• Member Since 19th Aug, 2015
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Equinox Starshifter

Hello, I am a fan of MLP:FiM and have decided to read here and enjoy all the many stories. I also have alot of plot ponies running in my head. Anyways I hope to share'em. All will be well.

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Update! Chapter 24-26 · 9:13pm Jun 14th, 2016

Ok as you all may or may not know, I have been working on the next three chapters in the series all at once. Mostly cause the next few ones will be important and I am trying to untangle a few knots in the story outlines. This is an update to let you know the progress of them and such.

Chapter 24 Outline: 90%
Chapter 25 Outline: 35-60% (Still debating to myself on a certain point)
Chapter 26 Outline: 15%...maybe (Its hard to put a % on a chapter that may change rapidly based on what I change in the outline of the chapter before hand so 15% will have to do for a rough estimate.)

Well there you all go, remember I most likely wont update till all three are ready but you all will get three chapters in a row of goodness...well what I hope is goodness. So thank you for your patience once again.

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