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Cosmic Cowboy

I'm a linguist. I like ambiguity more than most people.

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Dreams on "Zootopia" · 5:36pm Mar 19th, 2016

As a follow-up to last night's blog, let's take a look at the dreams I had last night. Had to make some use of waking up every couple hours.

These are pretty typical for what I get. Sometimes I get fully-plotted epics that I really wish I could remember in full in the morning, but they're almost always coherent stories of some sort. I think I might be doing this more often in the future.

Dream #1: "Because I just can't follow the president around all the time, hun. I just can't."
I only remember the last scene from this one (because Inception was right), but it's definitely a product of the movie I just saw.

It was in the White House, and I had been following Disneyland-style performers in Mickey and Minnie Mouse costumes as they went about their legit government aide positions. Not only that, but they both had child secretaries, whose benefit this whole farce is apparently for. Finally, when Minnie asked the little 5-year-old assigned to her (in a passing approximation of the character's voice) to clear her schedule because she's really just a performer in a costume and she doesn't want to tell him that, he asks, "Why?"

That resulted in the line I used as the title. And that's about all there was to this one.

Dream #2: Hey, that's one of mine (I hope)
This one was less about Zootopia and more about the three or so hours I spent on Reddit before getting ready for the date, but it's still worth mentioning.

I was sitting on a bench in an airport terminal next to Muselk himself. I was playing it cool, having experience being around mild internet celebrities just being normal people. I was reading something or other, and he was watching random YouTube videos on his tablet, without headphones for some reason.

I kind of forgot he was even him for a bit, until I heard a jingle that was either the intro or outro from my own TF2 videos, or that of You Suck at Cooking. I couldn't remember for the life of me which one it really was, but I think it might actually have switched between two of those.

Anyway, I perked right up because I thought it was mine (whether it actually was or not), and said, "Hey, that's one of mine!" I don't remember if he actually said anything, or even if he watched the rest of it or switched to something else. Then I realized (in dream-logic) that I actually wasn't sure if it was my song or not, and all of my pent-up self-consciousness hit me at once.

That's about it. Dream over.

Dream #3: "You limey son-of-a..."
This was another spectator dream, where I was wasn't really any of the characters involved. I honestly don't know where this one came from. Well, maybe it was a little Zootopia-inspired. Either way, stick around, this one's a doozy.

So I was in the car with Sherlock Holmes (played by David Tennant, for some reason) riding shotgun and a faceless woman I assume to represent Dr. Watson in the driver's seat, driving along through New York City. I don't remember exactly why they were there, but I think it was to help out some other mystery-solver.

Anyway, out of effing nowhere, JESSICA JONES walks up to the car as they're stuck in traffic in the far-right lane, yells something like the eponymous epithet, and punches Sherlock through the open window. Sherlock isn't too badly hurt, but on reflex drives his palm up into her chin and nose, knocking her onto the sidewalk spewing blood out of her nose.

So now she's pissed. She did all this because she heard his accent and thought he was working with Killgrave (not that he was Killgrave, mind you, despite being the exact same actor and all). So she takes up a stance and challenges him to come out and fight.

He does step out of the car, but this just happens to be outside the corporate building of Hasbro themselves (in New York... apparently). He says something like, "Inside. Not out here," and she follows him through the doors.

He immediately makes a break for the nearest men's room, which happens to be pretty crowded. (Oh, and after this he's inexplicably portrayed by Michael Caine.)

Jessica Jones being Jessica Jones, she marches straight in. Sherlock plays it off like he has no idea what's going on, and all the other guys there just kind of awkwardly ignore her as he tries to break it to her that she's in the wrong restroom.

At this point the conflict is pretty much over for some reason, and Jessica just kind of leaves, though she's still really mad at him. Sherlock goes on to talk to the good folks at Hasbro, which is suddenly why he was here in the first place.

He pitches an idea for a new children's show: an animated adventure about a young, fox-furry Holmes, using his amazing sense of smell as a central gimmick to engage kids with the mystery-solving.

Flipping dreams, man.

Comments ( 3 )

:rainbowlaugh: Wow! Those sound like some pretty globed up dreams! Awesome...but still...bizzare as heck!:rainbowlaugh:

That last dream with Holmes in it was awesome.

3816055 I said it was a doozy.

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