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Cynewulf Plays Dice With the Universe--A Call to Adventure · 8:01pm Jun 6th, 2016

Celestia and Luna sit in rule together now over the fledgeling kingdom. It stands alone--the chaos and calamity of this century of strife have left it standing where others have fallen. The Crystal Empire is gone. The Zebraharan Empire shattering. The old powers of ponydom all are crumbling masonry or ash.

But Discord is gone. No one has seen a Windigo in fifty years. With the end of the strife comes a timid but beautiful spring, and perhaps the promise of a new beginning for all of us.

How did all of this happen? Where did these two saviors come from? Some wags in Everfree may speak as if they fell out of the heaven, bolts from the blue, but we oldtimers know better. We know that these two were different, long ago. We know where they have been, where they were going, and what they were about.

They were vagrants once. Peculiarities of lore and magic, sisters ageless and free, adventurers and travelers. They brought news and trinkets and strange but cheerful songs, and most spoke well of them. Yet they never stayed. In the records of the kings of Unicornia they arrive intermittenly, always talked of in the same ways. Flighty, but interesting. Passionate, yet strange. Wise, yet naive. In the records of a much younger Equestria, they appeared only once before now: surprise guests to the coronation of Princess Platinum, nine days after her uncle, the Usurper, surrendered at Ghastly Gorge.

Where were they, all the rest of that time? Hundreds of years are missing.

Well. For my part, I do not know the whole tale, but I can tell a fragment of it. It is perhaps the most important fragment.

Have you ever wondered how the Alicorn Sisters first touched the heavens? Many have. I know how, and if you'll stay with me awhile, perhaps you too shall learn. Perhaps you'll hear it whispering in the Song beneath our hooves even before I open my mouth. If you endure.


This is an official call. Submit your character for a campaign using the Aspirations of Harmony system, DM'd by yours truly! The story is based in the canon backstory/mythos of The Night is Passing and deals with Celestia and Luna's trip past Jannah into the True West and the Farther Shore to fulfill their destinies over a thousand years before Twilight is born.

At the moment, I am looking for Concepts. There are two players already, and the three of us will pick two possibly three players to join us. We will be playing Fridays, starting around 5:30-6PM Central time and ending usually between 9:30-10:00PM. Depending.

If you're unfamiliar with AoH.

Races: Any tribe of Pony, From Crystal to Bat, and all those silly normal kinds in between. Griffons are acceptable. Dragons are right out unless you can really REALLY make a great case, but probs not.

Setting: The world is younger, but not completely wild. Equestria is very, very new and Queen Platinum is just entering old age. In fact, Equestria is mostly limited to the center of the map. The north is dominated by a network of city states and small republics, referred to mostly as the Old Country, and it is from here that the Equestrians' migrated. (Cities: Manehattan, Albia, Hoofington, Trotsany, Trottingham, Vanhoover) Further north are the Northern Cities and the Empire of Crystal. The Northern Cities are related in some ways to their southern equine brethern but speak a different tongue. (Stalliongrad, Lunangrad, Hoofsky, Archangel). To the South is the Zebrahara and its vast but much weakened empire, torn by civil war. To the east, over the ocean, one finds griffons and perhaps other races. To the west? No one is sure.

The world is harsher than it is when Nightmare Moon returns but it is not absolutely savage. Ponies are generally decent, if not always cheerful, and even in the less civilized parts there is still at least the idea of common decency. That doesn't stop the bandits from robbing you, of course! It just makes them less likely to murder in the process.

Your character can be from just about any background, but it would be better to keep a few things in mind. Firstly, Celestia and Luna are both more carefree and a lot wilder than they are in the show at this point (they're younger, you could say!) but they are still forces of good and will not accept a companion who is evil. They are more comfortable with lawless but good hearted sorts at this point then perhaps they will later be when they themselves are the Law, and are best described as Chaotic Good to Neutral Good. Knowledge of them in this part of the world is limited at best, and they are more stories than flesh.

Finally: while the setting is a thousand years or more in the past, technology has waxed and waned. Celestia's interference in the rebuilding after the Schism with her sister hampered Equestrian technology for a few centuries. At this stage, they are somewhere abouts what we would consider 16th century technology in some areas and almost to the 18th in others. Inventors and scientists are starting to hypothesize that steam power may become important, and the Empire fielded cannons in its last campaign of pacification against the Northern Tribes.

If you have experience with any systems tabletop-wise, please say so! But write your "application" as creatively and interestingly as you can. Do your best!

Comments ( 6 )

Submit here or in PMs, Cyne?

4003537 PMs preferred!

Regrettably, that time slot is filled for me. I hope somepony decides to do mad science in my stead!

Will the record of play be collected into a story eventually?

4004058 in debating whether it'll be a story-story or released as campaign write up!

Sounds really neat! Wish I could join. Not that I'm not up for something like this, but I'm afraid my schedule just doesn't line up.

Have fun though!

Oof. The schedule's not necessarily a dealbreaker, but it's inconvenient. And I'd have to do a lot of catch-up reading, both in system and setting, to get a character created. Plus summer Ultimate Frisbee league literally just yesterday started and that eats up an extra two nights per week. I may end up having to sit this one out.

Still hella interested, but put me on the second tier and poke me if the stars don't align for two other players to round out your group.

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