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Rated Ponystar

"You think you know me..."

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Aftermath Updated: The Dark Alliance (Tirek's POV) · 10:19am Jun 4th, 2016

“So, you’re the big mighty Tirek that has had Celly and Lunny’s britches all twisted. Can’t say you look like what I’ve seen in the scrolls,” said Discord, arms crossed and looking at me with amusement. “I was expecting a twenty foot tall demon with powers that can destroy mountains, not a shrimp like you.”

I growled. “If I was at full strength, your magic would be mine, monster.”

“Monster?” asked Discord with raised eyebrow. “I don’t recall killing anypony during my reign of terror.”

“Yes, because causing ponies to go insane is so much better,” I snarled back. I tried looking for an escape route but even if I could take on the guards I was no match for Discord. The ability to cause chaos and change reality... one could be a god if they used that power right. His power was even greater than the Royal Sisters, who only defeated him because of the Elements of Harmony and his arrogance. Yet he used it for fun and games when he could have ended them with a snap of his fingers.

I wasn’t even strong enough to drain even a little of his magic, I could just barely absorb two ponies at once. I thought perhaps to appeal to his real dark nature. This was Discord, the Spirit of Chaos, would he really bind himself to these ponies like my foolish brother did? “You know, Discord, we are a lot alike.”

“Oh?” He replied as he pulled out a mirror and looked at himself. His reflection winked back. “Nope, don’t see anything.”

I rolled my eyes. “I meant by something other than our looks. We are both feared for our great power, and with that power we can do many great things. Yet we were denied each time by these ponies who think themselves so much better than the rest of us.” I growled and snarled at the guards who raised their spears a little closer. “They selfishly prosper while my nation has had to suffer for its past sins. I was only taking over for the sake of my people. Nothing more.” A part of that was true. However, now I just wanted revenge. “You were imprisoned in stone by these ponies for a thousand years. I was sent to Tartarus for longer. Why let yourself be ruled by these pathetic creatures? Why not rebel? Become the legend again that was feared."

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