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Less than a month left to enter the big 250k contest! · 9:25pm Mar 2nd, 2016

The deadline for the 250k contest is almost here!
We've already got some great entries -- 21 of them! But there are 30 prizes to be had, so you still have a great chance of winning some soft, warm electronic cash to hug to your chest at night. ^.^ And, of course, everybody who enters will get a little extra exposure for their story.

But the deadline is coming: March 31st at midnight PST. So if you've been putting it off, it's time to get going on it and get that thing done. I'm excited to see what else you wonderful people come up with, and even more excited to finally get to read all of these.

You can get all the details and the full contest rules at the link above. Good luck!

Report ocalhoun · 210 views · #contest
Comments ( 11 )

I would If I could write lol

Well, there's a $25 prize just for new authors and a $5 prize just for authors with less than 100 followers...

You don't necessarily have to be better than everyone, just better than the other newbies. :twilightsmile:

And besides, there are other prizes out there that aren't necessarily skill-based. You could win $1 simply for having the longest story, for example -- and there's a lot of room for that since the word count limit is 15k and the longest currently is just over 5k. Or another $1 just for being the last to enter. Or another $1 for adding it to a lot of groups. So even if you really do have zero writing skill (I doubt that), there are still things you could win!


So even if you really do have zero writing skill (I doubt that),

Your doubts are misplaced, I can RP but not write it makes no sense whatsoever

You don't necessarily have to be better than everyone, just better than the other newbies.

Dats Da Plan lol :rainbowwild:

About halfway done with my entry, crashing through the anxiety like Iron Will in a Fluttershy Shop

Author Interviewer

You'll post a big thing about it with all the entries and their respective originals, right? :B

I have a really... I don't even know if I can make the idea work, and it's terribly derivative and cliche, but it's an idea. I dunno.

Right i still need to do this.

Ha! Anyone who can come up with a simile like that should be fun to read.

Yep, I'll be quite busy then!
Main things I'll be doing:
1- A blog post announcing the voting for the people's choice award.
2- A new box on my userpage featuring all these stories as well as any other sequels/spin-offs not written by me.
3- Putting links to the sequels/spinoffs in the descriptions of the originals.
4- A blog post announcing the winners of the various prizes (except the people's choice, and reminding people to vote for the people's choice).
5- A blog post announcing the winner of the people's choice prize.

Aw, give it a shot!
Couldn't hurt, now could it?
(Ooh! Let me guess! Batsy Fluffentuft Eats a Peach?)

That you do, that you do. :ajbemused: I'm going to be disappointed in you if you don't manage it.

3789498 :rainbowderp:

That may actually be better than my idea.


I gots a question. When you say a story may be a "spin-off," how close does that mean the entry must adhere to the original? In particular, should the entry not flatly contradict the original story's premise? 'Cause I have an idea that would flatly contradict one of the premises, and half an idea that's inspired by a story I've read once and, despite enjoying it, would rather not reread. "A foolish consistency" and all that.

Basically, what I'm going with is: "When I look at the story's description, can I easily tell which story it's based on?"
If the answer to that question is 'yes', then it's probably a valid entry.

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