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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Chapter 29 Update: Chop Chop! · 2:31am Feb 18th, 2016

.... Yah I'mma cut this one in two. Part 1 is already done and is being proofed.

Comments ( 43 )

Damn that's long. :applejackconfused:

Why not call the first one Siren Dame and part two Dragon Knight?


That's the plan

30,000 words isn't bad. For an unchaptered, stand alone fic. So, breaking the chapter down... good call.

(For the record, the longest "chapter" I've ever read was on a site that went down in the '90s, and was a 1.33 MB .txt file. Nothing quite teaches you to appreciate chapters like spending two weeks getting through a single text file... especially when your older brother decides to use your computer and turn it off when he's done half way through.)

Sweet green jesus man!

Looking forward to it.

Also, in response to part two's title:

Sorry, couldn't resist.

Holy Shit, that's a new record

Wow, over 31,000? Yeah, splitting it is a good move.

*Looks in the search bar*

...Anguirus and Spike chapter confirmed, eh? ^_^

I've had to split two chapters in two when my word count went over 9000. My device couldn't handle it and I was losing progress.

Two parts, eh? Well, that will makes this twice as fun to read.:D

Nice, you've really topped yourself, Tarb. Also, splitting is a good move.

Bring it on dude, bring it on.

The more words there are, the more there is to enjoy. :twilightsmile:


My condolences Jacen. And well this split works I suppose because one of the fights has two distinct phases. And I gave myself a big cliffhanger at one part that seems natural for a 2 parter.


This is very fitting as much as it is ironic.


Loktar O'garwdnu!

Wow, just wow. And that full title just ups the Ship Tease.

3762072 Well, if anything, i'm just eager to see how things go in the story. But i'm pretty sure the part you mentioned will be good, too.:)

... But I like 30K word chapters :applecry:

3762072 Gonna be badassery to the max.:ajsmug:

Ow! Okay, okay jeez. It was just a joke.
A bad joke, fine, I'll grant you. But yeah Holy Crap Tarb! 30k words? That is more than quite a few full fics on their own. A lot of crazy stuff is going to go on in these two ain't it? And man it is going to be awesome. Can't wait.
Still totally did it first though.
[BlazingPhoenix, author of the Humanity's Stand side story. /end obligatory self plug]

3762122 Well, that's good to know.:pinkiehappy:

3762123 Yep. You're absolutely right about that. Especially when Bagan throws down with Harmony.:twilightsmile:

3762154 Dang right i am.:pinkiehappy:

my hands thank you, sweetie <w>;

3762086 please, remember your proofreaders ;w;


30k+ words? Definitely a good idea to split it up.

I wounder what's up with that little thing in the top right corner. "Anguirus and Spike Chapter confirmed". Can't wait to see what that's about :pinkiehappy: ..............:rainbowhuh::rainbowhuh: what's that I see........ Looks like the illuminati has been confirmed in the story/chapter!


I'm curious to know as well :trixieshiftright:

Is Anguirus gonna teach Spike how to run face-first into a buzzsaw? Because , ya know, Spike could really use the character development.


"No children were harmed in the making of this story"

Mostly gonna be a breather episode after the big action sequence in 29 part 1 and 2, but I will try to touch upon something with Spike's character :raritywink:

Oh Boy we're likely get a 15,000 word chapter

Even with it cut in half, it is still a pretty big chapter, for all we know, Tarb may have added more content.

You and me both, but if their is anything I learned from Tarb, it's that he rewards patience.


Thank you Grann. As for the delay, it was mostly fine tuning the chapter and getting it proof read. Right now it comes to the question of if we're gonna hold up just a few days more to get the illustrations done, or proceed. Faith is tinkering with it now, so we'll know in a couple hours.

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