• Member Since 4th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 18th, 2022

The Wandering Bard

"I am a singer, a poet, a musician, a storyteller. I am a bard at heart. That is who I am. That is what I shall always be." (Icon by atokota on FurAffinity)

More Blog Posts143

  • 175 weeks
    I'm aliiiiiiiiiiive!!!

    Heyo, everyone!

    It certainly has been an age since I've been on here, hasn't it?

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    21 comments · 310 views
  • 262 weeks
    Some OC Questions

    Hey, all! This is a meme by gilgamemesh I've seen around Tumblr, and since I haven't gotten any asks about it there, I thought I'd post it here! Here's how it works: pick a number or multiple numbers from the list, post it/them in the comments, and in about a week or so (depending on how many asks I get), I'll post a follow-up blog about it! And if two people ask about the same number, that's

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    5 comments · 336 views
  • 262 weeks
    An Update!

    Hello, all!

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    11 comments · 395 views
  • 269 weeks
    About That Commission

    Hey, all!

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    2 comments · 345 views
  • 270 weeks
    A Commission I Never Received

    Hey, all.

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    7 comments · 349 views

A Choice for a Choose Your Own Adventure · 1:20am Apr 13th, 2016

Greetings, everyone!

Today I had an idea for what could be my most ambitious project so far: a choose your own adventure story. It wouldn't have anything to do with ponies, sadly, but it would definitely be an interesting challenge. However, I find that I am in need of your opinions on the perspective in which to tell the story.

Traditionally, a choose your own adventure is in second person, presumably to allow readers to immerse themselves in the story more. However, depending on the first choice made, there may be a switch from the character that readers were following to the character that the readers follow throughout the rest of the story. I feel like this shift could be pretty jarring in second person and could be more easily explained in third person.

So, my friends, given this information, which would you recommend? A second-person perspective to keep with tradition, or a third-person perspective to more easily show a possible character shift?

Report The Wandering Bard · 167 views ·
Comments ( 22 )

You'd usually want to do a second person telling of a choose your own adventure. After all, if it isn't starring 'you', then it's not choose 'your' own adventure, now is it?

Hadn't thought of that. :twilightsmile: Thanks, Kestrel!

Second person, keeps the reader immersed in my opinion :)

I had an idea just like this once. Unfortunately I don't have the creativity to pull it off.

Always been a fan of 1st and third myself. So I vote for third.

Sure, but I think third person can be just as immersive if done well. :twilightsmile:

I'm sure you would be able to, though. :twilightsmile:

No, and I never intended it to be for this site. I just figured I'd ask for different opinions since most everyone here is a writer or reader.

It would certainly be interesting to see.

3869011 Hey I'm really worried about you.

I say go with the third person style. It'll be unique, and I'm honestly curious how it'd work out. If anyone can pull it off, it's you.

I'm fine. :twilightsmile: Just been taking it easy, playing a lot of video games. Are you familiar with The World Ends with You?

Thanks for weighing in, mate! How have you been lately?

3873091 I've probably sprouted a gray hair by now.... But... Yeah that's alright. And no... :facehoof::fluttershysad:

It's definitely amazing, and it just sucks you in! But it also takes up a lot of concentration since you're dueling on BOTH DS screens.

3885212 I've been playing a lot of SFV and Smash recently because I need to keep breaking stress as it pours in. Lucky for me I'm a badass and hardly ever Lose so it's much easier to break stress... Are you purposefully ignoring the PM's? I'm worried sick...

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