• Member Since 15th Feb, 2012
  • offline last seen Nov 24th, 2017


Out at sea, rockin' steam dreams and pilot valves... Deuces.

More Blog Posts49

  • 413 weeks
    Do not adjust your sets

    Hey all, sorry but this isn't Rust.

    This is Handyman speaking, for those of you who don't know, I'm that guy who writes that fic with that other guy who does the things. Those of you who aren't laughing at the fact I now have an account with a batpony avatar, you have no soul and your first born child will be ginger.

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    42 comments · 4,803 views
  • 432 weeks
    Storytime With Rust; Vol. XLVI

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  • 432 weeks
    Pink Slip


    Think I'm done here.

    Explanation and details regarding the continuation of stories (which will be finished) and account inheritance to follow shortly.


    --Uncle Rust

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  • 450 weeks
    Change of Duty Station


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  • 457 weeks


    HEY, YOU!

    ...YEAH, YOU.

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    33 comments · 1,192 views

Storytime With Rust; Vol. XLVI · 5:37pm Feb 21st, 2016

A swampy breeze rustles through the decrepit brick apartment complex. It is late night, and it is still humid. Humming, a small black car pulls in and parks at one of the townhouses. Hooves clip on the pavement as a pony slouches up the stoop and fumbles through the door. It blinks at the sudden wash of light from inside.

Billy is sitting at the kitchen table.

"Mister Rust?"

The pony shuffles in place. Tufted ears twitch with annoyance. "Billy, what are you still doing up?"

"I heard you were leaving, I wanted to know."



With a grunt, the pony crosses the room and sits down next to him. She's wearing a dirty blue digital camouflage blouse, and smells of jet fuel and sweat. Hard rings circle under her slitted bloodshot eyes. She sets her ballcap on the table. "Yeah. I... guess I am."


She raises a forehoof. "Before you start, I know. It sucks. I've been mulling this over for a long time, and this is really how it has to go."

Billy chews his lip for a moment, then pouts. "I really liked hanging out with you, though."

"And I kind of didn't totally want to murder you all the time," she snorts in reply.

"But why though?" Billy asks.

"Because..." the pony starts, then pauses. She clumsily begins to remove her camouflage. "Because I'm tired, honestly. From working all the time. I'm on a ship all day. I barely even see the sun anymore, I'm lucky if I ever get two consecutive hours of sleep, and don't even get me started on why I think there's a conspiracy to actually replace the ship's store of toilet paper with sandpaper, because our buttholes weren't chafing enough already."

She takes a breath. "And what little time I do have off, I'm not willing to spend doing something that's just been getting less and less enjoyable. The fuck, man. The stuff I used to find, I'd get so much magic out of it, you know? Five years later, the shine's worn off. I'm seeing the same shit over and over and the good things -- the ones that make you feel like a kid in a museum again -- they're just not there. I won't indulge in that anymore, I won't beat a dead horse." She grimaces. "Pun not intended."

"What's gonna happen to all your stuff, though?" Billy wonders. "You made a lot of things and a lot of people know about it."

"Gonna pass 'em on." The pony finishes unbuttoning and lays the article on the table next to the ballcap.


"Fuckin'... I don't know. Ask around? People need closure and I can't provide it. Someone should, someone who's willing and has the actual talent for it."

She gets up from the table and wearily trots into the kitchen. Billy watches in silence as her bat wings let her rise up to get a glass from the shelf and swipe a half-empty bottle of vodka from the top of the fridge. "You want some?" the pony offers him as she mixes a stiff drink.

"I'm twelve, Uncle Rust."

"And a figment of my imagination. Give in to peer pressure, you raging cunt."

Billy accepts the drink and grimaces at the taste.

"Pussy," the pony says, before downing the entire glass -- clutches -- and letting out a thunderous belch.

They sit at the table for a while in silence. One cautiously sipping, the other slowly watching ice cubes melt.

"Uncle Rust?"


"Does this mean you aren't gonna be a pony anymore?"


Billy gestures. "You look really cuddly."

The pony looks down at herself, then back up to him. "I'm a dude you fuckstick! This is just how people think of me, so it's how I appear. They don't know what I look like, so they picture an alcoholic batpony flailing angrily at the keys and screaming about hookers and punching things!"

"... Can I hug you?"

She stares at him for a moment, then lets her head fall to the table.

"...Is that a yes?"

"Try it and I'll curb stomp you so hard they'll be finding your teeth in China."

Billy thinks for a moment, then leaps out of his seat and tackles the pony out of her chair.

I guess hit me up if you want to take over. People with low subscribers are preferred, who actually have an interest in closing out my works, and have the talent and humor take over the title of Rust.

Comments ( 37 )


Props to you for doing things like you always seem to do Rust. With an inordinate amount of drinking, cussing, and bat pones.

I'd offer, but I sure as shit could never do what you've done.

~Skeeter The Lurker

I'm sad to see you go. I loved echo the diamond dog and co but I understand when you start working not having the time and energy to finish. Hopefully you'll pass on the general outline to whoever is strong enough to take up the torch and finish you work.

Ugh, Vodka? Can I sit with you and drink my rum instead? :fluttercry:

Well, at this stage the only thing I'd counsel you on is to be sure you really have lost your passion for it, or if its just the cumulative effective of endless hard work and lack of sleep. God knows I know exactly how that feels and how many times I felt like just giving up the thing I love because I no longer really felt much joy in it as I used to. To me it sounds as if you are overstressed, seriously:

From working all the time. I'm on a ship all day. I barely even see the sun anymore, I'm lucky if I ever get two consecutive hours of sleep,

That sort of shit would kill a man's sexdrive, let alone kill his interest in the hobbies that made him happy.

In either event, stepping off for a while from this site is only common sense, as your frustration and inability to do what you want is only going to make the situation worse. If your passion is truly gone, then it won't come back and you've made the right choice. If it does and you've already given all of your shiny shit away, then that's one bridge burned you cant cross back over again.

Remember when you asked me how I balanced work and writing? The truth of the matter is, as bad off as I was, my situation is not as demanding as yours, I could continue to write despite twelve hours of fuck every day because I could work around it (I sat at a computer all day, ways and means), if I couldn't, my story would have stopped a long time ago. Do whatever feels best for you man, just know that if you're not really sure then all you'll do is cut off something that once made you happy, and all you have left is the shit that's making you stressed, it doesn't care what you do.

Completely understandable, Rust. Your stories and blogs are gems that the community will sorely miss. You're always welcome back, when you feel like your life needs more pastel ponies, magic, and ridiculous amounts of lesbian shipping.

I can finish your stories, if you're truly desperate enough for someone whose interest in the subject far outstrips their talent and humor. You'd probably be better handing it off to Handyman, or this awesome author called Rust...oh. Whoops.

Good luck, man.

Jeezus, man. That sucks balls.

"He's finally doing it?"

Yep. Tell us, Rust. You have been doing this for so long, and you say the magic isn't there for you anymore. I won't argue that with you. You say it's gone, I'm sorry you feel that way. But tell us this much. Will you at least stick around to read? Interact with us? Writing isn't all of what this site has to offer.

"But if the magic is well and truly gone for you, I'm sorry."

Peace be with you, man. I hope one day you can take up the pen, the mightier than the sword, and continue what you began. If you feel that will never come to pass, then farewell, dear friend.

I am Mahazkei, formerly known as MadioRactive. Good luck, and may the odds ever be in your favor.

Good luck sire. Just... JUst come back every once in a while to say hi. Kay?

I really liked talking with you.

Hey Rust. I'm sure I've said it a few times already but...

You were an inspiration to me on this site.

Your stories had so much imagination and humor to them. I remember way back in the day when I'd come home from a long day and start browsing the internet, one of my first scheduled stops would be to go to Fimfiction. Every time I saw that my favorites updated, I'd be thinking in the back of my mind "Yes! I hope its one of Rust's! I wonder if someone's ever tried to make a reverse mozzarella stick..." and if it was one of yours, I'd stop everything I was doing until I finished the chapter.

A lot of the things I've written, I'd be lying if I said I didn't have you in mind when doing so. I mean sure, those silly, re-done theme songs are a given, but many of my stories as well. Your writing was something I continuously drew from, and I firmly believe my stories are better because of it.

Now we're here, and circumstances demand too much for you to continue. This site legitimately will not be the same without you. I hope you go on to succeed at everything you want to achieve. I hope your job starts going easier on you. I hope that you never lose a single sock in the laundry machines ever again. I hope hot babes fall at your side and grasp at your legs while you lift your cutlass into the sky and give a hearty war-cry atop your pet Carcharodontosaurus. I hope you have a great time you magnificent bastard.

So Rust, from the bottom of my liver heart, I think I speak for everyone here when I say

Thank you. For everything you've done. We'll miss you, bud. :heart:

Sad to see you go, but not altogether surprised- I could tell for a long time your heart and mind has been elsewhere based on your uploads. I've been reading your work since the first installment of Echo, and loved every minute of it. Your personal stories, the characters you created, the updates of Billy and your bat-self. It's been fun.

Hope you have luck wherever you go man, it's been a genuine pleasure reading what you've created. God speed, and stay safe Navy Boy.

We'll take care of Billy for ya.

May you find the spark that lights your fire again, wherever that leads.

It's alright. If you don't feel like you're in a good place while visiting here and need a long, long break take it!

As I've said before, you'll always have a place here and we'll be happy to have you back.

Go in Peace and Love.

And so, the legend leaves his title, but in his wake lies many a tale of vast and wonderful creativity. He may leave, and pass on his legacy, but he will still be recorded in the annals and revered for the rest of time...

...For he was the man known as Rust...

RIP in peace, may you pass on the banner to the right person.


Godspeed you magnificent bastard.

Christ on ice, I know the feeling. I'm only at one of the most relaxed A Schools in the Navy and this is the first time I've even glanced at FIMF in a week and a half. This shit just takes up too much time and attention when you need to be studying, doing quals, or just trying not to be that guy alone in his rack on the internet during liberty.

But, can you tell me one thing?
How was Echo supposed to end?

Deuces, homie. Gonna miss you. Keep on kicking ass in the world's finest Navy, and be safe out there.


We love you, Rusty. You know we're here to talk to. You get some time off up my way again, we'll do lunch and you can de-stress a bit.

Than you for taking your time to make the world a little less dreary and a little more brighter. I can honestly say your story's were a joy to read and it was fun while it lasted. I wish you the best of luck in your future endeavors, and never stop trying to make people laugh. I think this world needs a bit more laughter in it.

I honestly just logged in after a long while of being gone, just in time too.
Honestly, thank you Rust.
You may not know, but the very approval of my fan art in regards to Echo gave me quite the joy years ago, the drive even. I can't help but remember it. Years after that, I developed stronger interests elsewhere aside from ponies,also the interest of going forward and pushing myself as a better artist, a better story teller.

You were a great beacon in one of my early years, dude. An amazing inspiration, and now here I am, I'm gonna be a trainee in an animation studio soon, the very same animation studio that helped develop the very show we both used to love and enjoy!

I wish you the bestest luck , friend. For your future endeavors, and maybe even more awesome literary works!

Again, thank you, Rust. For everything.

With him leaving.

I had a feeling that was the case

Oh well. Been nice knowing you, MM2. sometimes having a life away from the internet sucks. Maybe I'll see you in the fleet.

Gonna miss you dude. Believe me when I say that the last few years were some of the toughest but they were also the best. May you also find better best years ahead of yourself. :moustache:
10/10 shall put aside my 3 year hiatus freakout in honor of freaking out to Mr. Rusty Sir and saying thanks.

So your part of the Navy huh? Well then, maybe well be deployed in a few years together mate. I hope that one day you'll regain your passion for our little pony friends and rejoin us here. Just remember that wherever you go, you will have the love and appreciation of us all behind you.

See ya around dude, it was fun while it lasted.

Which ship if you don't mind me asking? I'm half expecting to find out you are just down the p-way from me.

With respect... Rather than simply leave... Why not create the fire you seek?

Goodbye Rust, this whole site will weep with sadness following your retirement, but I'd like to give ya a little song that fits this pretty well:

Ah shit, now I'm sad again. I think you did good work here, at least in my opinion, and I hope all your future endeavors are as successful. Or something. Shipping... Some joke about shipping. It'll come to me. Because, you know, the Navy thing? You commanded the ship of my interest with distinction? No, that sucks.

Seriously, though, you be good out there. Calm seas and sunny shores, Rust.

Godspeed, you glorious bastard. I had a ton of fun reading and writing with you over the years. Sorry I didn't do more of it.

And hit me up on Skype or Steam or something, jackass. Just because you're a fuckin' Squid doesn't mean you get to duck out forever.

I have a few questions for you Rust
I don't expect an answer but it would be nice to hear from you.

1.) How long will you be in the navy?

2.) Will you ever come back and visit. Not to write but just to talk

3.) If you regain your drive, your urge to write more, will you?

Your stories are great and I wanna see more of you around in the future. Maybe not stories but just as a visitor, a lurker, someone who sticks around and rarely says much more than a few lines of text in this digital home. Again if your job ruins your hobby then that's okay. Step away and come back later. I will wait for you. We all will wait for you.

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