• Member Since 14th Aug, 2012
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Azure Sandora

I write sins... NOT tragedies. Link to Patreon

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  • 2 weeks
    Does anyone have a cure for soul crushing depression and misery?

    Because I seriously need it. Life is wearing me out.

    7 comments · 86 views
  • 6 weeks
    Revised Chapter is now up.

    For those who wish to reread the chapter now with the intended content, the link is here: Revised Chapter

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  • 6 weeks
    Update to Persona 6:REM

    Hi. How are you? Oh me? I'm doing better these days. I've been wanting to get back into the swing of things, and while I'm not 100 percent yet, I'm going to be writing a lot of different things both here and on Ao3 in the future.

    That said, I'm here to talk about a change I'm making in Persona 6: REM.

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    2 comments · 144 views
  • 49 weeks
    Persona 6: Reflect

    So, the story has been restarted. I'm helping Bahamut Omega a bit with it, but it's still his demon. And yes, it's still the Omega Ruby to my story's Alpha Sapphire. So READ IT GODDAMN IT!!!

    Here's a link so you don't have an excuse not to read it. Get to work, people.

    4 comments · 343 views
  • 52 weeks
    Persona 6: REM will be returning soon.

    I've begun working on the next few chapters, as I'm still not at the part where I wanted to take a break initially, so expect a new chapter sometime tomorrow.

    Progress WILL be slow due to my new job taking over a bit, but know that I am working on this one.

    Also, 13 Sentinels will be worked on as well. Again, that won't be premiering for a long while though.

    3 comments · 215 views

SapphireLibra3 Rants: Power Rangers 2017 · 8:20pm Apr 25th, 2016

So recently I talked to my brother about Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, and how the new Rita was revealed. For anyone who doesn't know, this is what she looks like.

Now honestly, I think this looks awesome, and I'm happy that they're not trying to make it a carbon copy of the original source. After all, this IS a reboot. But a lot of people look at this and get really upset because Rita looks so different from her original.

Now, I'm not an originalist. I HATE originalists. For those who don't know, an originalist is someone who insists that the ONLY good thing in any medium is the original. For example:

The only Mega Man that's good is the Classic series!

The 2D Sonic games are the only good ones!

Ocarina of Time was the only good 3D Legend of Zelda game!

Generation 1 Pokemon was the best! Everything else was terrible!

My Little Pony Gen-1 was the only- wait, no one says that.

The problem with these people is that they can't let go of even the smallest change and feel like when something evolves, it deteriorates in quality. This is silly to me.

Mega Man X is a great series.

Sonic Adventure 2 is known as one of the best Sonic games ever made.

People still love LoZ The Windwaker, so much that Nintendo ported it to their current console.

The later generation Pokemon games are fantastic and BUILD off of what the first game started.

And I'm pretty sure we all prefer THIS:

Over THIS:

So to say that only the original is good isn't smart. It's just being opposed to change. That being said, my opinion is that in terms of the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers movie, they can change whatever the hell they want. They can make Billy the black guy instead of Zack. They can turn Rita into a green metallic wearing dominatrix. They can change the way Zordon and Alpha 5 look. They can change the name of the freaking town they're in for all I care. There's just one thing they better not change, and at the cost of sounding hypocritical, I'll tell you what it is. The one thing they better not change, is this:

Why are they allowed to change everything else, but they better not change the Power Rangers themselves? Well that's easy.


Why is Mega Man X still good? Because the main character is still recognizable as Mega Man. In fact, originally, Keiji Inafune wanted Zero to be the main character, but Capcom felt that changing the focus character so drastically would isolate fans, and you know what? Capcom was right that time. So instead, we got X as a main character, and Zero was a side character. He WOULD get his own series later, but it was okay because he was now an established character in the Mega Man lore. People WANTED Zero to have his own game, and even though the art style changed, he was still recognizable AS Zero. Red robot, check. Long luscious blond hair, check. Green energy blade as his primary weapon, check. An "I don't give a fuck" attitude that's too cool for school, check.

Legend of Zelda games may change their stories and art styles, but the core gameplay is still recognizable. You still explore a number of dungeons in search of maguffins meant to seal away the evil Ganon and save Princess Zelda.

Sonic the hedgehog was still a blue hedgehog wearing red and white sneakers able to run at speeds of over 600 mph. His look was UPDATED, but it wasn't changed. When they DID change his look later, well... let's not speak of Sonic Boom.

My point in all of this is that the trademark is what's important. When you think of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, what comes to mind? Teenagers with attitude coming together to fight Rita Repulsa using the power of Dinosaur themed equipment to transform into multi colored spandex wearing super heroes.

If at the end of the day, we still get that, it's fine. But if they change that, then we have a problem. Reason being, because at that point, it stops being Mighty Morphin Power Rangers. Even if it's darker and grittier, at the end of the day, if the trademark remains the same, no problem. Change isn't bad. Change is good. Change inspires creativity. But when the change comes at the expense of the trademark, and your product is only said product in NAME, you need to reevaluate what you're doing.

I'm Victoria,

And I need a glass of water. (yes I'm biting off of Lily Peet, sue me.)

Report Azure Sandora · 750 views ·
Comments ( 11 )


My Little Pony Gen-1 was the only- wait, no one says that.

Got that right, I mean, it had it's good points, mainly the villains, Tirek and the Smooze come to mind as does Grogar but, FIM's been running longer and better.

My point in all of this is that the trademark is what's important. When you think of Mighty Morphin Power Rangers, what comes to mind? Teenagers with attitude coming together to fight Rita Repulsa using the power of Dinosaur themed equipment to transform into multi colored spandex wearing super heroes.

Nah, for me it was Dino Thunder, a bit of Jungle Fury, and most of Overdrive which I did enjoy. Call it a guilty pleasure, never saw the original PR shows. Also saw some of Samurai, that was fun.

I'm Victoria,
And I need a glass of water. (yes I'm biting off of Lily Peet, sue me.)

Hey, worse people to reference.

3895773 Oh, you're welcome. I generally try to keep my mouth shut because I don't like to ruin people's illusions, but you this time I just HAD to speak up.

speak the truth sister!!!!

My dad is one of those people where the only things he likes are WWll movies. Like all his recommendations for new videogames are all copies of the past, it's rather disgusting. I support anything that wants to do a revamp as long a it's not just for the sake of trying to get money, like milking something awesome for sequels. That being said, they'll have a hard time toping this: Original Power Rangers Theme

You make some good points though I don't see why they couldn't just have Rita wearing her hat and main costume for regular scenes and when it comes to battle immediate either toss her clothes off to reveal the new green armor or use magic to change her clothes to her battle form as I'm calling the green armor. Would be a great compromise since normal clothing won't help her in a fight.

I honestly don't like it, but not because its different, but because of how nasty it looks. I always saw Repulsa as a powerful woman that dressed overly and clean, and not..skimpy I guess or dirty . *shrugs* as a kid i mostly watched it for Repulsa, she was fun. I also had a habit of rooting for the under dog, which was her. :rainbowhuh:

I never liked the power rangers oddly enough I found them so stupid and cheesy, that i ended up cheering the villains. I guess am just one of those kids who don't care for idiotic heroes always win. I mean hero wise i liked Spider man, Batman, The Tick, and Lina Inverse if you count anime. Becuase they all had a personalty or character that popped which is why is why i kinda couldn't find it in me to root for the power rangers. :scootangel:

Anyway am done talkin' to talk, to me it isn't that its new its that it isn't clean or befitting someone like Repulsa, who somehow always appeared clean. (Then again might just be my childhood image of her)

Gentle breeze guide your path, a warm smile welcome you home. :twilightsmile:

3896469 Perhaps but remember her japanese counterpart wasn't so clean seeing how Bandora was willing to go as far as making a deal with Great Satan and sacrifice children to him to revive her own dead son killed falling from a cliff while running from an angry momma T-Rex over the loss of several broken eggs. Rita might not have gone that far but she still die some pretty evil things like brainwashing and all that.

Seeing her in more battle capable armor makes sense though cause think about it, the dress she usually wears? Yeah she's not gonna win a fight if she keeps tripping over it logically. Armor like that? Should increase agility, flexibility and overall fight capabilities.

I don't care as long as they stay true to the original storyline from the series.

3922139 Well, it's not exactly what I wanted. It's a big, BIG difference from what I was hoping, and I'm disappointed that it looks so different, BUT, I'm willing to suspend my personal thoughts on it and enjoy it for what it is.

Mind you, I CAN understand why my little brother doesn't like them. I'm about to post this on my blog anyway, so look out.

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