• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 26th, 2019


I'm not perfect and i never claimed to be.. Lets just have fun here.

More Blog Posts73

  • 360 weeks
    If i suddenly returned?

    What if I suddenly returned? Who would be here? who would be willing to still watch me create? watch me start over?

    7 comments · 333 views
  • 384 weeks
    Empress of flame the untold facts

    Today is the day the blog comes. Today you get your facts. In the worst possible way. I didn't want to do it this way but all in all I felt you all had given me no choice. Not just my followers but the community. Thanks for the instant hate on the finale story every time it was uploaded. Ok to the facts.

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    2 comments · 408 views
  • 385 weeks
    Why i just dont care anymore

    I used to really care about Fim fiction I really did. This time what will be said I mean. I will be making a blog to wrap up my biggest series Empress of flame. Simply because it is clear the lack of interest people have for it. This causes me to not care about it either. Fim used to be a place I thought I had something. It simply isn't what it used to be for me. I'm done and I will not return on

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    8 comments · 543 views
  • 390 weeks
    Decision is here.

    I made a blog deciding the fate of my most popular series not long ago. The decicion is finaly here.There will be one last story.

    2 comments · 267 views
  • 393 weeks
    Whats going to happen

    Ok so i have been inactive due to lack of interest from my viewers. So here are my two options. Finish the empress of flame series in an actual story or just post a blog telling you all the missing facts. To tell you thee truth i am leaning towards the blog option. I had fun on this site before all my viewers disappeared and stopped commenting. What fun in writing can i have with no comments on

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    7 comments · 395 views

i finally work hard on something and it goes nowhere · 10:36pm Apr 7th, 2016

Take my heart is my last story if it goes down into the dislikes
it was a story i have been wanting to do for a very long time. i have rewritten it a few times before this finale version and it is getting nowhere. i like this story more than my empress of flame series
and it is ignored. so i may not be here if i keep trying this good story and it gets no attention from my followers
thank you all have a good day

Report Pathious · 105 views ·
Comments ( 7 )

Don't start beating yourself about it. Just because your followers aren't reading the story doesn't mean others aren't. In fact I'm actually in need of more stories for myself. I'll put it in my Greatness tab of my Library and read some of it. I'll make sure to comment what I think about it after a chapter or two okay. So turn you sadness into happiness and remember to keep smiling:pinkiehappy:


Thank you for saying exactly what I have been trying to drill into his head, he just doesn't listen to me

3855505 i do my best on the staying positive. and thanks


3855731 thank you. i have no issues with the popularity of the empress of flame series. for some reason that was hit. this one story i care so much for. take my heart has so much going on so many characters to love and hope for not to die. i expect a little more feedback you know. this story has characters you can relate to even. i even am asking for ocs to put in the story

3855772 empress of flame is a oc how you write her

3855780 Yes i agree with that. I practically turnned her into something completely different from the creature from the actual movie. That was because i wanted to make it new but also something cannon. instead i created tiger lily aka empress that was not my original intention but as the love poured out from the fans i developed and oc and a backstory that connected her with Sunset shimmer. i even managed to make some people cry with that series. Thats what i want for this new idea as well

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