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  • offline last seen Apr 7th, 2017


"If I was an oven creator, I would label the knobs 'FRONT' and 'BACK.' Not a tiny diagram of how to fuck yourself." ~Austin "Chef" Dickey

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I Just Realized Summer Break For Me Is A Few Short Months Away. · 12:55am Feb 23rd, 2016

Near the end of May, to be precise.

With that said, I'm curious, those of you who are fellow students: What's your summer plan?

Mine is simple, but busy: Come the new pressing machine I'm getting in two days, I'm easing myself into the world of chest pressing so I can strengthen my spaghetti-ass arms. In addition, I'm learning how to make our lawn look really, really nice so random strangers can pay me to do the same thing to theirs as part of my enterprise for an 8-string guitar. I already have 150 of the 400-semod USD needed for a Schecter Omen-8 off of Amazon, but the remaining 250 will take a lot of lawn mowing to earn.

Simple, but busy.

Comments ( 1 )

That's certainly busy.

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