• Member Since 7th May, 2016
  • offline last seen Sunday

Quillian Inkheart

I'm still here! I just don't write as often.

More Blog Posts67

  • 5 weeks
    Hello! How are you?

    Hey everybody, everypony, and everycreature. It's been a very long time. I have been on and off FiMFiction, but I always seem to find my way back here; I like to think a part of my life will be forever tied to this place and all the wonderful memories it has given me. I still have my Fic ideas lined up; I haven't discarded them. I hope to one day find my muse and write again. Depression is a

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    9 comments · 65 views
  • 243 weeks
    Legacy: Inspiration and Motivation

    So, I've decided to try something new. Much like Bassdrops and Bowstrings is inspired and motivated by a collection of fandom pieces, I tend to weave music into the themes of my stories greatly. Sometimes it's after the fact that I hear a song that fits a story and use it as future inspiration. Other times, I find the song first and the story comes after.

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    0 comments · 439 views
  • 246 weeks
    Today is the Day, Guys...

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    11 comments · 505 views
  • 254 weeks
    Fiddler in the Hoof: Pre-Readers Contest!

    Wonderful Coverart by Little Tigress

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    17 comments · 518 views

*Submits New Story* · 4:14am May 24th, 2016

*Hopes readers will like it*

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