• Member Since 24th Dec, 2015
  • offline last seen 13 hours ago

Infinite Affection

Writer, Gamer, Ticket Manager at HWCon 2018, and can't ever have enough Applejack :heart:

More Blog Posts33

  • 359 weeks
    I'm Still Around

    Hey everyone

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    1 comments · 477 views
  • 368 weeks
    Hey guys I'm back!

    Hey everypony

    I'm back with another large size fiction, the sequel to my most popular story The Cutie Mark Crusade: Warm Beginnings . This one is called The Cutie Mark Crusade: Worlds Collide.

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    3 comments · 448 views
  • 380 weeks
    Another year, another fun-fil

    Hey everyone!

    I'm not dead, just really laden with university work but im still trying to write in my spare time! :twilightsmile: Yesterday, I celebrated my 22nd birthday! Yay!

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    3 comments · 400 views
  • 389 weeks
    My Thanks to Best Pony

    I don’t what power you have over me
    But I find myself happy whenever you’re around
    You give me hope in times that are darkest
    And gift me ambition when I falter
    All it takes is one look at your honest face
    A gander at your beautiful leaf green eyes
    The slightest whisper of your melodic countryisms
    And I melt for reasons I don’t fully understand
    I’d do anything to make you happy

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    1 comments · 501 views
  • 395 weeks
    Just my little update...

    Hey guys

    I just want to let ya know about my writing activity of late. I've been eager to write a sequel to The Cutie Mark Crusade: Warm Beginnings and I have been working on a plotline for that :twilightsmile:

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    1 comments · 407 views

New Story out on Friday · 1:19pm Mar 16th, 2016

Hi everypony

Just to let you know that my newest story "My Guiding Light" will be submitted tomorrow to hopefully be available for viewing from Friday. It's a rather short story but I've tried my hardest to put detail into it. Bring plenty of tissues. :fluttercry:

The Dawn Fanatic

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