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Road to Season 6: Season 1 · 8:46pm Mar 7th, 2016

I don't think anybody has even thought of asking me this - "how would you rank MLP's five seasons?" That's something I often wonder myself and, now that season 6 is right next door, I decided to give this a shot. I'll give my opinion of every episode of the series so far on a scale of 1-5 and I'll finish it giving my personal Top 10.

Before we start, I have to tell you that both opening and ending won't made it into the top, since their topics and themes are drastically different from the rest of the season and this is my personal opinion, you don't have to agree with me.
Alright, let's start it up!

Friendship is Magic (both parts): Good beginning for the series, although it hasn't age well (since the characters are more tridimensional in future entries) it stills hold up. 3.5/5.
The Ticket Master: Predictable but enjoyable (I personally would have given the ticket to Applejack). 4/5.
Applebuck Season: It's curious. The first time I watched this episode I felt it boring, but after many times I consider it a good entry, even if the timing can be slow some times, after all it gave us this:

Griffon the Brush-Off: Pinkie Pie and Rainbow Dash pranking is awesome, the pranks they do are awesome and Gilda is an awesome tertiary character. What more can you ask for? 4.5/5.
Boast Busters: The first bad entry in the series and here's why: Trixie is insupportable, Twilight's excuse for not using magic is dumb and Snips and Snails... no comments on these two. 2/5.
Dragonshy: Personally Fluttershy is my least favorite of the Mane 6, but episodes likes this help her to be more... bearable. It's a shame that this episode influenced her downfall in future seasons. 3.5/5.
Look Before You Sleep: Very clichéd but enjoyable at the very least, although both Applejack and Rarity can be annoying sometimes and Twilight feels out of place. Rarijack FTW. 3/5.
Bridle Gossip: Although I understand why this episode is hated, I like it. The main problem is relatable and Zecora is a good tertiary character, very predictable from beginning to end though. 4/5.
Swarm of the Century: Pinkie Pie demostrating why she's the second one I least like... no comments. 1/5.
Winter Wrap-Up: First song in the series and a very good one, enjoyable. 4.5/5.
Call of the Cutie: Foundation of the Cutie Mark Crusaders. No comments. 5/5.
Fall Weather Friends: It's a bit dull nowadays, however I can understand why people enjoy it, good but very forgettable. 3/5.
Suited for Success: Good song, excellent problem and a relatable moral. 5/5.
Feeling Pinkie Keen: Pinkie Pie being Pinkie Pie, same as before but not as much. 2/5.
Sonic Rainboom: The plot, the actions and even the moments and comedy haven't aged well and for an episode everyone says its one of the best not only of the season, but the entire series, its a shame. Not to mention you'll hate Rarity here, although it gave us this:

Stare Master: Predictable and the CMC's are annoying, even the Scootaloo chicken joke is not that funny anymore. But Fluttershy's stare is awesome. 2.5/5.
The Show Stoppers: What can I say about this that no one has said before? Plus the song is one of the worst. 1.5/5
A Dog and Pony Show: This is why Rarity is my favorite of the Mane 6, the only downside is that the diamond dogs are very forgettable. 5/5.
Green Isn't Your Color: Although it's forgettable, its funny enough thanks to Pinkie and Photo Finish, even Twilight and Spike make me laugh sometimes. 3/5.
A Bird in the Hoof: Predictable, dull and uninteresting. 1/5.
The Cutie Mark Chronicles: Some can find this entry boring because the CMC's are a plot device and the story itself is repetitive. But unlike Sonic Rainboom, this one holds up better and the Mane 6's Cutie Mark origins are interesting. 4/5.
Owl's Well That Ends Well: Please tell me, why is this episode so hated? I like it, the problem is comprehensible, the jealousy is credible and this scene:

This can be relatable to a child like him, an underrated episode. 4/5.
Party of One: Everything that I said about Pinkie Pie in the entire season shut my mouth with this scene:

For me this is still Pinkie Pie's best episode to date and, to give it credit, one of the best in the entire series. 5/5.
The Best Night Ever: It's a good one... for being final episode of the first season, but very underwhelming compared to future finales. However, what saves it and what makes this the best season finale of the series (at least for me) is that is not as pretentious as future entries. 3/5.

10. Griffon The Brush Off
9. Applebuck Season
8. The Ticket Master
7. Owl's End That Ends Well
6. Suited For Success
5. Winter Wrap-Up
4. The Cutie Mark Chronicles
3. Call of the Cutie
2. A Dog and Pony Show
Honorable Mention: Sonic Rainboom
1. Party of One

Season Average Score: 3.2/5.

Next time will be the great one...

Comments ( 1 )

I liked the first season becasue it introduced the basic workings of the world, it flushed out the characters and their relationships a bit more, introduced us to basically the basic main cast, not just the Mane 6, but the CMC, The mayor, Luna Celestia, Silver Spoon and Diamond Tiara etc.

What i love about this series is that even if episodes are boring and or are just lack luster, i can still enjoy them, enjoy the characters, etc. the voice cast has helped quite a bit since the voice actresses make me really invested in the characters as much as their character traits.

Season 1 also introduces the way the word works, where it is the three pony races that control the whether, make the seasons work, etc. (which is incredibly dangerous since if there is ever any disease and or reason one race cannot work etc. their all screwed, I mean they literally are ruled by a god who controls the sun and one that controls the moon, and if their ever incapacitated (by the other god like beings that plague them) the entire planet is doomed)

The one thing i noticed which was made a bit better in season 2-5, was the need for villains...i realize this is a character driven series, but there is only so many plots you can do with character driven series before you need to give some sort of plot driven elements to keep everything fresh.

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