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Contest Entry: True Love Never Dies · 11:20pm Mar 15th, 2016

I can't even begin to say how thrilled I am to see that someone took over this story!

True Love Never Dies
By CakeFlank

Just as Twilight and Celestia finally confess their feelings for each other, Celestia must sacrifice her life in order to save Canterlot.
Devastated, Twilight mourns the loss of her newfound love, until Luna reveals that not all hope is lost.
For an Alicorn never dies, not truly.

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Comments ( 4 )
Author Interviewer

Aw crap, Twilestia? D: I really don't want to read this one. :(

Twilestia, but with Twilight being the older mentor figure. (That is, if this version is anything like the original. The author has hinted at a predilection for Twiluna, though, so things might change.)

3810053 Thanks... :ajbemused: :rainbowlaugh:
3810059 We'll see... :ajsmug:

Author Interviewer

This is a bridge over troubled waters, my friend. D:

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