• Member Since 12th Jul, 2012
  • offline last seen Sep 20th, 2012


More Blog Posts11

  • 612 weeks
    I have to blog post about this. (Non-MLP related)

    While I was working on Spike's Spike, a late-night movie was broadcasted on the television. And I watched it while writing the story, and it was one of the most random, hilarious, utterly nonsensical movies I have ever seen.

    The movie was called "Mom", a 1980s/early 1990s flick about a 70 year old-something mother becoming a Vampire.

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    24 comments · 1,270 views
  • 612 weeks
    Confirmed Stories (Listed In Order of Production)

    I have just completed outlining Spike's Spike and Spike's Cheerilee, and I am extremely excited about them!

    They are officially Green-Lit, and here is the order of the stories I shall post:

    First will be Spike's Spike (Genre - Comedy) (One-Shot)

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    28 comments · 1,128 views
  • 612 weeks
    And as a little bonus...

    Spike's Spike is on the mind...

    Oh, yeah, I'm being serious...Mwahahahahaha.

    28 comments · 761 views
  • 612 weeks
    Currently planning another two-shot...

    Spike's Cheerilee

    21 comments · 761 views
  • 612 weeks
    Q&A Session

    Hello, fellow readers. First off, I thank you all for your comments, criticisms and support for the writing pieces I've posted. The comments do inspire as well as provide ideas for new stories.
    The following are a few questions I've been asked. So I've decided to answer them in this blog post.
    So let's get started, shall we?

    1. Dude, what's with the username? Wtf is a "MallaJong"?

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    36 comments · 830 views


I recently requested that my story be featured on Equestria Daily, and I was sent back a message stating that the site has regulations against "minor" ships with adults. According to Equestria Daily, the "minor" in the case of Spike's Rainbow Dash is Spike. I found myself baffled due to the fact that Spike, although a minor in age, is often the voice of reason within the group of the Elements of Harmony. Shouldn't Spike be seen past that of a "minor" and more of an influential character that demonstrates maturity? I know Spike has his moments of immaturity, but so does everypony is the series. Whether it is Applejack or Twilight Sparkle, we've seen in countless instances the very essence of childlike behavior embedded into their personality. Of course, these are shown to provide for more complex material when referring to their role as characters overall.

My main concern is this: Am I the only one who thinks this? Is Equestria Daily correct to outlaw "minor" ship fics?

What are your thoughts on Equestria Daily in general? I'd love to know. Thank you for any feedback.

This is how I believe Equestria Daily came off:

A fellow commenter provided this bit of juicy information. It seems EQUESTRIA DAILY HAS SUBMITTED "MINOR/ADULT" SHIPFICS! Thank you, Axel Nyan, for this information.

Story: How to Woo Your Lady in Nine Easy Steps (Update Complete!)

[Shipping] [Comedy]

Author: paleowriter

Description: Spike orders a How-To guide book to win Rarity's heart. Will Spike be able to follow all the steps like a true gentlecolt? Will any of the steps actually work? And just what is Rarity looking for in her friendship with Spike, anyway?

How to Woo Your Lady in Nine Easy Steps (New Chapter 10!)

Additional Tags: Friendship, Romance, Super Confused Rarity
Posted by Cereal Velocity at 3:02 PM 45 comments
Labels: Author: paleowriter, comedy, Complete, Rarity, Shipping, Spike, Star-5, Story

Report MallaJong · 1,303 views ·
Comments ( 105 )

It's Equestria Daily. They do that.... alot. It stings but thats how douchey they are. Your story must seem 'perfect' in their eyes. Sorry.

The swarm of comments will come...

What constitutes "perfect"?

And now for my two cents: Don't listen to them, plain and simple. There's more to it, oh yes, but I think other people can explain it better than me.

:moustache: Well he's technically a child...so there's that and they rest their case.

it's not about character it's about perceived numbers.

and he's still enough of a child to pass as such and that's why many avoid.

I skirt the issue by aging him up.

Aren't there quite a few spike shipfics in EQD?

Look at that .gif you placed up their. That is as much as I can say about their views of 'perfect'.

its a legal thing their trying to cover their flanks

My thoughts on EqD summed up:
They are narrow minded idiots who seem to only let what they like in. If they don't like it, it ain't getting on. Which is why I prefer Fimfic. Knighty may not like some of the bullshit that comes up on this site (and believe me, there has been SHIT on this site) but he and his crew of mods still lets it through for those that might like it.

Is it really? Another reader wrote there are other "Spike ship fics", unless the poster was incorrect.

And the moderators of FIMfiction are very nice to do so. I appreciate this site so much more now. Thanks for the comment. :)

When they get a new story the play a round of "Toss the plastic ring onto the glass bottle" like you used to at carnivals. They only approve a story it the ring actually fits.

That's my theory.

326754 No that poster is correct. Infact, I think I may have read one or two from there involving both Spike and RARITY. Who seems to be the OLDEST of the mane six. dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/shrug_Twilight_Sparkle.png

326760 De nada. I hate it when EqD goes farther into the shitter by being picky about what they let on their site. But still, it's THEIR site. Meh. scranton.mylittlefacewhen.com/media/f/thumb/mlfw645.gif

Oh, and if you need something to cheer ya up cause EqD are being picky dicks, listen to this, it cheered me up, and it's damn catchy.


Well it seems to me that the problem is Spike being paired with someone who's probably much older than him. Anything that comes close to pedophilia, no matter how much of a stretch, they have to keep away from their website, since they actually have some minor media attention.


remember that pedophilia is a sensitive moral and legal issue and isn't something to trifle with when subject to media scrutiny.

Yes, but how many of them leave him in his young state?
very few.
EQD selective about what they let on because they want to hold up a reputation for such and such....It's their site so they get to choose what gets on.
having standards is their way of upholding certain qualities, though it doesn't always pan fairly for artists trying to get in.

I would assume that EquestriaDaily only allows the "Adults" on their site instead of any other ponies or animals at a minor age. This is just an assumption based off your thoughts about EquestriaDaily.


I hate it when EqD goes farther into the shitter by being picky about what they let on their site. But still, it's THEIR site. Meh

Indeed, their site. meh.

Very interesting input.
This did, in fact, cheer me up. Thank you very much!

Story: How to Woo Your Lady in Nine Easy Steps (Update Complete!)

[Shipping] [Comedy]

Author: paleowriter

Description: Spike orders a How-To guide book to win Rarity's heart. Will Spike be able to follow all the steps like a true gentlecolt? Will any of the steps actually work? And just what is Rarity looking for in her friendship with Spike, anyway?

How to Woo Your Lady in Nine Easy Steps (New Chapter 10!)

Additional Tags: Friendship, Romance, Super Confused Rarity
Posted by Cereal Velocity at 3:02 PM 45 comments
Labels: Author: paleowriter, comedy, Complete, Rarity, Shipping, Spike, Star-5, Story

Got this from the site itself. Just thought I'd share, since you know, MINOR SHIPPING. :facehoof: dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/emoticons/sillyfilly_Twilight_Sparkle.png

It's just how they run things. It's their site, they can allow what they please. Still sucks though.

Wait! What?!?!
Sorry to hear that bro!
Here, have something to help cheer you up!

Put your shades on and sing that song in a French subway (transportation place, not sandwich place) with an acoustic guitar at night. Trust me dude! They're gonna love it! The Frennch are crazy!:pinkiecrazy:

To back up my point, allow me to ask you a question.

What do you think of Rape fics?:moustache:

It took me a moment to realize what "minor" meant in this situation. I had not thought that they would disallowed it because of Spike being involved in a romantic situation.

326791 Glad it helped. I've got more crap like that if you need it dl.dropbox.com/u/31471793/FiMFiction/Luna_lolface.png Anyway, if you need any help, I am now offering anything you might need *totallynotselfadvertising*

326801 I've read one or two. To be honest, I didn't mind them. Hell, I laughed at one. I just find them mainly distasteful. Since, you know, most tend to be mindless clop for the sake of it. mylittlefacewhen.com/media/f/rsz/mlfw6107_small.jpg

In my opinion EqD is a very biased site with certain standards that we the bronies have to deal with it seems like you gotta be famous to get featured though that's not always the case but I don't really like their site anymore not since I found fimfiction.net if I could find pony news anywhere else I would but alas this is my choice but here in fimfiction you're a hero here, mines and many other bronies here

326731 Whatever they damn well please.

Let's just say this enforces my reasoning behind why i won't submit to EqD
and this image pretty much describes how i look and slightly feel about EqD and their douchey ways. also the video this came from traumatized me....

ALSO, because I am feeling random, I leave this here: mylittlefacewhen.com/media/f/img/mlfw7591-13826.gif


fair enough.

Second question: What do your family members think of rape? Would you suggest rape fics for them to read?

Thank you, my friend. I feel so touched..."sniff"...

@Magnumopai Ummmmmmm.........how did this conversation turn from EQD rejecting a story to rape? :rainbowhuh:

326822 Well, my brother, TheStalkingPervert, as you can tell by his name, doesn't care. My mother is... very... how would you say it? Sensitive? I've suggested ONE, mainly because it was actually a sad fic, but it focused around the rape, and my dad doesn't really read that much. Mainly works. NOW THEN, if you mean the SUBJECT of rape, than we are ALL FIRMLY AGAINST IT AND WE WILL HURT ANYONE WHO PARTAKES IN SUCH AN ACT AGAINST AN INNOCENT. If you are wondering why caps lock, a friend of mine is a rape victim, and I feel very strongly about the act. That is, in physical form. In fiction, I know it's fiction, so I don't give a feather.

I for one, harbour strong feelings against EqD.

If they reject your story, they will flat out refuse to tell you what was wrong with it, and they are overall Douches.

It's a true disgrace to the Brony fandom, but what can you do?


You should call them on their bullshit. Point out that there is already a minor shipfic on the site and maybe they'll be reasonable and pull the stick out.

Or they'll come up with some asinine reason why one minor shipfic is more acceptable than another.

I'll leave it up to you to decide which is more likely to happen.

Personally I don't read EQD anymore. The stories there are no better than the ones here, and a great many AMAZING fics simply never make it past their screening process, while for some reason lots and lots of mediocre ones do.

So, meh - I deleted my EQD bookmark a long time ago.

EQD has a rule against any foal-shipping, and that's probably why they wouldn't want Spike included. According to their rules, the story can't be more than a "schoolyard crush", although they aren't specific about what would define such circumstances. The rules they have are mostly intended to weed out lots of fics, because they're a lot more selective than this site. And that is why I like FIMFiction better; things are more lax, yet they are rarely problems in my experience.

I would very like to do so. Thank you, my friend. Great advice!
I literally just watched this episode. Hilarious gif. Thanks, my friend.

326863 You do know that that button that looks like speech bubbles can be used to reply right? I wanna be notified if someone took the time of day/night/twilight to address me.


Story: How to Woo Your Lady in Nine Easy Steps (Update Complete!)

[Shipping] [Comedy]

Author: paleowriter

Description: Spike orders a How-To guide book to win Rarity's heart. Will Spike be able to follow all the steps like a true gentlecolt? Will any of the steps actually work? And just what is Rarity looking for in her friendship with Spike, anyway?

How to Woo Your Lady in Nine Easy Steps (New Chapter 10!)

Additional Tags: Friendship, Romance, Super Confused Rarity
Posted by Cereal Velocity at 3:02 PM 45 comments
Labels: Author: paleowriter, comedy, Complete, Rarity, Shipping, Spike, Star-5, Story

And yet THIS passed their requirements.

This is not possible, clearly Spike has a moustache. :moustache:. Therefore he must be an adult/teenager


And yet they already have a minor shipfic on the site. Meaning they have no legs to stand on in refusing to even consider Spike's Rainbow Dash.
:ajbemused: They'll keep standing anyway, just to spite the laws of physics and reality itself, but that doesn't mean they're right to do it.

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