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State of the Lemur - 03/30/2016 · 12:31am Mar 31st, 2016

F'naaaa. What a month. A shaky start to what should be awesome, admittedly. I messed up big time on just... scheduling things in general. Part of me wants to blame having a suddenly busy work schedule at my IRL job, but that's... like... doubly-douchey of me.

Thank you to all who follow my stuff regardless of my idiocy. I suspect that you knew what you were in for even prior to my Patreonic exploits.

Now, on to the lemur drivel:

What's better than a nostalgia bomb? How about having one of your all-time favorite LPers doing a playthrough of a game you lurved from your childhood? I speak of course of The Real Guy, The Best Guy, Sips of Yogscast and his LP of 1993's Day of the Tentacle by Tim Schafer, Dave Grossman, and the now-defunct LucasArts.

And on top of that, it's a dayum good remaster of the game too. So dayum good that I went on and bought it for a measly $15 off of Steam, even though I just watched a fresh LP of it. I suppose that's the thing about Nostalgia. It's the gift that keeps on giving... until you get Alzheimer's. But hey, who's counting?

If you haven't played Day of the Tentacle before, it's not exactly the hardest game... or the longest game... but for a small price tag you can juice your hard drive up with something full of personality and top-notch quality. Give it a shot. And, no, you can't say that this is a paid advertisement by LucasArts 'cuz they're friggin' dead, ya big bastard.

It's come to my attention that I missed out on some of the patrons that I should have mentioned in the Blargh Shout-Out for March. To cover my lemur butt, I made a post on Patreon, asking those who wanted a shout-out to throw daggers at me. I got responses, and as such I am now presenting to you an updated take on the Shout-Out.

A big thank you to everyone who contributed, $5 or less or more. Every bit is useful, and I'm insanely humbled by it.

If you've contributed $5 or more and you're not on this shout-out and you want to be... then... uh... scream at me here or in PM, lulz...

(The newer shout-outs are towards the bottom)

The Lemuriffic Shout-Out to Digital Elements of Generosity

A bunch of these marsupials you can see listed on my user page. Included here are simply those who responded to my offer to be listed in a blargh:

I think this person may very well be the last surviving offspring of Dusty Rhodes. In their own words:

Just mention something about how I ship Spike like a boss and how I'm the pussy-slaying badass of fimfic, and I'll take whatever you give me

Thank you very much, FamousLastWords. I give you backsweat.

FloydienSlip has been following the lemur for quite some time now. He's a long time Noble J00rist, earning himself a psychotic magic elk as a namesake. The world's a pretty chill place with Floydien around.

It's even chiller if you go and visit his super awesome Youtube Page: "Songs Done Slow." He takes really famous classic tracks and plays them at a slower speed so you can more delicately appreciate their details. Nifty stuff. Check it out here.

Aside from that, Floydien offers editing commissions. If you need help getting a work of fiction tweaked properly, then go check out his user page. You can expect the very best from a Pink Floyd fan. F'naaa.

Fana Farouche

This is Fana Farouche.

He misses Kera.

Also, he has trouble staying on trains from time to time.

Quylaa is a name that immediately brings a smile to my stubbled chin. Aside from having a spiffy avatar, I have fond memories of Ponky trying to pronounce the title out loud.

In their own words:

I'm Quylaa (don't try pronouncing it), and I don't do much except lurk. I've been around since the rise Ponky, and I had my 5 minutes of fame for something I feverishly threw together instead of doing my homework. I wish I had more to put here, but I'm just a lurker and a fan. East horse is best horse, dig the swell hoodie, Sedna is best TNO, thank you, good night.

On December 2015, astronomers at the Atacama Large Millimeter Array (ALMA) detected a brief series of 350 GHz pulses that they concluded must either be a series of independent sources, or a single, fast moving source. Deciding that the latter was the most likely, they calculated based on its speed that, were it bound to the Sun, the object, which they named "Arcshod" after a fast-moving messenger goddess in Norse mythology, would be about 12–25 AU distant and have a dwarf planet-sized diameter of 220 to 880 km.

Arcshod's first series was a playthrough of the video game Amnesia: The Dark Descent. After playing several other game series, including Penumbra and Dead Space, YouTube banned Arcshod's AdSense account. Though he appealed to YouTube as a last effort, the appeal was ultimately lost. Because of this, a new and current channel was created and dubbed ArcshodGAME. In 2014, the ArcshodGAME channel was listed on New Media Rockstars Top 100 Channels, ranked at #61.

Former George W. Bush administration officials Dick Cheney and John Ashcroft have stated since leaving office that they do not consider Arcshod to be torture. At least one Republican member of the U.S. Congress, Ted Poe, has taken a similar position. Other Republican officials have provided less definitive views regarding whether Arcshod is torture. Andrew C. McCarthy, a former Republican prosecutor including in the George W. Bush administration, has stated that when used in "some number of instances that were not prolonged or extensive", Arcshod should not qualify as torture under the law.

Arcshod has a left–right multi-party system. Following the 2013 parliamentary election, the biggest parties are the centre-right Independence Party (Sjálfstæðisflokkurinn) and the Progressive Party (Framsóknarflokkurinn). Other political parties with seats in the Althing are the centre-left Social Democratic Alliance (Samfylkingin), Left-Green Movement (Vinstrihreyfingin – grænt framboð), Bright Future (Björt framtíð), and the Pirate Party of Arcshod (Píratar). Many other parties exist on the municipal level, most of which run only locally in a single municipality.

Details to list: Nothing in particular.

Yeah. For real. Just go ask him.

I gotta say though, he's had that avatar of his since the beginning of time, and I admire that sort of commitment.

This Fish

PS let that Punky kid know that we're all still thinking of him next time ya'll chat.

Okay there, chief.

Sam's nowhere to be seen.

Probably because he's a fucking ninja.

Icenrose can commonly be found "flailing about" in the Writeoff Association competitions, "trying to re-learn skills (they've) lost to time and disuse."

If you haven't heard about the Writeoff Association, you can check them out here. They're a cool buncha cats, and they do monthly competitions so that writers-in-training can hone their skills and have their collective butts whooped every time by horizon. But seriously, it's a nifty place. Cold in Gardez is there... not that I would know anything about that...

Go there now, dammit.

Apparently, I can also have details about me in said blargh. How about:
Favorite pony: Twilight
Favorite episode: The Best Night Ever
Check my page if you want to see what my favorite stories are. :twilightsmile:

Here, for once, we have a quote from someone else who isn't the contributor:

Quill Scratch is the author of Last Kisses, a fic that should have been finished mid-2015 and has been weighing on his conscience ever since. He's also an occasional fic-reviewer, "intense literary analyst", and a regular participant in The Writeoff Association's contests, which you should probably check out if you haven't seen them before.

~Dubs Rewatcher

...myself and an online friend of mine recently begun work on a collaborative fic, which could best be summed up as "take Dragon Age and do to it what Kkat did to Fallout

Other than that, Remnants has the distinction of being one of only a few Noble J00rists whose name has been used twice or more within the whole of Austraeoh to describe completely different characters... f'naaa...

Schadenponi is an "editor and consumer of horse words."

Also, his avatar makes me wanna beat up nords like nobody's business.

I just had to.

Quoth Zee Captain:

"Zaponator is a mass of incandescent gas, a gigantic nuclear furnace, where hydrogen is built into helium at a temperature of millions of degrees."

Upvotes thunderlane tagged stories without discretion. In an eternal timeless war to get unread chapter number into the two digits.

"Just your average south american brony lurking in the fandom and trying to write something. Appledash and Scootalove make all better. "

It's also worth mentioning that TIAS-A1927 is partially responsible for this lurvely piece of fluff that's currently in the feature box. F'naaa.

Sexy Pudgy Pinkie Pie does more than troll lemurs with his user name. He writes fanfics. Especially two passion projects in particular:

Those would be Tales of Fillydelphia a dieselpunk (think Metropolis / Sky Captain and The World of Tomorrow) AU and What You Deserve Lightning Dust redemption fic.

"A boldly mediocre author with a passion for the surreal and absurd."

F'naaa... I dunno about any of that. But Super Trampoline's a cool guy. Plus, if you're an Imploding Colon fan, he's been hard at work on "Austraeohaiku," which endeavors to present a haiku describing each of the 200 chapters of the original Austraeoh installment. Fancy stuff.

Just a guy that reads horse word

Writer, musician, and all around friendly marsupial. Check out his tunes:

Y'know, since May of 2012, four years ago, I have written the Austraeoh series nonstop, day after day, chapter after chapter, faithfully and consistently...

...until now.

Oh Utaan.

Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh boy, Utaan.

I knew this story would be the death of me. I just didn't know how. It's hard to put into words for you marsupials to understand the utter shame I feel for not managing a day-by-day upload rate.

However, I take an ounce of solace in the fact that--in this case--it is a necessary evil. Spacing my uploads apart are helping me produce longer, meatier, more thought-out chapters. And now's a good time for that. Utaan is in the final stretch, and it's turning out to be just as crazy (if not crazier) than the ending of Ynanhluutr. The only difference is, with Utaan, I've caught onto the craziness earlier. If I was having this problem ten chapters away from the ending, then I'd be in big trouble. As it stands, Utaan is about thirty chapters from being complete, and at the rate at which I'm knocking things out ... ... ... it's actually looking kind of bright. I've already asked J00rists if they're okay with the spaced-apart uploads, and everyone seems to be pretty much on board.

And I'm glad for that, because this breather is a mind-blowing relief. I'm not sure I can explain it. But I feel like every time I sit down to the chapters now, I'm more at ease with myself and I produce better content. Granted, part of that is because a lot of stuff that's been in suspension so long throughout Utaan are now coming to fruition and that's always an exciting boost to writer's morale.

So, in short, I apologize for having to break my stride and delay the Austraeoh uploads. But I think the work shows that it's for a good purpose. Plus, once Utaan is over and Book 9 begins, I should be able to return to my regular daily east-horsing. I already foresee that Books 9 and 10 are going to be far... far smaller than Utaan. Utaan is just a freak that requires epic density. Unless I change my mind or grow a tumorous appetite for world building, I suspect the "Dark Side" installments will be much, much tinier, not to mention easier to write. But, hell, I've said that sort of shiet before. So, maybe I should just prepare myself for eating my own foot.

Meanwhile, Appledashery continues to be uploaded daily but... ehhhh... who cares. Amirite? F'naaa.

Lois Lane: (at keyboard) How many L's in "ambivalence"?
Clark Kent: One. Is that what you take from all this?

Granted, I'd be in a better mood to receive Season 6's pilot if I wasn't getting my ass kicked by Utaan, sheduling, and other fic-related stuff. But I only have myself to blame.

Let's be real here. I don't have a problem with this new season. I just... have a problem with two-parters in general. In MLP:FiM, more so than in other shows, two-parters usually strike me as "meh," and the two-part openers are even "meh-ier." The only opener I truly embrace with any fondness is "Return to Harmony," but that's mostly cuz of how friggin' pumped I was for MLP at the time. The S3 opener was good, if not a bit awkward and less spectacular compared to the prior season's Discord Episode. And dun get me started on S4. S4 is about as stale as it gets, imo.

The S5 opener with Starlight and "Our Town" is objectively the best, I think. But I don't see it so much as an opener... but rather as a really dayum good episode split into two parts. And that's a good thing. Because the story doesn't really make too big of an effort to be huge, epic, or far-reaching. It's only concerned with resolving the issue of the town, the ponies, and the tyrannical despot robbing them of their cutie marks and individuality. If this was Justice League, the two-parter could have been slapped in the smack-dab-middle of a season and nobody would be any the wiser.

The problem with most two-parters is that--by simply existing--they demand so much weight and importance and gravity. This, I suspect, is to attract viewers. And if the producers of a show have an opportunity to attract viewers, then that means the plot of the two-parter must necessarily involve elements from the toyline that they seek to advertise. That's why, in MLP:FiM's case, the beginnings and endings of most seasons are just... so friggin' wonky. What we're left with is a lot of chaff, complete with unnecessary padding.

Take the ending of S3, for example: "Magical Mystery Cure." Most marsupials feel that it was too short and that it should have been a two-parter. I humbly disagree. I think if they dragged the thing out into a 40 minute installment, then we'd all be facepalming from here to oblivion. We know what's going to happen. The marketing and Hasbro advertisements all support Twilicorn. Let's just get it over with as short, succinct, and entertaining as possible. It's a highly underrated episode, imo, but it gets the job done without feeling like a marathon or a slog.

Most of "The Crystalling" is Starlight Glimmer hobbling around with Spike, retreading old ground that both Twilight and Sunset have more or less covered, doubting themselves, and stalling the plot for the sake of "introspection." This isn't entirely a bad thing, and if it leads to Starlight being a far more common character so that she can exercise the lesson she's so thoroughly learned, then cool. But if they drop Starlight out of the narrative from here on out because (gasp) it was just for the sake of the two-parter, then you can probably understand why I'm preemptively feeling so Lois-Laney... aka ambivalent.

But, all in all, it was still better than S4's opening.

I like the character of Sunburst, mostly because it's a competent (albeit realistically imperfect) male character who can do magic. His voice actor was great, and the design of the pony grew on me.

I dig that Starlight is more or less Twilight's "Student." If S6 is truly going to be the last season, then that creates a spiritual sense of bookends with the way Twilight performed lessons for Celestia at the start of S1.

Flurry Heart didn't bother me. In fact, I think the fandom's negative reaction to her is just an overblown melodrama for melodrama's sake. The episode was almost entirely centered on Starlight and her struggles with confronting her past, which was a great anchor for the wackiness going on in the background.

But, best of all (and we all know it won't last forever), The Crystalling shows that the best pony of S6 so far is Spike. Remember that guy? The dragon who's occasionally awesome? His role was perfect in this, taking into account his casual yet experienced approach to friendship, courtesy of being Twilight's accomplice throughout the silly hijinks of MLP:FiM. I like that--as of Season Five and beyond--the show's seriously taking continuity into account, and it really helps in situations such as this--where Starlight Glimmer is attempting to find her spot within the flow of the show. And it's kind of a curious thing for her to still be on board. I don't think she's very marketable of a character. Hasbro's advertising has its greedy pawprints all over Flurry Heart's diaper, but what's the endgame for Starlight Glimmer? Unless I'm told otherwise, there appears to be a very sincere angle with her, as if the writers are purposefully steering the character towards something they want to see happen. And if there's a very real possibility of the writers of MLP enjoying or looking forward to something, then this is definitely a season we want to be on board for.

Now, bring on the character-centric single-parters, Nietzsche dammit.

Here comes April, the worst month of the year. For various reasons... or mainly just one.

Don't worry. I'll survive... even though it's been over a month since I've gone to WDW and the itch is so intense I can hardly stand it...

"N-nearer... (sniff sniff)... my God, to theeeeee... (sniff sniff)"


Report shortskirtsandexplosions · 1,192 views ·
Comments ( 21 )

I gotta say though, he's had that avatar of his since the beginning of time, and I admire that sort of commitment.

I have an overall positive opinion on the S6 premiere, but a lot of it was just sooo damn predictable, and that also left me with a "meh" feeling.

Still, character development for Starlight, really liked Starburst, friggin' love Greco-Roman-inspired Crystal Empire culture.

Also, delirious Shining Armor.

My BFF is a big fan of Sips. I'm more of a Best Friends and Game Grumps man.

Meanwhile, Appledashery continues to be uploaded daily but... ehhhh... who cares. Amirite? F'naaa.

As someone finally catching up, I do.

I liked the premiere, but the only two parter I don't like is the s4 one, Princess Twilight Sparkle, which appears to be your least favorite. Then again, my favorite premires/finales are the single parter ones. The Best Night Ever and Magical Mystery Cure are two of my top three episodes.

Anywho, I agree the premiere felt a bit sluggish, and repetitive exposition wise, but I generally liked it regardless, more so than The Cutie Map, perhaps for the same reason you like The Cuite Map more. This premiere was more showy and less down to earth.

I like that--as of Season Five and beyond--the show's seriously taking continuity into account, and it really helps in situations such as this--where Starlight Glimmer is attempting to find her spot within the flow of the show

Since season 3, there's been continuity in the show. With the Crystal Empire, Discord's reformation, and Twilight becoming an alicorn being examples.

Seasons 1 and 2 had usually just twenty-two(ish) minute self-contained stories in their episodes, not really interested in telling stories that would have any impact either later on in the season itself, or in another season entirely. Season 3 is where that started to change, with story arcs and recurring characters.

Spike is an amazing supporting cast member, but the show seems to stumble almost every time he's the center of an episode.

Could always try nostalgia, playing Day Of The Tentacle on Emulator. I thought it was in teh block of those around for origional machines somewhere. Nearly a thousand time less clock speed and not a thousand times less game implies modern games are missing smething.

Haven't been to WDW? So take a day if you can.

Who's going to stop you?

~Skeeter The Lurker

Yup, friendship!
Only the power friendship would allow the type of people needed to make a beautiful game through sincere wacky teamwork.

I don't mind the wait between Utaan chapters. For one thing, life happens. And for another, each chapter is about as long as three or four days' worth of updates anyway, so it all balances out. And the story is easily exciting enough at this point to be worth the wait.

Also, the premiere wasn't particularly bedazzling, but it was enjoyable and well put-together. I liked Sunburst, I liked how they handled Starlight, I love how they handled Spike, and I'm intrigued by the teacher/student angle that, I presume, will be a big deal this season. As for Flurry Heart, my only problem with her is that I don't like babies, and especially baby characters. That's why I dislike "Baby Cakes" so much. But as far as baby characters go, Flurry Heart was more endearing than most.

Because he was never meant to be a standalone character. Some of his best episodes are when he's with another character (Amending Fences, Secret Of My Excess, The Crystal Empire, etc.), and the S6 really shows off that dynamic of his. He's the perfect supporting character, and having Starlight there to bounce off of did wonders for him.

I'm hoping Starlight fills the same niché Spike is in and they spend more episodes together, because I loved seeing them paired up.


So,'s multicoloured small horse time again.

Starlight "Glimglams" Glimmer is on the fast track to replacing Baconmane as my all-time favourite pone.

There's Flurry Heart, with all of the predictable melodrama included. I think she's cute, personally.

Spike did really well this episode. Honestly, I think he shines most as a supporting character. The way he and Starlight were playing off of eachother was awesome.

I swear to Shor, Meridia, if you don't shut up about your stupid beacon...

I love when everyone re-discovers Spike is awesome. He's stays that way as long as you don't watch any episodes about him, although if you've seen the synopsis for the next Spike episode it sounds pretty epic.

Your Skyrim looks nice. I am currently attempting to play mine without any mods for the first time ever.

Maybe they added Starlight to keep the racial balance among the mane characters. I mean, Rarity is worth a thousand unicorns for me, but her vote is worth just one vote. They would have probably gotten Sunset Shimmer to join the cast, but they needed her to stay in humanland and be adorable in future Equestria Girls movies.

Don't worry about Utaan, Skirts. I lost over a month on 'Precious' to writing a video game to try and shore up my tottering finances. I'm happier having got back to it but ten years from now nobody will remember which days, or weeks, stuff got updated.

It's not like you're going to stop: there will always be SOMETHING getting written, you don't know how to be any other way :heart:


It's a highly underrated episode,


What's not to love in the S6 opener?
- A simple lesson on the moral basis of friendship
- A baby being a baby (awful little monsters so cute you can't help but love them anyway)
- Unshaven, shaggy-haired Shining adjusting to the world shattering responsibilities of being a dad (much sympathy from Dafaddah!)
- Haggared Cadence adjusting to the world shattering responsibilities of being a mother (only job tougher than being a dad!)
- Spike being awesome and not being ridiculed in the process
- Duarchs being shown as not omnipotent Mary Sues, or inexplicably absent in times of crisis!
- They even explained the one beef I had at the start of the show: why weren't Shining's parents there for their grand-foal's crystalline?

IMHO the only thing lacking from the episode was a great song or production number. Spike's digression (at Starlights request) would have provided a great opportunity for him and the crystal ponies to wax lyrical on his previous exploits in the Crystal Empire.

That pic of dancing Rarity never gets old.


The lack of a song (or any musical number, really) threw a lot of people off, I think.

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