• Member Since 17th Nov, 2011
  • offline last seen May 26th

Paradise Oasis

Royal librarian of Dream Valley, writer of Ponykind's greatest generation!

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  • 33 weeks
    My story, and why writing MLP leaves me now.... conflicted

    I think my last post was brief, so I might as well go into some detail here about my story, why I started writing mlp fanfic, and what is happening now.

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  • 150 weeks
    G5: OH THE IRONY...

    You know, it's really really funny... G5 has all the three tribes of ponies hating each other, and living in a modern setting centuries after FiM. I wrote about this very ideas years ago, before G5 was ever conceived of, in a story where Celestia and Luna go on a vacation incognito to the earth pony town of Coltonville, and find pony hatred and paranoia, as well as a conspiracy against unicorn

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  • 150 weeks

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  • 176 weeks
    Returning for real this time

    Okay, everybody, Paradise/Tornado here again! Yes I know it's been a year, but I needed time to recover from a ten-year burnout in writing, and it took awhile to get my creative juices flowing again. I'm putting together plans for a new story or two, though my plans for my 'big finish' story are on hold again. I hope many of you are still here, and look forward to entertaining all of you with my

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Princess Flurry Heart? Oh Dear... · 5:23am Mar 29th, 2016

What happened to Princess Flurry Heart, ponies often ask me. What happened to Princess Cadence and Shining Armor's's eldest daughter? Why is she never mentioned in the Histories after the Equestrian era. Cadence's second daughter, Queen Dazzleglow, rules the crystal empire of the Snow Ponies;

Her third daughter, Princess Skyla, is the ruler of New Equestria. She and Dazzleglow are the only two remaining alicorns left on the planet;

And their youngest Daughter, Princess Silver Rain, was born only a few decades ago; only one year after the death of her father Shining, whose life had been unnaturally prolonged by Cadence's magic. This noble unicorn rules over the citadel of Misty Mountain, which she took over after the death of her mother;

But what of Princess Flurry Heart, the eldest daughter who was the most powerful alicorn of the pre-modern era? Why his she absent from the histories?


The truth is...


After the Grogar wars, when Flurry Heart was an adult, the ruling elite of Equestria were meeting in a great council to decide how to rebuild the nation. With Luna gone, and Dazzle Glow and Skyla ruling their own kingdoms (Southern Equestria had decided to break off under Skyla's rule during these meetings, and form the kingdom of New Equestria), there was no alicorns left to rule the North. It was decided to reorganize Northern Equestria into the confederacy, ruled by a council of princess ponies, and returning political power to the local nobility for the first time since Celestia and Luna had been made rulers of Equestria.

But then, Cadence's eldest daughter, Princess Flurry Heart, offered to take the throne, and keep Equestria together. Now, you have to understand something... most of the North had converted to Zoropothian Horsemasterism, and the reorganization Equestria into the confederacy was building of a nation more along the philosopher Zorthponta's principles. And that's also why the south wanted to break away, as most of the alicornists had moved down there. Princess Flurry Heart's rule was seen as a compromise to keep north and south together, as the most powerful alicorn alive she could force the northern nobility back in line.

What happened next.... was not sanctioned by the nobles, nor the Rainbow monks. With the support of the commoners of the north, a coalition of Big Brother pony knights from all the cities of the northern lands organized and rode out to meet Princess Flurry Heart's entourage when it was passing through Great Galloping Gorge. Armed with the rainbow of light, which had been stolen from Dream Valley for this mission, the Party of Knights surprised the princess and her royal guard, and....



Blast it, what choice did they have?! Horsemasterist freedom was on the line, and the princess was a heavy supporter of the Alicornist cause! Why couldn't they have sent Princess Dazzleglow to rule us, and let Flurry Heart rule the Snow Ponies!? The alicorn Dazzleglow is a devout Zororponthian, and she would've been welcomed with open hooves. But the Big Brother pony knights did what they had to do that dark day, and ensured the freedom of generations of horsematersists yet to be born. The day of the ambush of galloping gorge, now nearly five hundred years in the past, is remembered as a day of liberation for Zoroponthians. And it is also remebered as a day of martyrdom and mourning by alicornists.

But even I believe it was still a horrible and cruel mistake our ancestors made, one our generation desperately wishes we could undo. May B'zekre help us all.

Report Paradise Oasis · 535 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

"You... you Horsemasterists dare to claim the moral high ground? You dare to calm to better than the Novans? You murdered a pony who's only crime was not to worship you damn goddess? Those "knights" were without honor and forsake their duty for a angels' damned what if! They attacked without orders, without given her a chance to prove herself! If she proved to be a tyrant then she should have been removed but not before!

You're all the same!"

*stomp, stomp*

"Ambassador, Ambassador! Oh Lord and Lady," *sigh* "Sirocco takes her duty very seriously, and tends to judge anyone who takes a oath as a solider with the same standards she judges herself with. And to her there are somethings a soldier should never do such as conduct assassinations without orders. She also is very protective of who she considers family, even if Flurry Heart is not her actual granddaughter, the fact that she is the daughter of this realm's Princess Cadence is enough for her."

-Sirocco and Aurum

:twilightangry2:*shakes in cold rage*

They... they murdered........?!

I have absolutely no words for the rage and contempt that I feel for you and your so-called "knights" or your Sun Phoenix-damned "goddess" right now, and I absolutely agree with Ambassador Sirocco in her denouncement of you and your hideous and dishonorable "knights"!

*takes a deep breath and tries to calm herself down (not working very well)*

All I can say is, those so-called "ponies" better be thankful that they're not in my dimension, in my Equestria. The Shining Armor that I know? No mercy would be shown to them.
He'd have them drawn and quartered for their crime against him and his family.

And that's if Cadance didn't get to them first!

And "May B'zekre help us all"?
May our Sacred Mother the Sun Phoenix have mercy on you poor excuses for ponies.
Only because a version of our Applejack lives among you will I pray for your miserable, Horsemasterist souls.

Although those so-called "knights"?
I hope that their foul souls were condemned to to lowest level of Tartarus, the place where oath-breakers and traitors are sent to suffer for all eternity.
And stealing the "Rainbow of Light" do do the foul deed? Making themselves thieves, as well as cold-blooded murderers?

They deserved no less than eternal damnation.

I don't care what you say, Master Firehooves

- Whitewolf Stormrunner, Senior Scout, Royal Equestrian Scout and Exploration Corps, Equestria, Dimension Third Astraea.

I never like this part of history, especially since Princess Flurry Heart's intentions were just to reunite Equestria.

Bronze Shield.

3834671 At least it didn't lead into a global war like the assassination of a human arch duke did a century ago (two global wars arguably).

Though, I suspect her vision of a reunited Equestria was the Alicornist south having total dominance over the Horsemasterist north with its ponies being treated like second class citizens. The North already a government in place, and it was the peasantry who organized this assassination.

Seriously, welcome to what has given rise to half the nations in history.


Um, please, if you would listen...

they never stated she was dead. I think she may actually be around somewhere.

~Sweet Stuff

3835396 Really?!

Then just what do you think that this

And it is also remembered as a day of martyrdom and mourning by alicornists.


You generally don't use the words "martyrdom" and "mourning" unless somepony is dead!!!

So I think that it was made very plain by Master Firehooves that Princess Flurry Heart was murdered by those so-called "knights"!

- Whitewolf Stormrunner, Senior Scout, Royal Equestrian Scout and Exploration Corps, Equestria, Dimension Third Astraea.

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