• Member Since 4th Feb, 2015
  • offline last seen Mar 18th, 2022

The Wandering Bard

"I am a singer, a poet, a musician, a storyteller. I am a bard at heart. That is who I am. That is what I shall always be." (Icon by atokota on FurAffinity)

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  • 175 weeks
    I'm aliiiiiiiiiiive!!!

    Heyo, everyone!

    It certainly has been an age since I've been on here, hasn't it?

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  • 262 weeks
    Some OC Questions

    Hey, all! This is a meme by gilgamemesh I've seen around Tumblr, and since I haven't gotten any asks about it there, I thought I'd post it here! Here's how it works: pick a number or multiple numbers from the list, post it/them in the comments, and in about a week or so (depending on how many asks I get), I'll post a follow-up blog about it! And if two people ask about the same number, that's

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    An Update!

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    About That Commission

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    A Commission I Never Received

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Some Headcanon About Starswirl the Bearded · 12:43am Apr 16th, 2016

Hey, everyone!

So, a few nights ago, I was just thinking about MLP, my Halo, and other things when an interesting idea hit me out of the blue. A lot of people seem to think that Starswirl the Bearded vanished, though I cannot remember this being the case. (If I am wrong, do feel free to let me know.) Some also think that Discord is Starswirl. Here is my own personal headcanon, though, and feel free to let me know what you think!

Starswirl passed on as most ponies eventually do, but he was then reincarnated as Twilight Sparkle. This explains why Twilight is so proficient with magic, and also why she was able to complete the spell that Starswirl himself could not. And perhaps Celestia felt some familiarity with either Twilight or her magic when Twilight first applied to be a student at the School for Gifted Unicorns, giving her another reason to take Twilight in as her student along with the fact that she recognized Twilight to be a future bearer of the Element of Magic.

So, that was the idea I had. I doubt it will come up in any future works. I just thought it was interesting and wanted to share. :pinkiehappy:

Report The Wandering Bard · 325 views ·
Comments ( 19 )

Indeed! And from what you've shared, you have some very interesting ideas!

You are welcome! But even though these ideas may fill stories now, they all started as just a spark. X3 So I'm sure yours can grow into a story, too!

I'd have to say probably not. Starswirld would have died a long time before Twilight was born. I don't know much about reincarnation but I think you have to have your soul bound to a new vessel right away.

Here's my idea. Starswirld had been practicing spells to go into the past via time travel. What if his experiments with time went wrong and threw him into the past or future. If the latter is true we may see him again. Or like all time involved games and movies time travel comes with consequences. Perhaps he was sent to the end of time as punishment for potentially endangering the space-time continuum

Starswirls last spell ( the incomplete one) is what transformed him into discord, with help of course ...from King Sombra

Interesting idea, though I doubt it ever happened. First off, you have Starlight Glimmer, who is just as powerful as Twilight or close to her, and she is no alicorn. And neither was Starswirl. It just doesn't fit mate, but it is an interesting thought.


3873191 That is fan-cannon, not actual cannon, maybe B-cannon (I haven't read the comics) but DHX hasn't said anything on the matter.

That's is a rather cool idea but like 3873182 said reincarnation is always portrayed as a rather quick process.

Most ideas of reincarnation that I've heard don't require a vessel. There may be some out there. But in most cases, it's just that a soul is later reborn. If you've seen Avatar: The Last Airbender, it's like the Avatar themself. But your idea is quite intriguing!

An interesting idea. I just don't really see Discord as Starswirl. But I find the thought of Starswirl teaming up with Sombra fascinating... :pinkiehappy:

Right, and that's why I stressed that it's my own personal headcanon. And I hadn't ever heard of reincarnation happening quickly, so there could be many different thoughts and ideas on it out there. :twilightsmile:

Sure, Starlight is just as powerful, but like I said, Twilight was the one who finished Starswirl's spell. And again, it's just my own personal headcanon. :twilightsmile: Just a fun idea to think about and play around with. And also, Twilight wasn't born an alicorn. She started off as a unicorn herself. :raritywink:

Huh, never really thought of the whole pre-destination thing before, even though it is fairly obvious, as you said. :rainowlaugh: Just me being oblivious again.

But I know what you mean about the gears grinding! I can just imagine the conversation that Lyric and Halo would have about this...

3885200 And that's what makes them so special! :rainbowlaugh:

3885193 before he turns evil ...
Please Starswirl, my dear friend , please save my wife Chrysalis from this plague that is affecting our kingdom .... Celestia had turned a blind eye to our situation after what happened to dear Luna ...I.fear this darkness may consume us all
~ your friend and confidant
King Sombra


oh yes, I thought they got reborn right after they died but it makes more sense if it took time

And thanks :twilightsmile:

Huh. Might work, especially considering that both of them have insane magical abilities. Or they might be of the same bloodline or something similar. I'm still going to hold my idea that Starswirl is actually a title, like Archmage, as opposed to an actual name, but really clever idea.

Oooo, I very much like that idea!

(Sorry for the very late reply.)

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