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Bad Horse

Beneath the microscope, you contain galaxies.

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A shameless plea for a shameless story · 9:38pm May 15th, 2016

At PresentPerfect's prodding, I wrote a shameless story pandering to the yearning of the masses to see a story with the ponies from the previous episode inflamed with lust for each other.

Do That Again (Comedy, PG-13)

It's now complete, and hovering on the edge of the featured box, in 8th place on the Popular Stories page. I made the mistake of releasing it last night at midnight, so it needs a little help. If you think you might read it, now would be a very good time to do so. :pinkiesmile: You will have my gratitude if you read it, and my respect if you don't.

Afterwards, let us never speak of this again. :twilightsheepish:


HOORAY! You guys are the best!


... :derpyderp1:

Oh, well. Thanks for trying!

Report Bad Horse · 825 views · Story: Do That Again · #stories
Comments ( 29 )

Bad Horse! I expected better of you!

I don't know why though...

Well, that just sets you up for disillusionment, doesn’t it?

Bad Horse… I expected of you. No more, no less. And you delivered. :twilightsmile:

Lost between Tomorrow and Yesterday,
Between Now and Then...

I think you knocked it out of the feature box yourself by posting to the Twilight Zone, though... Twilight Zone has a lot more people tracking it.

I mean, I haven't even watched that episode -- but god dammit, that prompt is too much for me. Reading it as I type this.

Author Interviewer

3946398 The first 7 slots are for new stories, and they're the ones that count. The last 3 slots are for updates, and they're worth getting, but a story only stays there for a few hours, versus a few days in the first 7 slots. Once a story makes it to one of the first 7 slots and manages to hang on for half an hour, it will stay there for days, due to the stupid algorithm the box uses which I've pointed out the stupidity of many times.

There's a distinction between the "mature" and "immature" featured box, depending whether you have "show mature" switched on. Judging from views, approximately no one has "show mature" off.

The first 7 slots are all that matters anymore. A story that gets featured gets 10-20 times as many views and 10-20 times as many new watchers as one that hangs around in Popular Stories, which in turn gets about 5 times as many views as one that doesn't make Popular Stories. Wrote story and didn't get featured = should have masturbated instead.


I know. I also think that your story is not eligible for 'new' slots once it has appeared in the updated list, which this one did. Hence my comment. I may, of course, be mistaken about that...

Hrrrrrrg I haven't seen the new episode yet! D: Conflict of interest!


I also think that your story is not eligible for 'new' slots once it has appeared in the updated list, which this one did.

I don't think that can be true, because that one about Twilight's mother was in the featured box for more than the past week due to its daily updates. Also, I don't think this was in "Latest Updates". I was watching. I posted the story at midnight Saturday. It was still in the "New Stories" list when I posted chapter 2 at 1pm Sunday, and I didn't see it appear in "Latest Updates". I assumed that was because it was still in "New Stories". I posted chapter 3 at 6pm Sunday, and it still didn't get put into "Latest Updates".

Does anybody know the rules for when an update does & doesn't appear in "Latest Updates"?

3946725 Bless you, for you have "View Mature" set off!

3946656 Chapter 3 is a major spoiler. A spoiler of the only thing that can be spoiled.

Oh, well. Thanks for trying!

Check again! You've made the non-mature box :D

I am struck by the number of emails you refuse to read. :trixieshiftright:

3946840 I shopped that in to discourage people from sending me email. :moustache:

(Actually I've read them, thru email forwarding. I leave them unread in fimfiction to note that I haven't dealt with them yet.)

3946745 That I do. I'd rather see stories like yours in the Featured Box than porn, thank you very much.

3946903 Wahoo! WE'RE NUMBER 7!

This is my five minutes of fame. :twilightblush:

I will say it here as well... You had to have seen the movie "High Spirits"

3947065 Nope. Should I?


The movie is on youtube actually. Whether you will like it or not depends on you. It was a very oddball comedy.

If you watch from 1:04:24->1:05:40 you will see why I thought you had seen the movie when you did this fic.


...I think, things don't get put into "Latest Updates" at all, if you post more than one chapter in a 24 hour period.

Somewhere around there, all that feature box logic starts eating itself. :) Also, I'm pretty sure at least one of the batch jobs involved in the process died. and has remained dead for at least eight hours, scores on my statistics page don't match the scores on my individual stories right now.


There's a distinction between the "mature" and "immature" featured box, depending whether you have "show mature" switched on. Judging from views, approximately no one has "show mature" off.

A surprising number of people have "view mature" off. Getting into those "non-mature" featured story box slots is a substantial boost. The problem is that they really are like, half the viewership of the higher slots.

It is actually easier to get a non-mature story featured than a mature one; if there are mature stories in the FB, a non-mature story trying to get in actually has an easier time of it than a mature one does because of the non-mature FB.

I do the same thing, but 16? :twilightoops:

Then again, you are probably more enmeshed in FF than I am from being on here (and/or in the fandom) longer.

I'm not certain why, but turning off Mature changes the order of the stories, as well.

Most of the time I leave it on, even though on certain days it clogs the feature box with crap. The main problem is that digging halfway-down the feature box isn't a very effective way of finding good stories, so it doesn't do much for me to turn it off.

I'm sitting at 4, but it should be more like 6. :facehoof:

Fair enough I suppose; I'm mostly just interested in non-mature rated stories, so there's little point for me.

I'm not certain why, but turning off Mature changes the order of the stories, as well.

That's just coincidence from reloading the page and them having actually moved relative to each other; the order is fixed regardless of whether or not mature stories are mixed in. I've played with it a fair bit while watching my own stories.

Are you certain? What I've seen seems consistent (A B A B checking).

Although it may be before I realized there were separate "new" and "update" sections to the feature box, which could have confused me.

It's near the top of the feature box right now, though. I know because I went and checked after reading this article. I believe it's the first time I've been on the front page in 3 weeks.

Oh and so is the Chimera story, nice. That's two stories I'd actually read in the Featured box for once. If this keeps up I'll probably... not notice because I never check the featured box, probably. But if I knew it would, I might.

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