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I came, I saw, I got turned into a Brony. Tumblr link http://xeno-the-sharp-tongue.tumblr.com/

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Posting Responses · 8:21pm Mar 3rd, 2016

I will say it outright. You all, be it readers here on FimFic, people on Tumblr, the build crew on TvTropes, artists on DeviantArt; or even the folks on FanFic and Youtube; are the kindest, friendliest, most insightful, best viewerbase a guy could ask for. I know many of you by username and even a few by name, and consider you bunch my friends. You guys and gals are a big reason I've stayed motivated this long to write and keep on writing. Posting a chapter and then seeing all you lot have to say is a highlight of the weeks or months I work. I write to entertain, and i've been entertaining better guests than I could have ever guessed I would have three years ago. We got some great artists, insightful reviewers, and hilarious comedians in this little fan community.

However, I have noticed looking back at some of the responses I love so much, that posts can have 4, 5, maybe even 10 thumbs up; but no actual response from me. Yes I am very busy and might not always have time to type out a giant response post, but I think something should be there. So, from this point on I will try to get better at expressing just how appreciated your contributions are. You gals and guys do a lot more for me than you might think, least I can do is show my thanks for that :raritywink:

Unrelated to above, but April-Fools joke chapter confirmed. It's gonna be insane.

Comments ( 23 )

I am not nice!
*runs off sobbing*

Your welcome. I really enjoy your stories. if you want to you could write a story on my OC changeling hive, the Shadow Hive. Let me know ok?

You're very much welcome Tarb. :twilightsmile: You're one of my favorite authors and one of my few friends so it's great to see you so happy with all the support. You deserve every ounce of it. {Even though we didn't agree with that insignificant thing.}

Hip, hip, Ho ray for Tarb!! We love you buddy!

Glad we could make such an impact Tarbtano. :twilightsmile: A little encouragement can go a long way.

But hey, don't feel pressured that you have to answer EVERY detailed post that we fans make of your story. Sure, it's a great bonus for us fans, but we don't want you to burn yourself out with both your writing and what you're going through in the real world. The fact that you write such fun chapters of a crossover that's exceeded almost all forms of expectations is reward enough for us.

Take care Tarb, and good luck. :raritywink:

I forgot about April Fool's.

You don't have to do that for us, but it is very appreciated. Looking forward to that chapter in the spoiler.


Please no what?


Well didn't get a chance to do it 2015 or 2014, so figured I'd give it a go. Not gonna be canon (ish), but Rule of Funny and wackiness gonna be cranked up to 11. Expect meta humor.

Trust me my friend, the encouragement was anything but little :twilightsmile:

GROUP HUG! Come'ere you two!

Hey, John Adams and Thomas Jefferson disagreed about a lot of things and look what they managed to make :rainbowlaugh:
Always a pleasure to talk to a receptive fellow author my friend.


3790045 I'd say it's more akin to Tolkien and Lewis's friendship. :twilightsmile: Disagreeing and all, but still great friends.

will King Ghidorah appear more often?

I will happily accept the thanks. And Trab, I don't know what it is, but there is something special that you have/do and it always does some good for not only me, but for the fans as well.
*Professionally shakes hands with Tarb

Trust me Tarb, I think the high amount of interaction and camaraderie that you've regularly shared with your readerbase up to now is the best kind of thanks that you can give us. ^_^

3790045 Since the April Fools chapters would be non-canon and you mentioned that the characters wackiness will go up to eleven, does that mean we will have unusual moments like Junior wanting to ascend on the soldier hierarchy to make female guards wear mini-skirts (reference to Roy Mustang)? Or will the chapter only be based around a few protagonists? Also, would the chapter be silly enough to make every day call Xenilla by his "canon" name of SpaceGodzilla?

I have a similar problem, actually I have trouble writing reviews in the first place, so when I say you shouldn't blame yourself, you shouldn't. Everyone here knows you're giving it all you got writing The Bridge, so we understand if you can't always respond to our feedback. Everything you've done is fantastic, and I'm so glad that I'm a part of this experience. You don't have to respond, because just getting this thought out into the world is a great feeling, and I still can't thank you enough for helping me experience it.

3790045 No. I meant I forgot about that day. They don't celebrate April Fool's in Belgium, at least. Probably most of Europe.

Really love your stories! I hope to see something new & original someday. :pinkiehappy:

Please don't take this the wrong way, but as much as I enjoy our "conversations" in the comments, I'd rather you focused on what's important (school, wrighting, your girlfriend) then worrying about being able to reply to all of my comments. Don't get me wrong, I do enjoy reading your responses. Just don't think it should be more important then those other things.

Bring on that funny, Tarb.:rainbowdetermined2:

Ya know Tarb,

Someday, when my Simeon masters take over the world, I'll make sure you get one of the nice cages.

Not too nice, but you know, nice.

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