• Member Since 16th Dec, 2013
  • offline last seen Jan 15th, 2023


That gaming pegasus and/or ferret who watches ponies. Also, I'm not really a writer. But I might write something... if that's okay.

More Blog Posts17

  • 250 weeks
    Salen's Thoughts on the Finale

    I doubt many will read this. That's okay. This is mostly for myself I suppose. The Ep. 24-25 two-parter was epic and exciting and it was full of emotion. Honestly one of the best endings ever. But Episode 26, that was a tidal wave of feels.

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    2 comments · 216 views
  • 281 weeks
    Oh BUCK! The Final Final Season Trailer!


    I'm Twilighting right now!

    4 comments · 199 views
  • 307 weeks
    Lots of idea fragments

    As a writer, I'm pretty bad. I tend to have great idea pieces, but making a whole story, one where things flow properly and there's connection and what not, that's just not something I can do.

    But I do have a lot of little ideas. Most of them are for Fallout Equestria. Because I like the setting. I just suck as a writer.

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    0 comments · 279 views
  • 355 weeks
    Silver Quill's No Context of MLP:The Movie

    You know what... I know some folks don't care for the new Pony movie, but I feel it doesn't deserve all the hate some folks heap on it.

    So that's why I loved Silver Quill's No Context video on the movie. Because yeah, there might be problems, but it's not bad. So here's his video...

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    0 comments · 356 views
  • 368 weeks
    Do you like Fallout Equestria?

    You do?

    Go watch Two Best Sisters Play - Fallout 4 then.

    Also remember to save often...

    4 comments · 255 views

Why I should right faster... · 7:07pm Mar 7th, 2016

I'm slow. I've been working on writing a single, non-plural story, for just over 2 years. Carry On Wayward Storm is just a simple story about my pegasus OC, Stormwing. Right now, it's just over 35k words, and 81 pages long. That's about 48 words a day, roughly.

So yeah, needless to say even though my story takes place in the middle of Season 4, Season 6 is right around the corner. But on the plus side, I was on the last 2 chapters or so for my story. Huzzah...

Except, then the promo for Season 6 hit.

Everything was going so good, and then Flurry Heart causes a giant snowstorm. And that hits at the crux of the story I was working on. Stormwing was being written to go to the Crystal Kingdom, and become a weather pony for the place, mostly because hey, while the weather is (or at least in my brain) controlled and mitigated by the Crystal Heart's power of love and stuff... you could always use a few weather ponies for official stuff like taking care of things further away from the kingdom, where the weather isn't yet mitigated by the Crystal Hearth.

Yeah, that giant-winged baby just blew up my fanfic.

Maybe if I just did it faster, I wouldn't be in this problem. But no, inspiration and lack of drive killed any sort of speed, then Flurry Heart blew it up with an accidental spell. I was so sure of myself.

Salen: "Salen, you've got this fanfic down. Just write down the last few chapters and you can publish it and pretend this never happened."
Salen's Brain: "Good idea. And I can use the Crystal Kingdom. No one cares about it. And even less about what type of Weather Ponies a place like that would have."
Salen: "Indeed. There'll never been any official mention of an official Weather Team in the CK, so my story will be in-canon, or at least canon-neutral."
Salen's Brain: "True. Oh, hey look, Season 6 promo!" :pinkiehappy:
Salen: "Wait, Weather, Snow Storm, Blizzard, Crystal Kingdom. FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU-----!" :flutterrage:
Salen's Brain: "Guess what kingdom has no official weather pony team now?" :pinkiecrazy:
Salen: :twilightangry2:
Salen's Brain: "I wonder how we're going to get back to canon-neutral status. Oh, wait, that's my job. Huh. Maybe I'll figure that out in a year or two."
Salen: :facehoof:

That may or may not have happened. Needless to say, I suck at writing and Flurry Hearth is a cute, giant winged destroyer of fanfics.

Report Salen · 353 views · #writing #creativity #brain
Comments ( 4 )
Author Interviewer

AU tag ftw

3796106 Ferrets were trying to avoid that tag. Or try really really really hard anyways.

Author Interviewer

A lot of people do, but it's your only recompense if you're unable to get stories out before canon screws you. :B

3796268 I think I'm gunna wait for the new season to start, then see how badly I have to do a rewrite. The idea could still work, I just might have to change a few things. But it's easier if I don't worry about it till it's actually out. Easier than worrying about what I don't know.

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