• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 26th, 2019


I'm not perfect and i never claimed to be.. Lets just have fun here.

More Blog Posts73

  • 360 weeks
    If i suddenly returned?

    What if I suddenly returned? Who would be here? who would be willing to still watch me create? watch me start over?

    7 comments · 333 views
  • 384 weeks
    Empress of flame the untold facts

    Today is the day the blog comes. Today you get your facts. In the worst possible way. I didn't want to do it this way but all in all I felt you all had given me no choice. Not just my followers but the community. Thanks for the instant hate on the finale story every time it was uploaded. Ok to the facts.

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    2 comments · 408 views
  • 385 weeks
    Why i just dont care anymore

    I used to really care about Fim fiction I really did. This time what will be said I mean. I will be making a blog to wrap up my biggest series Empress of flame. Simply because it is clear the lack of interest people have for it. This causes me to not care about it either. Fim used to be a place I thought I had something. It simply isn't what it used to be for me. I'm done and I will not return on

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    8 comments · 543 views
  • 390 weeks
    Decision is here.

    I made a blog deciding the fate of my most popular series not long ago. The decicion is finaly here.There will be one last story.

    2 comments · 267 views
  • 393 weeks
    Whats going to happen

    Ok so i have been inactive due to lack of interest from my viewers. So here are my two options. Finish the empress of flame series in an actual story or just post a blog telling you all the missing facts. To tell you thee truth i am leaning towards the blog option. I had fun on this site before all my viewers disappeared and stopped commenting. What fun in writing can i have with no comments on

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    7 comments · 395 views

thank you :D · 3:13pm Apr 10th, 2016

I was very upset not long ago. all mys stories have gone up since i was upset. Empress of flame still in the lead as my most popular series. thanks you everyone who enjoyed that series there is a surprise coming. One of which will be a drawing with empresses biggest fans being in epic poses next to her and sunset shimmer. if you do not have a pony oc thats cool we can use human to :D. If you want to be in this picture just comment below. Everyone will be getting a non watermarked free copy of it. it will be posted on the blog with a watermark. i will personally be sending everyone the free non watermarked version. You all deserve it :D. Take my heart is doing better as well and i need more ocs for the story s if you also want to be featured there please comment. remember is you don't comment i can't add you.

now it's time to pay tribute to the stories i loved to read the most out of mine and my friends. First thing first is by Castoke the Shadow and his story following in your ho-footsteps You did amazing in this story and to be honest you nearly made me cry.. man water leaking from my face is not crying. :D never give up with what your doing Castoke, your damn good at what you do and i enjoy every ounce of your work. I would post the cover here like the others but i'm not sure i may use the photo he used.

Next would be a suspense thriller many others have tried but many have failed. This guy puled it off and kept me hanging through every step. Twiraptor97exe and his epic story Alien Twilight signing out I made the art for it an enjoyed being a part of story the author forever doubted her could do.

Alien Twilight signing out is a kind of story you don't see a lot of on fim. Twi don't ever stop writing even when you feel down. You made a great and like series. Be proud of it.

Another story i found rather interesting to say the least was Carvo storms Story called the xeno who came to equestria Not many could have pulled off a friendly xeno. but in all honesty i think you did marvelous. keep up the good work carvo. After all i will not show any of my work as a favorite because thats self centered. Thank you all of you

Report Pathious · 113 views ·
Comments ( 6 )

This sounds really interesting. I would like to see what I would look like standing next to the best pony ever. Which is of course Sunset Shimmer. Let me know what you might need for this and I will see what I can do.

You honour me, my friend by giving me this tribute. I thank you.

And what's this?

One of which will be a drawing with empresses biggest fans being in epic poses next to her and sunset shimmer.

The people are going crazy from this very announcement, imagine the moment when the artwork of the amazing Pathious is open to the public.

I would be honoured once more if you would allow me to stand by the loving able Sunset and the glorious Empress of Flame in a epic pose:pinkiehappy::heart:

I think you already seen my OC in one of our PMs, if not I'll send another

3861171 all i need is your oc and i can get started :D

3860908 any pony or human oc you may have will be needed. all i need is a refrence pic and i can get to drawing :D


After checking through my photos the only thing I have is a picture of myself which I didn't think would work at all. Seeing as how I thought you wanted original characters. If how ever you would like to the actual photo of myself I can see about posting that to this site in a few hours when I get back from work.

3861304 if you do send i think i can figure out something to do

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