• Member Since 9th Sep, 2014
  • offline last seen Monday


Me. Take it or leave it.

More Blog Posts730

  • 42 weeks
    Just some thoughts

    Yeah. Been awhile, I know.

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    4 comments · 458 views
  • 198 weeks
    Why I Don't Write Here Anymore

    I suppose it's been on my mind for a long time, but it never really occurred to me until recently. And because a few of you have been waiting for some projects I promised I'd finished, you deserve to know, as well.

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    16 comments · 1,727 views
  • 232 weeks
    This exists . . .

    This is a thing that exists. This was made with effort, and money.

    And Hasbro actually put their name on this.

    . . .

    . . .

    . . .

    I'm gonna step away from this one.

    9 comments · 794 views
  • 238 weeks
    My good friend needs some support

    You all probably know HudsonHawk, especially if you know me. Even though I've never met the man in person, he's my best friend on this site, on the internet, and probably ever.

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    0 comments · 596 views
  • 242 weeks
    Embarking on a new venture

    Recently I discovered a site for content creators called Daisie. It allows people to post their work and ask for collaborators, and it was created by actress Maisie Williams, whom many of you might know as Arya Stark from Game of Thrones.

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    3 comments · 698 views

New video works (I think) · 9:52pm Apr 13th, 2016

I filed a copyright dispute, and now my video might be working.

For now, at least.

Here it is again:

Report LightningSword · 361 views · #New video
Comments ( 14 )

Uh oh. Hasbro returns again.

3868356 I have enough of a hard time struggling with the actions, consequences and morals of My Little Pony. Branching out into anime would just make my brain hurt. :derpyderp1:

3868372 Games?

. . . . . . . .



Wait, Weird Al!?

3868430 Yep, on the Pokemon 200 soundtrack.

Here you go:

3868471 That is so cool!

3869438 Well, yeah, but I've never heard of those. Are they hacks or roms or what?

3868356 Those are way too long for names!

3869901 Yeah true.

It really wouldn't be the same if it was "Pokemon Black 2" instead of "Pokemon Black Version 2." Depending on how you read it, it sounds badass.

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