

Anyhow, Somber did originally consider fixing the many issues and inconsistencies in PH, but they wanted it to be a constant reminder that they "can do better". Therefore, it has to be a revised edition. As if I'd tune up the original, it would no longer be their flawed masterpiece. It's like erasing and re-doing your first RPG character (or whatever) as "you know better now". Part of life is learning from mistakes. Just going back and fixing what's off/wrong in PH would kinda go against that whole philosophy.

Therefore, a revision is the perfect compromise. It keeps the original intact. And offers those that wanted a bit more coherent and/or less inconsistent narrative an alternative.

Besides, I am probably one of the most competent people that can be doing this. Most the "fans" in the PH forums don't give a shit about the story/series anymore. Treating it like a game they finished ½ a year ago. They don't care there's DLC/extra content for it now. They beat it, it's finished. Besides, with the vast number of incompetent hacks in this fandom. It wouldn't surprise me that if someone else did it. They'd just end up adding that BJ now has an oversized dick for no reason, and swap much of the dialog for people praising how big dick he has, and how gross it is that Glory has a not-dick xD (This fandom sometimes xP) And while of no relevance to the revision. I feel like bragging about the fact that I am a prodigy ;3 That doesn't have much practical use for the revisions. But heck, if popfurs/pones can gloat about how gullible their followers are, and how they have no standards, thus are easy to scam. I might as well get a little boastful~

3734675 "Prodigy"
>most of your fics are downvoted into oblivion

Firstly: That is still 100 % correct. As nowhere does it state a prodigy has to be popular~
And secondly: You cba to even do the research. A vast majority of all fics have far more upvotes than downvotes. On average 6 to 2. And those that have more downvotes, it tends to be by around 3. Atop most of which downvotes are by butthurt haters, tossing a fit, that never even read it :twilightsmile: It's a rare occurrence when someone actually can come up with a legitimate complaint, and voice it. Not just go "Waa! Waaa! I want more futa/cock worship!". As proven by most people in this sites resident futa fanatic group. That openly encourages members to bully anyone that doesn't promote their "one true" view on how+what a futa should be.

3739643 They should at least be talented / intelligent.
Let's see
72:21 (~67% approval rating?, not good.)
33:14 (~50%)
28:9 (~67%)
70:17 (~75%)
18:12 (~66%)

I could keep going, but I fear my point is lost on someone so incredibly butthurt and screamingly retarded constantly.

Creative+Innovative talent; Check. Far upper scale of above average intelligence; Check.
As you seem to be on the far end of the lower scale: >50% or even 50 % is "good". It's not great. But it's good. Though let me guess, you are one of those "8/10 = utter shit" people, no? Almost all I've personally done are universally more liked than disliked. I've created several "world's first" (like the first 18+ animation focused on Trixie in the fandom), been involved with several "upvotes galore" projects. Atop most projects I direct become noted, and favorited by famous people (like Zone) and usually is one of the highest rated projects on said blog. Plus you know, nearly all my animations have a large number of votes. Not massive scale like a new Zone release, but generally up in the 100's, while most cardboard cookie cutter projects barely reach 20-50 votes.

And so far, you've listed rousing successes (I mean sure, generic cock worship tends to be around 300:90, but that's only higher numbers. But numbers don't mean shit in terms of quality. *Cough*Michael Bay+etc*Cough*) And well, if you literally can't understand what you yourself are saying, I'd really recommend that you look into that. Then I can understand why you're so easily confused by the amount of facts, truth and statistics I go through on a regular basis :P I'm sorry, but I can't dumb it down enough to your level. I'm not that good verbally. But do know that your hissy fits and screaming isn't going to solve your issues.

Well given that you first went to that spot I detest going to because it cheapens the entire argument, I sincerely doubt you're more intelligent than I am, given the percentage of the population that actually is more intelligent than I am is an infinitesimal amount and contains such minds as Einstein and Hawking, as I sit pretty at an estimated 147.
8/10 is good. Over 50% is "good." But having nothing over a 75% ratio is not the work of a prodigy and 65% is still a failure. My concern is you masturbating your ego over stories that are at most "good" as if they're breathtaking works of art.
And if we're playing the "Well X famous person likes my work" my forays into the realm of Fallout Equestria were generally enjoyed by the "core group" of writers and editors from irc.canternet.org #falloutequestria. As well as... well look at the comment threads on my stories and who is following me. A large number of them are writers more prolific or (in my mind) talented than I. Including having brought Bad_Seed to tears with Drop, and she's held to be one of the greats.

Peons who can't handle criticism of their work and respond by attacking mine or simply attempting to insult my intellect amuse the fuck out of me. The more you write, the more you scream, the more amused I get.

3741533 Considering you started by scraping the bottom of the barrel for cheap arguments, it's not like I had anywhere but up to go, when tossing out another lazy one. And honestly, if I only got your demeanor and weak excuses to go by. I highly doubt you even get close to me when it comes to smarts. You more remind me of someone in a cult, that are surrounded by people so thick, and are so indoctrinated, that they literally believe themselves to be some kind of genius.

I have several things over the 75 % ratio. Like 53:2 and 24:1. Know one also inexplicably hit front page for over a week on derpi. Not 100 why on that though tbh... And you speak of a prodigy as if they are 100 % famous, well liked and popular. Take ex: The inventor of the radio. They were close to being tossed in a mental hospital. Or do I have to mention the tons of artist that were dirt poor and universally despised, then became loved only once they died? Prodigy DOESN'T equal popular. Try to get that through your thick, ignorant skull for a third time. Very few of my projects turn into "works of art". Most of them are above average. But their key point is that they aren't bland, generic or cookie cutter. (some are, but then it's usually for a comedic twist)

I'm doing the Portal's and Undertale's in this fandom. Incompetent, lazy hacks churn out their next copy paste [insert franchise] and get their obligatory upvotes, not because it's good by any means, but because they are supposed to. They give people decent-good above average slough, in high quality. Psychonauts is a masterpiece, but it did shit monetary wise. Colonial Marines is utter shit, but made box office gold, because it's supposed to. I make unique content. Usually just around good, sometimes great. But that's where I am at. I'm striving to make something magnificent. I don't just lazily shart out some 30 second scribble "because I can". I treat my fans with enough respect to at least put effort into what I intend to give them. My best is often not good enough, but it's why I collaborate, take feedback, and try harder next time. Not just sit contempt with scamming sheeple.

And you're the the one that started the whole "you don't have a high enough meta-critic score!", despite it having 0 relevance to the conversation. And woe me. Doing some presumably cookie cutter cliché's with a borrowed character you didn't even create, to more easily get people emotionally invested. What an accomplishment. If you weren't such a tosser, I might have bothered and do what you cant, and actually look into the topic further.

And I can say the same. I find it hilarious that you know your place by describing what a pleb you are. I don't even have to insult you really, you do it all on your own. You point out that you are incredibly butthurt and screaming at me. And now how you're a feeble peon that can't handle critique. Like, I think this is one of the only parts you have been right at so far. If anything, you know your place at least, so gj on that.

3741646 At this point I'm going to use something awarded to me about a year ago

one get-out-of-argument bonus ticket,

because I can only handle just so much smarm and self-satisfaction until I get physically ill.
I've also referred your name to Foal Free Press as an author known for autistic blogposts and self-centeredness so enjoy your newfound fame I guess.

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