• Member Since 31st Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Jun 19th, 2020


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More Blog Posts89

  • 228 weeks
    Heads up, Gonna need feedback

    I've been workshopping story descriptions for The Wayfarers, and will probably post some of them here soon. I'd gratefully appreciate some feedback on which you find more appropriate, or maybe how I could edit one to make it better.

    1 comments · 254 views
  • 228 weeks
    Hiatus almost over.

    Just a quick post for anyone who's still looking out for me or my work.

    I'm sorry it took longer than I originally thought to make another post. I'm guessing any long time follower of mine would come to expect this from me. I've just been dealing with a lot in my life, as I've probably let on.

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    0 comments · 209 views
  • 235 weeks
    A Happy New Year!

    Hope everyone is having a great New Years! Looking forward to a new year of writing, reading, and coffee drinking. I'll have some news on what I'm up to soon. Until then, stay safe, stay turnt. Much love <3

    0 comments · 198 views
  • 238 weeks
    Requesting Feedback: New Story Summery

    So, I'm thinking of rewriting The Wayfarers summery for the coming year. I've been tinkering with it for a while, but I'm thinking of trying something else completely. Maybe something a little more in the vague side? I want the reader to have an idea of what they're getting into, but I also don't want to be so wordy. I don't know. I'm open to suggestions.

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    1 comments · 212 views
  • 239 weeks
    The Hiatus Blog

    Perhaps this post is more of a formality than anything, but it's still one I'd like to make, nevertheless. I want things to be stated plainly and upfront.

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    1 comments · 232 views

Going to be writing for another few hours before bed, anyone want to join me? · 3:18am Apr 4th, 2016

Title says it. Anyone wants to chat or anything, I'm up and working till twelve thirty or so. I'll be working on chapter 9 of The Wayfarers and then my novel after. If I have the time, might start a fic that's been on my mind for a bit.

Comments ( 16 )

Well, it's only 10:20 PM here, but I can talk with you for around two to three hours.

3846770 Cool, man. This chat alright? If not, I can send you the gdoc that I'm in.

3846775 This chat is alright :)

3846779 Sweet. How's things going with you?

3846788 Pretty well :) in a game I beat a boss, then I went off to a land and summoned a friend to help me out, he left, and invaded my world and killed me XD then I died a lot more, so I've stopped playing the game, I think I'll watch some Bill Nye while on fimfiction and email :)

3846792 Sweet, dude. :rainbowlaugh: Sounds like you were playing dark souls. What games do you play?

Also, forgive me if my response get spaced out. I should've be juggling writing and conversing at the same time, but I felt like chatting.

Also, just gonna share some music I'm listening to right now, if you don't mind.

3846802 Yeah :) I was playing Dark Souls II :) I made this one guy aggrivated, and as it turns out he's really tough XD I'm in the later parts of the game, in Aldia's Keep :)

3846802 So, how've you been?

3846834 Could be better, could be worse. Really tired. Today started show week for my theater troupe, so things are a bit hectic.

3846839 What's a "theater troupe"? I don't like plays, in fact I'd be happy if I never saw one ever again. A crime was committed at the only theater in my hometown, and the person who committed it will never pay for that crime by U.S. justice standards.

3846843 It's my college's theater group. Troupe is another word for group, though I may be using it wrong so forgive me.
We're putting on a stage production of "Charlotte's Web".

And I'm terribly sorry to hear. May I ask what the crime was? I'll understand if you'd rather not talk about it.

3846857 The crime was rape, and it scarred someone I love. It's funny because Troupe and Group are similar in German spelling, because they're truppe and gruppe :)

3846879 I was afraid you'd say that, and I'm dearly sorry to hear it.

And wow, I've never noticed that. Learn something knew every day.

3846891 Yeah :) the worst part of it is that my love has no want to go to court over the issue, so he'll probably go unpunished. Maybe Karma will get him, you never know. I hope he has a good life, learn's his lesson.

3846920 Might actually be signing off soon. Something just happened and I suddenly lost the luster to keep writing tonight.

3846997 Alright, well, good night friend :)

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