• Member Since 24th Jan, 2014
  • offline last seen Aug 26th, 2019


I'm not perfect and i never claimed to be.. Lets just have fun here.

More Blog Posts73

  • 360 weeks
    If i suddenly returned?

    What if I suddenly returned? Who would be here? who would be willing to still watch me create? watch me start over?

    7 comments · 333 views
  • 384 weeks
    Empress of flame the untold facts

    Today is the day the blog comes. Today you get your facts. In the worst possible way. I didn't want to do it this way but all in all I felt you all had given me no choice. Not just my followers but the community. Thanks for the instant hate on the finale story every time it was uploaded. Ok to the facts.

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    2 comments · 408 views
  • 385 weeks
    Why i just dont care anymore

    I used to really care about Fim fiction I really did. This time what will be said I mean. I will be making a blog to wrap up my biggest series Empress of flame. Simply because it is clear the lack of interest people have for it. This causes me to not care about it either. Fim used to be a place I thought I had something. It simply isn't what it used to be for me. I'm done and I will not return on

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    8 comments · 543 views
  • 390 weeks
    Decision is here.

    I made a blog deciding the fate of my most popular series not long ago. The decicion is finaly here.There will be one last story.

    2 comments · 267 views
  • 393 weeks
    Whats going to happen

    Ok so i have been inactive due to lack of interest from my viewers. So here are my two options. Finish the empress of flame series in an actual story or just post a blog telling you all the missing facts. To tell you thee truth i am leaning towards the blog option. I had fun on this site before all my viewers disappeared and stopped commenting. What fun in writing can i have with no comments on

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    7 comments · 395 views

Empress of Flame 5: Burnning Denouement · 1:26pm Apr 13th, 2016

Empress of flame

The Empress of Flame is ranked 54,326th on Fimfiction. It is the 24,052nd longest story and can be found in 205 bookshelves, being tracked by 45 users


Empress of Flame 2: Flickering Flame

Empress of Flame 2: Flickering Flame is ranked 85,703rd on Fimfiction. It is the 29,579th longest story and can be found in 67 bookshelves, being tracked by 16 users

Empress of Flame 3: Midnight flame

Empress of Flame 3: Midnight flame is ranked 83,307th on Fimfiction. It is the 17,493rd longest story and can be found in 53 bookshelves, being tracked by 10 users

Empress of Flame 4: The burning truth

Empress of Flame 4: The burning truth is ranked 93,041st on Fimfiction. It is the 19,333rd longest story and can be found in 41 bookshelves, being tracked by 8 users

Empress of flame (year one edition)

Empress of flame (year one edition) is ranked 94,782nd on Fimfiction. It is the 14,617th longest story and can be found in 60 bookshelves, being tracked by 12 users

That is every single empress of flame related cover name and stats. I am proud of every single one of these. Empress of Flame 5: Burnning Denouement, is the finale story so you can imagine it's going to be the best one out of them all. At least that is my intention. This story is undergoing a lot of thought from me. I hope to put everything in this and finally bring everything together for a finale conclusion. This time i am not pulling your leg like i did with empress of flame year one edition. Which by the way thatnks for all the positivity. Empress is by far my most successful creation. I don't see much fan art of this story. which is expected. On the other hand i maybe getting some soon form some pretty professional people. I will be getting art via Art trade. As for the art fetured below. All art is mine. Except for one of them. Empress of flame flickering flame. The cover was mad eby a very close friend of mine. I give a huge thanks to an artist by the name of Cbear624 They are a good friend of mine. We share art with eachother frequently. They also take art requests and commissions within reason. At least last i checked they did. I'm sure if you pay hima visit he would eb semi happy you showed :D.

Now that i am done with that explination, Thank you to all of you who have found this series worth while.
Not many people ever thought i wuld have anything god on this site due to my poor grammar. Despite that you all have stuck by me. For this i thank you :D Empress of flame became big for me, because of you. I pay tribute to you all. Also since my art equipment i use to make my art is now missing i may have to ask someone else to help me with it. This will put a hault on the release of Empress of Flame 5: Burnning Denouement. Unless i find my stuff and do it myself you all may be waiting a little longer then i personally would like :D. So thank you once again for all your support and please do go take a look at my friend Cbear624 He could really use some more tru suporters.

Report Pathious · 203 views ·
Comments ( 4 )

Congrats My Man!!!
My reaction

Congratulations my friend.

The people are happy to stand by your side, forever.....

*One of the people whispered something to Castok's ear*

Well... Fridays is pizza night so they might not be there but the rest of incoming days they'll....

*One of the people whispered something to Castok's ear*

Wait.... Sundays are praying days? To the mighty Empress and loveable Adagio?.... oooookkkkaaaayyy, besides that, they'll stand by you and....

*Another of the people tried to whisper something before Castok threw his autobiography at the person*


Yezz, can't they give a moment to look among you with awe and awesomeness? Lazy fools

3870306 this comemnt is just awesome lol

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