• Member Since 19th Apr, 2012
  • offline last seen February 24th


Admin for various groups, occasional vectorer of screenshots, and writes stories like Cubic Zirconia, among other things.

More Blog Posts91

  • 208 weeks
    An Old MFAB Second Chapter Draft

    You know, I never continued Magical Filly Apple B, and I suspect I never will, but I do have a fair amount of an old draft lying around for the second chapter.

    I remember I really felt like I needed to go through and revise Twist's familiar's accent, as it was getting rather out of control. I was having trouble with Twist's lisp, a bit, too.

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    6 comments · 414 views
  • 334 weeks
    Familiarity Signal Boost / JWI excerpt

    Just thought I'd provide a signal boost to Fervidor's new story, Familiarity.

    Scootaloo's life changes forever when she meets Fang, a strange magician who is not what she seems. As the two grow closer, secrets are revealed. What does it mean to be a familiar?
    Fervidor · 69k words  ·  153  8 · 2.6k views

    I'm tagging this with Just Winging It, since there are some elements in common, and I think people that like it might also like Familiarity, from what I've read so far.

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    0 comments · 521 views
  • 336 weeks
    Convention Safety

    While I should probably do a post on having updated Cubic Zirconia, in this case, I'm doing a signal boost on horizon's latest blog, as it is a subject people really should be aware of:
    The elephant in the equine room


    0 comments · 392 views
  • 348 weeks
    I'm All Right

    Just a quick note, as it occurred to me that some people may remember that I live in Las Vegas.

    I'm totally fine. The only time I went out yesterday was to the grocery store, and thankfully I was not where the shooting occurred. First I knew about it was this morning, when I went into Facebook, and it asked me to confirm that I'm alright.

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    6 comments · 486 views
  • 356 weeks
    Yeah, I suck... (re: writing, or the lack therein)

    I was just looking, and Cubic Zirconia hasn't been updated in almost a year. I promise I haven't forgotten about it.

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Yet Another April 14th · 3:02pm Apr 14th, 2016

Another years gone by, and today's my 38th birthday. Took today and tomorrow off, so I'm celebrating with a four days weekend.

I didn't have too much planned, but Square Enix seems to have celebrated my birthday as well, by releasing a remastered version of my favorite Final Fantasy game on steam, Final Fantasy 9.


I've also picked up a Surface 3, so I'm going to be playing with that for a while.

Hopefully I can get a little writing done, too. I have a couple things I should be working on:

Cubic Zirconia - pretty much top priority
"You looked like you needed sleep, and I figured you wouldn't be used to early mornings," Scootaloo said, then pointed to the kitten, who had resumed his meowing. "Shouldn't you do something about that?"

Like Scootaloo couldn't have?

"If it's that late, why didn't you feed him? Do we even have any food for Dazzle around?"

"It's not like he's my cat," Scootaloo said, abandoning her doodles and getting up. "Dazzle, huh? Doesn't look much like a Dazzle to me."

"Well, he is mine, and I'll call him what I like. What else would I call him?"

Scootaloo seemed to somehow take this question seriously.

"Being all black like that, he looks kinda spooky. Maybe you should call him that?"

"What, Spooky?"

Scootaloo rubbed her chin, mock-seriously.

"How 'bout Spook? Mister Spook? We could make him our science officer!"

Yes, because a cat was a perfect science officer.

"Isn't Sweetie Belle your science officer?" Diamond asked, finding herself drawn into the absurdity, despite her best inclinations.

"Well, we could always have two science officers. You know, for when things get extra sciency."

Just Winging It - I'm writing this again?
Scootaloo stumbled forward, one step at a time, one hoof hitting the ground after another.

Where exactly was she? How had she gotten there? She was sure she should know.

Feeling a heavy weight pressing down on her wings, she stole a quick look behind her. Barrels of apples?

Come to think of it, that did seem rather familiar. Further up, there was pile after pile of bushels upon bushels of apples, and baskets perched on them, stacked up so high that she couldn't really tell where they all stopped. Far more then there should be, if any should be there at all.

The whole situation was strange and unreal. Her wings were aching more and more, feeling as if the weight of the world was pressing down on them, and she had no idea how long she could keep up under the pressure.

The Apple Bloom ran up from what seemed like nowhere at all.

"Here you are, Scoots! More apples for ya'!"

She tossed an apple right over Scootaloo's head, then back-kicked another over her. Everything shook. Scootaloo look up in dread, then it settled back down. She breathed a sigh of relief.

Then all of them started tumbling down. Apple upon apples upon apples upon apples. Apples of all shapes and sizes and varieties. Red ones, yellow ones, green ones, (was that a pear?), apples, apples, and more apples. Scootaloo folded her wings around her and curled up in a vain effort at protection as it all came raining down.


"Ouch! Oof." Scootaloo opened her eyes.



She pulled the blanket off from over her eyes. She was laying on the hard floor of her own floor by her bed, blanket half tangled around her, no apples anywhere in evidence, though a new bruise or two might have appeared, judging from how her back felt. And not just her back. It felt like she'd slept on her dock wrong.

Finally escaping from her blanket's sinister clutches, Scootaloo casually tossed in back in a crumpled heap on her bed with a yawn. Rubbing at her eyes, and half-heartedly at her tail, she stretched, trying to get all the kinks out. She'd better not have to do that exercise again, if this was the result.

Magical Filly Apple B - Okay, hasn't really been touched in quite a while
The whole area seemed to be deserted, aside from a pink filly with a green mane sitting off to one side.

Well, she was a familiar face, at least.

Apple Bloom headed over to the filly, who looked back at her with a resigned look on her face.

Right, she'd gotten her upset last time they met, hadn't she? "Er, sorry about earlier. What are you doing here, though? I thought you were back at Sugarcube Corner."

"Having had a speaking role with a main character bumped me up the list for background pony spots. That means scenes that need a random passerby like this one are a lot more likely to call for me to be in them now."

"Oh. How exactly do they keep straight who is who if you don't have names, anyways?" Apple bloom asked, hoping she wouldn't be hurting the filly’s feelings again.

Much to her relief, the filly just tapped the papers she always seemed to have on her. "Says right here 'Pink Background Filly Number Four'."

Huh. Maybe they did have names after all, though that was a really weird one. Then she remembered why she'd come over.

"Do you know where we are, or where that giant spoon got to?"

"I suppose I could take a look through the script…" Then the pink filly glanced over at the largest pile of boxes. "No, actually I can't right now. It's time for my line, as small as it is. Sorry…"

She walked over in their direction, and a giant spoon leapt out from behind them.

"Eek!" she screamed, and ran back towards the alley.

On the way out of the alley, another spoon took a swing at her, and she rolled out of the way and darted off. As she left, Apple Bloom heard "I do all my own stunts, you know," come faintly back.

Looking around, Apple Bloom saw spoons on all sides, glinting evilly in the moonlight, surrounding her and the others.

"Aw, horseapples."

Some of those quotes may have seen limited circulation before. I'm actually writing a scene much further on in the chapter in Cubic Zirconia, but that scene was too spoilery.

Suppose I should really go get some cake for my birthday. Or at least a piece of pie...

Comments ( 9 )

Happy Cake Pie Day Arcum!


Just four more years until you match your username!

And yush! The FFIX news is the first time I've cared about anything Squeenix has done with Final Fantasy in the last decade!
I'll probably end up getting it. What an awesome game! One I never finished or seen all of.


Certainly something I never thought about when I added that number into my username. I just felt that if I was going to add a number, it should be a Douglas Adams reference...

It's a great game. I could play though that introduction over and over, even. It does a great job of introducing the characters, for the most part, and is a lot of fun. I wish they'd continued in final fantasy 9's vein for later games.

I did actually finish it a long time ago. It's been forever, though.

The fact that I finished it says something, actually. I rarely end up getting all the way through rpgs, even though I love playing them. FF9 and Chrono Trigger were both ones I finished.


Congrats! I'm nearly 35, myself.

Have the bestest of days!

Happy birthday. Good luck on the fics, I'm excited to see them.


I wish they'd continued in final fantasy 9's vein for later games.

Me too. It seems like they finally perfected the formula... and then immediately jumped the rails. :pinkiesad2:

Ten was still fun, at least battle system wise, if weird. After that is just... meh'd.

I'm likewise terrible at finishing RPGs. Though I have for a lot of Final Fantasies. At least ones produced before the PS3 era.
With FF9, I certainly would have played it, but I never had a Playstation. So I did get a bit of a ways into it, poking around at a friend's place. But certainly not as far as I would have liked.

Thanks, I'll try!

The main one 'm going to be concentrating on, honestly, is Cubic Zirconia, but I started working on Just Winging It again when I was having trouble getting back to CZ. MFAB, well, I'd love to get back to it, but I recall being stalled out on a fight scene, and I'll have to really be int he proper mood to write a magical girl fight scene, which really hasn't been coming.

I did want to provide snips of all three though, since I know it's been a good while.

I did enjoy ten a fair amount, aside from not really caring for blitzball or Titus. Both are a bit of an issue, though.

I've gotten a good deal into a lot of them, just never finished them. Maybe I don't have the right attention span or something. Part of the trouble is that if I pick them up after not playing for a few months, I tend to start back from scratch.

I had a playstation 2 and a ps1 emulator, so it got completed on one or the other. I've played a lot of snes games in emulation, too, actually. I love being able to save anywhere, not just at save points.


And for the next 96 days, we will once again be the same age ...

Many happy returns! :twilightsmile:

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