• Member Since 16th Jun, 2015
  • offline last seen March 1st


Could possibly, maybe be active again. Don't place bets.

More Blog Posts381

  • 61 weeks
    They're Back! (I'm Probably Not)

    Hey everyone! As I know some of you noticed, I took down all of my stories about two years ago. There was a crazy situation that I found myself involved in and just didn't need any of this stuff that I wrote for fun and fans coming out to bite me in the ass. I don't think it would've affected anything but I didn't want to take any chances. Anyway, that situation has been dealt with, the people

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    3 comments · 148 views
  • 178 weeks
    Hola! Como estas?

    Quieres aprender espanol conmigo?
    (Do you want to learn Spanish with me?)

    Sign up with the link below and add me as a friend! It's free! (Feel free to ask me anything here if you're unsure).

    Hasta luego, amigos!


    0 comments · 210 views
  • 244 weeks
    Long Time No Talk Lads

    So like, I know it's been a while since I last posted anything, story related or otherwise but I've sorta fallen out of the community. I still love the community, I love MLP, and I loved every second that I've spent on FiMFiction. But...

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    0 comments · 317 views
  • 309 weeks
    Guess Who?


    5 comments · 451 views
  • 342 weeks
    I've been out of the loop for a while...

    And just flat inactive with no set dates or times to release anything or even just say what's been going on.

    Because I actually do stay active on FiM, but just keep to myself, I gotta ask...

    Who is Jet Stream?

    3 comments · 429 views

I can't wait for all of this graduation BS to be over! · 7:54pm May 1st, 2016

For any of you who don't(or don't care) I'm graduating from high school this year.

I guess...

So while everyone else is getting all excited and hyped, I'm just sitting here wondering how fucking retarded do you have to be?

Okay, so yes, this is going to be a rant. You were warned. There maybe some triggers if you are or were one of these people I'm about to describe.

So first things first, for all of those people around me that are losing their noggins about this traditional waste of my time, (my oh so precious time), you realize you are graduating from high school right? How worthless. Everyone and their entire family has graduated from high school and if you didn't or they didn't they could have. It's not an accomplishment and the only reason you should celebrate it is because you are finally getting released by that prison that has forced you by law to learn stupid shit about stupid shit for the first 18 years of your life. They say to do it for your parents. Okay. If everyone hadn't been brainwashed into thinking this garbage is a tradition, I wouldn't have to do it for anyone, as I wouldn't have to do it at all. The only reason the parents should be celebrating is because now they have to get up at 6 in the fucking morning to take their kid to be brainwashed like every other kid in the world. I'm lucky to have not been brainwashed in this retarded way of thinking that many many many many many people walk around with. Only down side to my mind being exposed and understanding all of the trash, is that I have to sit by and watch it happen because if I disagree with it I'll be hung on a fucking cross!

Some pros and cons:
You don't have to go to school to learn worthless shit anymore.

You have to walk across a stage to get your participation document.
You have to dress like a fucking tard to get it.
You now will have to go to work in order to survive.
While finally out in the real world, you realize that everything they taught you in school will not help you in your day to day life.
You also realize that your participation document won't help you get a job, so you are going to have to go get some form of college.
If you go to college, you will be in debt for most of/the rest of your life. (Congrats)

These are only the few I could come up with off the top of my head and there are plenty more.

All graduating high school is is a participation. "Oh hey! You got the first 18 years of your life wasted by school too?! Oh that's great!"
Is graduation a good thing? Yes. Celebrating it?

Education in the schools is pointless and useless to the future. Everyone is forced to find out the most important things in life on their own time, which is limited by the waste of time that is school.

-Joe Abbott

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