• Member Since 12th Apr, 2014
  • offline last seen Apr 12th, 2018

Pen Mightier

I proved my namesake in a duel of honour. The crayon never stood a chance.

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Your Suggestions: What do you guys want to see updated next? · 10:14pm Apr 5th, 2016

So my good friend and editor Brad the Brony asked me the other day, 'which of your old stories are you going to update next?' (well, he didn't 'emphasize' the old bit, but the choice of words were telling. :ajsmug:)

Gotta admit, I was stumped by that question.

Manifest Harmony has taken off on holiday, so I won't be working on that Marble Pie story until he comes back. I have been poking at bits and pieces of various stories but I couldn't focus myself at one thing or another for some reason.

So tell you what, I'll leave it to you guys this time around. Feel free to tell me which story you'd most prefer to see updated next.

I can't promise when the update will be seeing as I have a very important exam coming up in a month (god, I thought I graduated from exams when I finished uni) but I can assure you there will be something, eventually.

The following are excerpts of various chapters in progress. These may or may not make it into the final cut.

One Thousand Virgin Mares
I had gone and shotgun-married one thousand virgin mares. Or, rather, my body odour had.

Minus the fillies. That's very important.

Buck to the Future

"Papa!" A wild filly appeared.

"Who you callin' 'Papa'?! I don't have a sister as loud as you!" Vivi was quick to place herself in between me and the wild filly.

"Silence! The crown heir of Tartarus bids you hold your tongue before the one true lord of Tartarus!" The little filly barked at Vivi while gesturing imperiously at me.

"I'm not the one bringing my tongue to a bazooka fight!" Vivi declared, levelling her party-bazooka at the filly.

"Uh, Vivi, where were you keeping that?" I asked.

"Silly daddy. Real men have bazookas in their hearts!"

The Mare Who is Emperor
I woke up. I wish I hadn't. Everything hurt. Bits of me I didn't even know I had hurt. And I was sober, so everything doubly hurt.

"Oh, hey, you're not dead after all." An overly chirpy voice said. It was crystal clear, almost as if it was bypassing everything and talking directly in my head. "I kinda am." The voice said. "It wasn't easy, considering how dense your head is."

Cadence fuck me with her crown, my best friend, thin air, has finally developed a voice of her own.

"Well, I'm not Cadence and I don't have a crown with me, but I can certainly help you with the other thing," the voice said, helpfully.

How to Raise Your Moon
“So, what’s up?” I decided to get straight to the point.

“Oh, we can wait ‘till she’s ready. No rush.” Rainbow shrugged, nodding at the pegasus spinning round and round in the swivly chair next to me.

“Oh, um, sorry.” Luna gave a sheepish little pony squee as her chair slowed to a squeaky stop. Facing the wrong way. “Oh, hay, Sparks, little help?” She asked, waving a forehoof at me.

I gave a little chuckle as I turned her seat the right way around for her. She gave me a little smile of gratitude in return.

“Okay, let’s talk business.” Rainbow finally said, steepling her forehooves on the desk in front of her. She eyed us both over the tips of her forehooves with a look that was surprisingly serious for Dash. She cleared her throat before finally voicing her thoughts. “You two’re eloping, huh?”

Wow. Subtle, Dash. Real subtle.

Nightmare Knights
The whole castle beneath my hoofsies shook like a real bouncy balloon castle! Except it wasn’t doing a good job at being the fun kind of bouncy because my friends weren’t smiling. And I don’t like it when my friends don’t smile. I put Jinx, my rune-claymore party friend, down on the shaking ground. “Don’t go anywhere.” I told Jinx, patting her comfortingly. Jinx always goes all pouty and silent on me when I leave her alone. She’s really clingy like that.

I looked around at my friends gathered in the room. Other ponies call it ‘Shadowbolt 1’s Ready Room’ but I tried writing that on the big banner on the wall and it wouldn’t fit! So I decided to call it the ‘Funsies’. It fits the wall and the name always gives my friends a smile so it’s doubly awesome! Like me, but we all know that.

"Because my lady likes it fresh, dear Kibitz." I explained, earning myself a very satisfying moustache bristle from the elderly stallion. "Very well, then let us quickly go over the staff allocations before I go forth to my Lady's rescue." I allowed my trusty associate to lead me to a low balcony off the main hall overlooking the gardens where Kibitz had helpfully gathered my staff for the evening. There was my head of housekeeping, Kibitz himself, my trusted band lead, Ms. Octavia Melody, the still absent Captain Shining Armour, and....there's Sona, I suppose.

A pair of snow-peach fluffy bat-ears twitched to attention at my quip. "And I suppose I shall boop you in your sleep. To death." The thestral night guard lieutenant, Moonlight Sonata, said in her usual deadpan. And this is why I consider Sona the most capable of the guards. She knew her priorities. "Buck you too, Bats." She suggested, politely, her mauve and peach tail flicking indignantly at me.

"Do get a room, you two." Ms. Melody gave her own prudent suggestion.

"A gentlemen does not get rooms, he simply makes room. And I always have room for dear little Sona in my heart." I said, clutching a hand to my heart most empathetically.

"Good. I shall be driving a bat chariot into it before the night is over." Sona replied

King of the Night
"That's your...uh...twelve Smiley Meal sets with all twelve of this week's EverFun™ Elements of Harmony toys, sir." Sombra said as he pushed the tray laden with the twelve children's meals towards the unicorn stallion before him. "Enjoy." He flashed him his much-practiced smile.

"Erk..." The stallion flinched, suddenly breaking a cold sweat. But at the very least he had yet to break into squeaks like the toys he had purchased. "Uh, thanks." He muttered, beating a hastry retreat with his tray grasped in his magic, his tail firmly between his legs.

"Toys? At this hour?" The manager, Bubbles, asked, leaning around Sombra's withers curiously to peer at the departing customer.

"He must be an overlord keen on starting his own army of minions." Sombra said, nodding sagely. "Starting small but sure. Commendable, but still no match for my clone army." He crossed his forehooves, allowing himself a small but triumphant smile at the thought of his little army of little ponies.

If I Were a Pony
Life on the fast lane? Living as a changeling is life on the fast lane. Living as a pony in Ponyville? That's life in oncoming traffic. The advance parties had scouted Ponyville extensively in preparation for our invasion. We knew it was Equestria's disaster kitchen sink, seemingly attracting every manner of doo-doo from parasprites and dragons to Nightmare Moon herself. It could be because it is home to the Elements, Equestria's Weapon of Amicable Destruction programme*. Or perhaps it is because somepony decided it would be a good idea to found a town next to the most dangerous forest in Equestria. Or perhaps it's just Monday everyday here.

Unicorn, Changeling, Bat Filly and the Baker
"Oh, they must be playing with John then."

The smile on Baker's face froze.

"John?" Baker managed to rasp through his suddenly dry throat.

"Um, yeah. That's his name, alright." Apple Bloom nodded.

"'His'? As in, a boy?" Baker growled. "Can....can you show me where they....usually play?"

Report Pen Mightier · 943 views ·
Comments ( 50 )

How To Raise Your Moon or The Human's Guide to Raising Fillies - Unicorn, Bat Filly and Changeling Edition please!

Nightmare Knights.

1000 mares or the mare who is emperor please



How to raise your moon please.

4 people, 6 different story suggestions. No story in the lead yet. This is off to a great start already. Thanks guys! :D

3850497 And the scales have been tilted in favour of How to Raise Your Moon! Will this change with the next comment? Oooh, this is so exciting!

1000 Mares, If I were a pony, or Butler

1000 mares and Butler :raritywink:

King of the Night

How to Raise Your Moon

How to Raise your Moon is my vote

1000 Mares, the Overdude must return!

The second one. I wanna see the second one!

King of the Night, One Thousand Virgin Mares, If I Were a Pony, or Butler. I can't chose between them.

I beg of you, 1000 virgin mares!!!!! It's one of the best and most interesting stories on the site!



How to raise your moon and Butler!

3850549 You wise person. I was about to foolishly choose one.


Time out.

Let me try and find a program that counts REALLY high.

If I Were A Pony. That excerpt is absolute refined gold.

King of the Night.

Quite honestly I think you'd have to actually have read all of them to make a fair vote, otherwise you're biased to what you've read.

If you're still gonna take a vote in spite of that, I'm voting for How to Raise Your Moon.

How to raise your moon

1000 mares and Butler... Would you kindly?

One thousand of your finest Virgin mares if you please sir and extra overdude on top?
Always on top.:trollestia:

If given the choice, I would choose:

1) 1000 Virgin Mares
2) Butler
3) How to Raise Your Moon
4) Unicorn, Changeling, Bat Filly and Baker

...in that order.


Aburi #30 · Apr 6th, 2016 · · 1 ·

1000 Virgin Mares or How to Raise Your Moon please :fluttercry:

1000 Virgin Mares, the story that got me hooked to your stories :D (and one I enjoy editing lol).

1000 Virgin Mares!!!!

How to raise your moon, MY GOD PLEASE its one of my favorite stories

3850498 seems like the trend has already changed

Nightmare Knights, Butler, or 1000 virgin mares. Also be proud that a lot of people can't be entirely decisive about this.

Overdude. Overdude Overdude Overdude Overdude Overdude Overdude Overdude. Oh, and Overdude. Did I mention I wanted Overdude? Butler would be nice, too.

I shall cast my vote in favor of King of the Night. I'll be quite pleased with the result, whichever it ultimately is, but that's the one I would like to see the most.

Butler, or 1000 Mares, but mostly Butler


A fresh update of Butler would be nice

Thousand virgin mares hands and hooves down.

King of the Night, please.

Thousand virgin mares and butler for me please!

1000 virgin mares.

1000 mares and/or butler they both good.

3850500 seeing how no one else has commented.....yet

What are the results oh mighty pen?

1000 you Bing hole

If I were a pony, please.

1,000 votes for 1,000 mares.

But in all honesty, pick one and finish it, with maybe another at the same time as a palette-cleanser so you don't get bored sticking to one.


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