• Member Since 24th Jun, 2014
  • offline last seen March 10th


Heads or Tails...

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  • 229 weeks
    Long time, no see!

    So, yeah. It's been a while. I've been busy with life stuff, job stuff, and working on some other things, including a new project... Which is what I want to talk about.

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    0 comments · 289 views
  • 247 weeks
    It's kinda weird...

    I thought I'd be sadder when MLP's finale got here.
    But, I'm not.

    I mean, I'm kinda sad, but not as sad as when OK KO ended.
    Maybe it's because I saw the spoilers already.
    Maybe it's because Gen five is right around the corner.
    Maybe it's because, despite the ending, the fandom is going to live on.

    Or maybe it's because I've long since abandoned canon in place of my own.


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  • 247 weeks

    I've been watching a lot of Devil May Cry related videos(mainly about 5) and I've always had this interest in writing a story where Flash Sentry is half-demon.
    I don't think this is by accident...

    Also, listening to Silver Bullet and watching the Nero vs Vergil battle caused this exchange.

    Flash Sentry: Feeling accepting yet!?

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  • 249 weeks

    So. got my laptop up and running again.

    Also, been busy with job-related stuff.
    Gonna try and be more active here. Working on a fic right now.

    That's all.

    0 comments · 251 views
  • 295 weeks
    This account's not dead, but I am inside.

    That's all.

    7 comments · 336 views

Hey...Hey you... · 1:39am Feb 18th, 2016

You guys should click on this link here.

It's cute.

Report SilverKaizoku · 116 views ·
Comments ( 5 )

who are the adults let me re-phrase my question what are the name of flash sentry's parents and why does the artist think flash's father is an earth pony? Not that i am judging just curious

3761628 Well, it wasn't the artist's idea. The oc's are mine.

The earth pony's name is Landslide and the pegasus is Solar Flare

The headcanon I have is that Flash's dad is an earth pony, because his little brother,First Base, is also an earth pony.

I guess one could use the reason given with the Cake Twins, but this makes more sense to me.

Hope that answers everything~

3762258 ah i see well i hope it catches on

3763274 you're welcome

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