• Member Since 6th Sep, 2015
  • offline last seen March 12th


Aspiring author practicing on the world of technicolor horses

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  • 170 weeks
    Alicornae Ch. 58 Uploaded!

    And here it is, the end of all things. Sorry for how long this took to write gang, but between the tumultuous opening to the year, a fear of this story's ending falling flat, and the fact that COVID just got done running through my family (everyone's fine, don't worry), it's been a busy few months.

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    4 comments · 342 views
  • 183 weeks
    Alicornae Ch. 57 Uploaded!

    Happy Hearth's Warming! As my gift to you, have 7500 words of Alicornae! Now if you'll excuse, me I'm gonna go eat Chinese food with my family! Don't forget to comment and like if you enjoyed it!

    Finale 2/3

    3 comments · 225 views
  • 184 weeks
    Alicornae Ch. 56 Posted!

    Alright boyos, this is a long one and there's a lot of revelations to come, so I hope you understand why this took 15 days to write. Hopefully the next chapter wknd take as long, but it's going to be as long, if not longer than this one, so thanks again for the patience.

    As always, comments are appreciated, and don't forget to like if you enjoyed it!

    Finale: Part 1/3

    0 comments · 185 views
  • 186 weeks
    Alicornae Ch. 55 Posted!

    And so the end has finally begun. The next chapter and probably the one after that are gonna be my patented "double-length climax chapters", so I thank you in advance for your patience while I work on them. Don't forget to comment and like if you enjoyed, and I'll see ya for the next one!

    1 comments · 201 views
  • 187 weeks
    Alicornae Ch. 54 Uploaded!

    It all starts to fall into place in this chapter, so come get it while it's hot! Also, enjoy the extra 1000 or so words since I was getting WAY too into this chapter and let my muse run away with me! Don't forget to comment and like, and enjoy!

    3 comments · 216 views

Prospective Anima Cover Art · 5:46am Apr 7th, 2016

A quick image of Anima done by user arcanelexicon. This was a free request and I think it turned out super well! I'm gonna do some of my own work on it to make it fit the show's art style a bit better, but on the whole I'm really happy with how this turned out!

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