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Tales of the Amalgam'verse: Godzilla meets Gorgo · 9:30pm Feb 10th, 2016

It would seem too astounding to believe had it happened in most any other world. But in the world of Terra, in the time of giants, it was an enticing opportunity.

The discovery was made just off the shore of Inishtrahull island, Ireland. A deep sea salvage crew manned by Captain Joseph Ryan and his first officer, Samuel Slade, were first clued in by a peculiar sonar signature near the wreck they were tasked with lifting. Something roughly ten meters long was down there, but seemed to be walking on the bottom as much as it was swimming, proving it wasn’t a whale.

Heading down with an ROV robot, the team was surprised to find what appeared to be a giant, amphibious reptile moving about in the sea below them; the creature’s curious batting soon breaking the ROV. Captain Ryan placed some calls and within a week, a new crew of several zoologist teams and engineers arrived.

Using charges to flush the Tyrannosaurus rex sized creature out of the depths and into the shallows, it was netted and shot with copious amounts of tranquilizers. Put into the transport bay originally intended for the ship wreck, the crew started to run into a few problems on deck.

A saboteur seemed to be on-deck, having snuck into the portion housing the passed out reptile and unlocking several of its bonds. However because the creature was still drugged out, it was powerless to free itself despite its would-be liberator's urging. When Captain Ryan and Slade surprised the trespasser, they were surprised to find it to be a young, 12 year old Irish boy named Sean. The orphan identified the creature as a legendary sea dragon named Orka. His late father, a widower, had been the last keeper at the island lighthouse before being let go in 1987. Sean’s grandfather had become aware of Orka after an earthquake in the 60s when it came to investigate the lighthouse and its foghorn one foggy night. He’d passed the knowledge onto his son; who in turn passed it onto Sean. When Sean’s father was too old to continually return to the island and keep the creature secret, worsened by his ultimately failing health, that duty fell completely on his young son.

While Captain Ryan refused to release Orka as requested, already having worked out a deal with an associate back in London; Slade talked him into keeping the kid on hand to watch out for the creature. Not being a complete jerk, Ryan warms up to Sean in time and hires the boy as an official ‘animal advisor’ since he knew more about the creature than they did.

When they arrive back in London, Orka is partially sold to a circus and redubbed ‘Gorgo’ (after the mythological ‘Gorgon’) was given a wide promotion across London. The creature, still mostly unconscious, was paraded around the city in the back of a semi-truck with the circus slogan written into the tarp covering its back.

“See Gorgo the Sea Dragon! Live in London! No need for Nublar! Prehistory is at your doorstep!~”

While crowds flocked to it, Officer Slade and Sean were less than thrilled. Gorgo’s new pen was little more than a glorified, half filled concrete swimming pool seated in the middle of a bustling, loud Battersea Park. While the circus owner did assure them this was only temporary and showed the plans for a much larger, comfortable enclosure with less racket; it was clear Gorgo wasn’t comfortable with how he was now. Awakening from the sedatives early, the confused creature was easily startled by the excitement and nearly broke free; only being backed into its enclosure by several stunt flamethrowers. Frightened by the alien world it been dragged into, with the circus intercom for the other shows blaring, excited crowds screaming or throwing popcorn at it, the electrified fencing around its pool, and the claustrophobic spacing inside its pit; Gorgo was a nervous wreck for hours. Captain Ryan opted to just ignore the problem of conscious, telling himself it would get better over time. Ryan took Sean back to a hotel to place some calls as Slade stayed behind and watched Gorgo after hours. Seeing the creature snatch away a crane dropped cow carcass and retreating to a corner it huddled in, Officer Slade would later state the thing he saw looked nothing like a ferocious beast imaged on the circus posters, but a scared child.

Turned out, as a long distance, frantic call to Ryan by Dr. Kenkichi Yamane warned, he was completely accurate. An expert in reptilian kaiju after his work on Godzilla Senior in the mid 1990s, Dr. Yamane warned them that Gorgo displayed many proportional traits similar to Godzilla Junior during his puberty. To make a long phone call short, he told them that they’d just kidnapped a toddler and any adults would easily be over 90 meters tall.

Back at Inishtrahull, a siren-like wail called out from the deep, frantically trying to find something. Rising up to the surface, the cry could be heard for miles but bore no response. Snarling and smelling the faded scent of man, the gargantuan form turned back towards the sea and tail swiped the lighthouse in anger. Shattered glass, steel framing, and rubble flew everywhere as the real Orka charged out to sea. Passing the Isle of Man and Wales, she made a beeline for the English channel.

Meanwhile at a GDF headquarters in the central UK, a technician monitoring satellite imagery took a pause upon noticing something. Rechecking his data, he rang up his commander.

“Ma’am, I’m picking up a mobile heat spike in the north Atlantic off the shelf of Ireland. Lat 54.013686, Long -14.482727; heading south west.”

“Any alien frequencies?"

“Negative, but noticeable Alpha and Beta radiation present. You think it’s him?”

“We received a report from Siberia it was chasing some new kaiju, some sort of silvery goblin shark beast, off the shore. It must have swung around the entirety of Asia and stayed under the sea ice; too deep to detect…. What cities are in its path?”

“Current course projection puts him going past Norwich, Ipswich, The Hague, London; and Canterbury.”

“I know these creatures, it’ll be London. Scramble the local military and sound an evacuation of everything within 10 kilometers of the shore. And that goes double for the River Thames!”

“Ma’am do you think he’s actually going to attack this time?”

“Even if it doesn’t, do it. Attack or not if it’s heading for somewhere, that usually means something else is too.”

The evacuation alarms were sounded and thousands of civilians dropped what they were doing to clear out fast as possible. The prediction of depopulating the River Thames proved to be prophetically accurate, as rising from the ocean before the river mouth was the towering form of Orka. Wading through both the shallows and military fire, Orka made her way down river. With military and monster distracted by each other, neither saw the rows of jagged back spines breach the surface and rocket towards the mouth of the river from the north east. Orka halted at the enormous Tower Bridge, which blocked her path and dulled her ears from all the screaming humans and jammed cars upon it when she approached.

Godzilla Junior breeched out of the surf and charged after Orka, striking her in the back with a barely charged heat beam just when the behemoth reached for the bridge. While more or less unharmed by the blast, it did get her attention. The heir to the line of legendary sea dragons of Inishtrahull island turned and roared at the heir to the line of legendary sea dragons of Odo island.

Charging up the rest of the Thames, Godzilla and Orka met each other in a head-on collision that could be heard across the city. Roughly equal in size and mass, it quickly turned into a wrestling contest with Orka trying to thrash Godzilla about and Junior occupied with trying to keep his opponent contained in the river and out of the city. Despite Godzilla being herculean even by kaiju standards, Orka’s maternal rage and sturdy constitution allowed her to hold her own. Unfortunately for Godzilla, the London evacuation hadn’t been finalized just yet beyond the bridges. A ferry had been coming into dock just when the kaiju showed up, and was trying to make its way up river but kept getting slowed down due to the thrashing waves the giants were kicking up. The ferry’s alarm horns sounded off, warning its passengers to all get below deck to avoid being washed overboard. Her rage brimming and attention diverted by the ferry, Orka tried to dive past Godzilla and take a swipe at it. Junior was fast enough to grab the boat and shove it out of the way, but he wasn’t quick enough to avoid Orka’s claws slashing him across the face.

Momentarily blinded by the blood getting into his eye, the shrieking Godzilla wasn’t able to stop Orka from shoving him into the Tower Bridge. Now having to fight between holding up the damaged part of the bridge and keep himself from getting mauled or pushed through the bridge by Orka, Junior had to resort to fending off Orka with only half his body.

Back at the circus, Sean had slipped away from Ryan and reunited with Mr. Slade. Both agreeing that this mess could have been avoided if they kept Gorgo in the ocean and that the only way to stop the fighting is to give him back to his mother, they break back into the circus and get to work freeing Gorgo. However they can’t move all the heavy machinery parked outside Gorgo’s gate, meaning they can’t get him out of the pit. Sean suggests they let Orka know where he is and let her lift him out. Slade, realizing Orka will tear the city apart trying to find her son regardless due to his scent being all over the place from the parade, figures sound is their best bet. And since the partial muzzle he was put in was big enough for Gorgo to feed, but not call out, he sets to removing that. At first unable to get the feeding crane going, the duo are aided by the arrival of Captain Ryan. While he was still hoping to keep Gorgo in captivity for an easy profit, he’s had a complete change of heart and showed up to help after presuming Slade and Sean to be there. Slade explains how they need to get the muzzle off and they go to work. Since he had the master key, Ryan is able to get the crane’s engine going as Sean and Slade manage the operation.

Using the crane’s hook, they succeeding in snagging and tearing off the muzzle. However Gorgo reflectively yanks back on the crane and pulls both Sean and Slade into his enclosure. While at first it looks like he’s about to menace them, glaring down at the humans and gnashing his teeth, Gorgo instead lets out a shrill cry towards the river.

Both Godzilla and Orka hear the cry and are momentarily distracted, the former more than the latter. Taking his chance and wanting to end the fight quick, Junior lights up his back spines and fires at the unbeknownst Orka with his beam attack.

Blasted back into the river, the sudden jolt of the blast and her colliding with the sea wall headfirst knocks Orka unconscious for a short time. Grumbling, Godzilla holds up the bridge long enough for the last cars to get off the portion he was supporting, before letting go and walking off with part of the famous bridge collapsing behind him. Following Gorgo’s cries, Junior heads down main avenue towards Battersea Park to investigate, moving just slow enough that any lingering crowds or military vehicles on the ground can get out of the way.

Gorgo instantly fell silent when the reptilian mountain that wasn’t his mother loomed over the edge of the circus pit. Slade and Ryan put Sean behind them and hid behind the fallen crane as Gorgo cowered in the corner, shaking and crying. Godzilla blinked his eyes, looking between Gorgo and then back at the recovering Orka. It didn’t take long for him to put two and two together. When he did, Junior seemed to shrug and grumble lowly, as much out of annoyance as it was depressed sadness.

After all, he was seeing a bad parody of his own early years. Leaning downwards, Junior picked up Gorgo in his hands, ignoring the terrified infant’s whimpers, and turned around. Orka had gotten back up on her feet and was following Godzilla. Upon seeing her offspring in what seemed to be a rival predator’s paws, she shrieked and started to charge. Holding his nerve, Godzilla stopped at the river side and gently put Gorgo down on the sea wall. Orka paused. Gorgo, still shaking, looked up and back at Godzilla. Junior bent over and gave the killer whale sized youngster a nudge with his snout, grunting quietly. Gorgo calmed down, looking back at Orka. With a chirping screech, he hopped off the sea wall and swam up to her in an instant. Orka’s posture and disposition completely changed, her lips folding back over her fangs and flattening her ear fins down. She picked up her child, muttering only a low, happy hiss as she gave him a once over. Fortunately, there weren’t many marks on Gorgo that didn’t wash off.

Godzilla Junior bellowed quietly, stepping back into the River Thames. Orka put Gorgo back down, the little one climbing up and resting on her tail as she looked to the other kaiju. Keeping a distance, the two exchanged growls, hissing, barks, and bellows along with body language. Not in a hostile manner, like Orka and Godzilla sizing each other up before, but more like the two were talking to each other.

The conversation was cut short when Orka noticed a military column moving down the streets bordering either side of the river, casting a glare at the units. Thankfully the commander in charge had more than two braincells to rub together and didn’t open fire even with all units ready, for fear of provoking the calm. Godzilla Junior grunted before motioning to mother and child with a dinosaurian, almost bird-like head bob that Orka replicated after a some thought.

Turning, not to the river side but down the winding Thames, the trio waded back out to sea. Sean climbed out over the crane wreckage and watched the kaiju depart over the horizon, Captain Ryan and Officer Slade putting their hands on his shoulders. His family secret might have been gone, but his father’s wishes had been met. Never again would Orka or one of her family be held captive.

“They’re going back now, back to the sea.” - Sean

London survived its second giant monster attack, the first in forty five years, with little devastated. Aside from trashing done to the circus grounds and main street due to Godzilla walking down it, the only real damage done was to the Tower Bridge, which managed to remain standing despite a large chunk of the central road getting torn out when the kaiju were wrestling. Quick action by emergency personnel and most of the fighting occurring in the River Thames kept the damage contained. While some action against Orka and her child were lobbied for, the place the family turned up at next kept that from happening. After leaving with Godzilla, Junior lead the pair on a trek across oceans. While their voyage was lost several times due to them diving too deep, they were spotted first in the lower Atlantic just off the coast of South Africa. GDF early warning sonar showed a pair of kaiju moving past the Indian shore and later weaving between Indonesia. Finally, satellite imagery showed Orka and Gorgo surfacing in the Mu Isle; having begun living in the chain on the islands bordering Solgell.

While they didn’t join the Defender faction, the pair was agreeable to the Solgell inhabitants and seemed content with living on the islands and surrounding ocean. When asked about if any further action would be taken, Commander and Chairman of the GDF, Stacker Pentecost merely stated.

“I’m not shaking that hornets’ nest.”

PS: Yes I changed the spelling of the mother creature's name. Apparently it's supposed to be spelled and pronounced 'Orga', but I actually didn't know that till a few years ago. My copy of the old VHS always sounded like they were saying "Orka" and the name itself is only dropped once or twice. So I kept my 'typo', which also helps avoid confusion with the alien monster of the same name.

PSS: Now you know the context behind Anguirus knowing not to leave a kid unattended and who he ended up baby sitting at times back on Solgell. Minya might not be canon with this, but lil'Gorgo is.

Comments ( 37 )

Gorgo was such an underrated film.

Wow, that was very cool to read. Can you do more like this?

one cult classic down, more to go.

(maybe) next time, the Flying Battleship Giant Claw!


Gorgo was a 1961 British Kaiju film. Long story short, 10 meter monster captured in Ireland brought to London for display. Turns out 'Gorgo' was just a baby and momma kaiju comes stomping through London to get him back.

This is my take on the events of the movie happening in the 2000s and in The Bridge's Amalgam'verse timeline, hence Godzilla showing up.


I plan too, since a fun thing about the Amalgam'verse is weaving in the other franchises. Next one would be a Godzilla vs. Godzilla meet up with the Legendary Picture's Goji..... Or the flying battleship

I can see Mama Gorgo getting together with Junior.

I had MST3K flashbacks reading this.

Very nice. Probably should've figured "Gorgo" would also exist in the amalgam verse. But that doesn't matter, because this is still good. And, funny, enough, it reminds me of the episode from "Godzilla The Series", called "Deadloch", or rather, the loch ness monster episode with similar circumstances to this. And i'm sure you may have taken some inspiration from that. So, i'll just say good on ya, mate.:twilightsmile:

Oh dear. You shouldn't have shown me this Tarb. I might be wondering on which kaiju to be pair up for future battles, and Orka sounds like a good pick... (not the kid though I'm nowhere near that cruel).

Author of The Bridge: Humanity's Stand

Hell yeah, I loved watching Gorgo when I was a kid. It was one of the movies my parents had randomly recorded on video back then, and I must’ve watched it dozens of times. Being a Godzilla fan as well I'd always wondered about how the two would stack up against each other. Heh, being from the seas around Ireland I wonder if Orka and Gorgo would have Irish accents if ponified in Equestria.

Hmm, now seeing this it gets me thinking what other kaiju from outside Toho might fit in this universe you've created. Don't suppose you're familiar with the Project Nemesis series?

Nah, she's a tough independent Irish single mother who don't need no man.

3746175 Even ones like her would fall head over heals over Junior.


Great! Now I can't "unhear" Orka yelling
"Téigh tigh, i dtigh, diabhail! Ya' manky plod! I'll kick in your fecking back doors!" at Junior when they were fighting and having an old Northern Celtic accent. Well would fit I guess, given Junior has a slight Kansai accent.


What Thatguy said. Jesus flippin' Christ, let's turn off Junior's ship magnet before he turns into the protagonist of a harem anime.


Didn't have time. I literally just wrote all this last night and this morning ^^;
And yes, use Orka and Gorgo as you wish. Do be aware that while she was friendly with the Defender faction, she's a "Protect family and homestead." kinda ma'. The Mu islands have been her and Gorgo's home for about nine years now and they are well settled in. She's not friendly with the Mutations ("Gerriers keep causing a ruckus aroond here and need ah' fecking clatter."), but still doesn't like humans much at all.

3746433 Thank god for pointing it out. And hilarious!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :rainbowlaugh:

Makes me think her and Raiga would get along rather well, albeit with Raiga never being able to understand a single thing Orka says.

Seriously though, I'm honestly curious if you're familiar at all with Project Nemesis? Is a novel series by Jeremy Robinson about a kaiju that appears in Maine and attacks Boston. It goes on from there to have a kind of Toho Hisei Era feel to it with a ongoing plot of secret government agencies and alien threats to the Earth while still keeping it all focused on a lot of kaiju action.

A very nice little story. Looking forward to more tales that will flesh out other events in Terra besides those that were listed in the Timeline.

Nice story. One question though; what was the first Kaiju attack on London? The Giant Behemoth, or some other giant monster film monster? (I'm reasonably sure there were others, but that's the only one I can think of besides the Gorgo Incident I can think of off the top of my head.)

On a related note, how many (if any) of the various giant insect movies from the US in the 1950's happened in the Amalgam'verse?

"No need for Nublar"

Tarb is your love of Jurassic Park seeping through? or Is there some form of the infamous park existing in your Amalgamverse? Being aware of your adoration for the franchise, wouldn't be surprised.

A nice little tale to help build the universe. The more Tarb keeps exploring his Godzilla's personality, the more Gamera-like he seems to me. Going out of his way to protect humans, isn't something we've seen the normal Godzilla do since he took that last minute replacement for Kong in 'Ebirah, Terror of the Deep'. I don't mean this to sound negative or anything, but I could tell this was written rather quickly and on something of a whim. I'm not holding that against him, assuredly I've done the same.
It took me until the latter portion of the story to realize that this was taking place in much more recent times, and that he was re-arranging its placement in the time-line. An interesting move, and one that makes me wonder just what else he might have shuffled around.
I'm also a little surprised that this isn't the first in a new story series. If you're reading this Tarb, I definitely think that this episodic series could stand as it's own story, each chapter a different exposition plucked from your Amalgamverse. Which could serve to both fill-out your headcanon, and provide an escape for you to just write something for fun without having to go through the labor of a Bridge chapter.

So yeah, I though this was cool, and hope to see more of it's kind. Especially since Godzilla apparently doesn't mind dating single mothers.

And just in case you guys thought I was going to spare you a shameless plug: For any of you cats that enjoy a good shared universe, I invite you to check out my "*highly acclaimed" series "The Modern Kaiju Era" a chronicle of the tumultuous years between 1953 and 1964, narrated by the young Army officer Anthony Hicks, he explains that the first decade of modern Man-Kaiju coexistence was an ongoing struggle for global supremacy. Find it on my DeviantArt, or on FanFiction

* by me


Given this Amalgam'verse also includes some of the classical (non-kaiju) monsters, such as the ones from literature/Universal*, and numerous 'Lost Worlds' from kaiju franchises themselves; I legitimately wouldn't see much issue with making InGen canon as well. Given they still fit the sci-fi feel but don't directly deal with kaiju, wouldn't necessarily conflict with anything. I'm in a 'Maybe-Maybe Not' phase with it. If its doable, I'll work it in. If not, it's just a mythology gag like it was when I first wrote this.

Well as hokey as the 'Ebirah' movie's production was, it still was a canon Godzilla movie for the Showa era. And the late Showa Godzilla did display tendencies to wanting to help out the humans he liked multiple times, both in the movies and in the Zone Fighter show, which according to Toho themselves, is also canon. And Bridge's current Godzilla is pretty much an amalgamation of Godzilla Junior's and the late Showa Era Godzilla's personalities so this isn't too out of character. It seems Gamera-like because this is what Gamera was copying. Since it wasn't replicated in the Heisei and Millennium eras (again, Junior and yes, Minya, withstanding), the association fell completely to Gamera. Since Bridge is a mixture of all three eras, only natural some of the Showa age rear its head.

And to be fair, Junior probably was chasing after Orka at first by merit of him going "Oh, another kaiju? Better check it out, might be a threat like last time." and it was just compounded by her heading right for a city.

Thanks for the compliment. I did consider expanding this into a full story eventually, as I will the others. For now, they're mostly just meant to be entertaining, between-chapter filler to do some world building. As for the timeline change, it's mostly to justify
A. Exactly what the title is, Godzilla meeting Gorgo. Couldn't have that in the 60s since there was no Godzilla then and in the 80s or 90s it be hard to fit with Senior.
B. Reaffirm the idea that the 1990s-2000s is sort of this 'Second Age of Monsters'. We got a new generation of Mothra and Godzilla, and at the same time, more and more kaiju are either being created or revealing themselves. It also helps Godzilla Senior and 1954 stand out more.

Though I did do a small development nod. Sean's grandfather became aware of Orka in the early 1960s, the same time the movie came out.

Especially since Godzilla apparently doesn't mind dating single mothers.


Also, since I guess I'm the driving of this crazy train on FimFic, consider this 'celebrity' endorsement.... Ahem...

*It's my work-around for how Gaira and Sanda exist, despite the Toho Frankenstein not happening. Instead, they were spurred by the irradiation of remains of the classic Frankenstein's Monster, which would be sort of a blend of the Mary Shelly and Universal versions. So pretty much I bypassed the Toho's 'Kaiju-stein' and just had the duo mutate directly from the original creature.

I remember seeing clips from the movie "Gorgo", but mostly from a weirdly clipped Spanish "educational film" that had everyone in the clips just saying "Me Gusta" over and over again, and talking about fries for some reason.......now I can't get that image of Gorgo saying "NO ME GUSTA!" out of my head. ^_^;

Overall, great addition to the Amalgam universe with an underrated western classic. I have to wonder if you have a spreadsheet of some kind to keep track of all the kaiju you have in this universe. Though, I have to ask if any other classic Western Kaiju will be joining the foray in this fic? Cloverfield has probably been asked to death, and I don't think the Kraken (both the classic and the 2010 Remake) would fit within the frame of your universe, unless I'm missing some possibilities that may show up.


So wait, does this mean that the Legendary version of Godzilla is a different entity then your Godzilla? If that's the case then, I don't suppose you have any plans for the "Resurgence" version of Godzilla planning for 2016? We've seen your thoughts on his design, and I think we have a pretty good idea of how THAT version is going to play out, due to it being more of a HORROR story.


No shit story Tarb, I was literally watching Jurassic World with my buddy for his first time when I was reading this story. So the connection was almost instant when they got off the cruise ship.
I mean, it's definitely a logical thing to happen, for some deep-pocketed corporation to try and commercialize the Kaiju, like a Taos Mammon, or a Bio-Major, if you're not just using InGen outright. I say go for it, it'd be interesting for you to experiment with.

So I'm wondering: was "Godzilla meets Gorgo" something you had floating around in your headcanon, or was it something you just kinda threw together?

Oh, and I just remembered, I think the mother creature's name was "Ogra", which kept throwing me off due to the obvious name resemblance. It also might explain why you heard "Orka".

Movie-wise sure, Godzilla did have his 'phase' like any developing young monster. I just chalk your Junior's character up to his experience with humans in his youth.

Hey man, you're keyed into some of my yet-to-be-revealed headcanon, you know I don't mind throwing things around in the timeline, not one bit. And since you're working with a 'NextGen' concept for Godzilla, Mothra, and the young("") Rodan and Anguirus, I actually dig it. It's fresh, a new take, whole new clean slate.

ooooo, Sanda and Gaira are born from the real thing.... interesting... wonder if that means their story takes place in Europe instead of Japan, and the material that became Gaira was carried out by the Rhine or Danube, winding-up in the Black or Caspian Sea. hmmm.. the possibilities!

Thanks for the endorsement, it'll be featured in the trailer. And damn can't I wait to tell you guys the shocking truth behind Operation: Experiment.

Come on Tarb, you know Godzilla saw muma-Gorgo swimming by, and was all like: "Damn gurl! where you goin' with that fine-ass tail of yours? You going to pick-up your kid? That's cool, I'm cool with that"


now I can't get that image of Gorgo saying "NO ME GUSTA!" out of my head. ^_^;


You know, when you got to Junior seeing lil'Gorgo {Who just sounds utterly adorable by the way} I can't help but think he was going like
"Is this just a human thing? Stealing babies? I feel like this is a human thing."
:rainbowlaugh: Don't worry Junior. It's only an occasional thing. It's only surpassed by the age old tradition of teenagers disturbing sacred ground. It always works out well, minus several bodies but they make for good fertilizer.

Considering the multiple I.Rex that showed up in one chapter of Humanity's Stand, I'd say having someone out there playing Wu is likely.

This is how I always envisioned a Junior meets Gorgo scenario, except I always imagined that Ryan would be killed during the rampage. I know that's dark for me to say that but I'm sorry, I thought Ryan was horrible, I mean he treats Sean like dirt (threaten a kid about throwing him overboard), not letting Gorgo go (god knows how many lives would have been saved if he never captured Gorgo).

Despite my dark side it's a good story.

In case anybody is wondering, here it is.

Tarb, nice little expansion of the universe, but one thing: Gorgo's mom's name is Ogra. Yeah, it sounds a little bit like Orga they way it's pronounced in the movie (darn British accents), but it's supposed to be Ogra, like ogre but with an "a".


See the "PS", I explained why I spelled it the way I did

Silly question of who would eat who: Would a pod of orca try to eat Orka, or would Orka eat orca by the pod?


I get that, I was just explaining what her real name was in the film. I still kinda prefer the way you spelled it (though it makes me think of okra the plant).

...Why do I sense Gorgo probably call Junior some variation for dad? xD

HOLD THE F*** ON! Picture #5, the truck, it looks like, familiar...
WAIT! It's the Optimus Prime from the Animated cartoon, but recolored into a normal truck, which also looks like Nemesis Prime. Was this intentional or just coincidental?

It sounds like I've really missed out, cause I haven't seen Gorgo.:twilightsheepish: Also, I'm glad I finally got around to reading this; it was adorable at the end.:rainbowkiss: I love adorable stuff.

“See Gorgo the Sea Dragon! Live in London! No need for Nublar! Prehistory is at your doorstep!~”

Wait, are you implying that Jurassic Park/ Isla Nublar is an actual place in the Amalgam-verse? Because that would be awesome.

Hey really big fan of your story just wanted to say keep up the good work. Also are you ever going to do a story talking about how Godzilla meet Anguirus or the return of Xen and Destroyah?

By chance, how does this, if at all, play out in the Mirror Verse? Since Junior there's... well monsterous, did he actually follow through with most of the events or decide to make things worse? Like did he actually have a heart and knowing what it was like, help them out or decide to just say if it and let things play out differently? For some reason, I imagine him attempting to "adopt" the kid after killing the mother and learning about him when it's too late like "oh....oh...whoops" and after that will... can go different ways.

i have to admit,i wish this was actually a story and not a blog entry...then i could favorite it and like it and everything.lol

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