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Vote for the People's Choice award in the big 250k contest! · 8:39pm Apr 2nd, 2016

Voting is now open for the people's choice prize, which will award $20 and one of the highest honors in the world (second only to the Nobel Prize in Literature) to the author whose story is chosen as a 'winner' by the most people.

I highly recommend giving them a read. It looks like we have some really good entries!

The poll is here: Contest Voting. Instructions for how to do it are on that same page.
I recommend you bookmark it so you can come back to it after reading some of the stories.
Voting will close on May 31st, in order to give everyone plenty of time to read as many entries as they care to.

Authors who are participating in the contest:
-- Feel free to vote! You have as much right to choose as anyone else.
-- Remember, you can encourage your followers to go to the poll and vote, but you CANNOT tell your followers to vote for your story. This is supposed to be a measure of which story people like the most, not which author has the most followers. Telling your followers who to vote for will disqualify you from the People's Choice prize.

Report ocalhoun · 549 views · #contest
Comments ( 6 )

Here's hoping that my story does well!

Welp. Guess I gotta read um all....

I hope everybody's stories do well! ^.^

I need a hundred of you!

There are SOOOOO many :rainbowderp: I might have to skim a few

Oh my gosh! Yay! I think mine's in the lead... for now:pinkiegasp:

Well, there's a 'did not read' option for a reason...

Congrats on that!

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